Rugby league is a disgrace

By redbur95 / Roar Rookie

Never in my life have I been so disgusted with the world of rugby league as this week.

The problems began in the 28th minute of State of Origin Game 1, when Josh Reynolds lifted Brent Tate so that his head dipped below his waist and ankles.

As soon as it took place, I knew (hand on heart) Reynolds would not be suspended. At least not from Game 2.

After the soft punishments handed out to Greg Bird, Tariq Sims and Apisai Koroisau, I had no reason to suspect the NRL would finally put its foot down and say that enough was enough.

After the horrific Alex McKinnon incident, Todd Greenberg made some strong statements: “We are lowering the threshold for a dangerous tackle charge”, and “We want [the match review panel] to police it ruthlessly”.

No worries, Todd. Just make some grand statements, saying that “there now is clarity and consistency” and everyone will forget how nothing has changed. Everyone will forget what could happen in these tackles and only focus on the outcome.

This was a golden opportunity for the NRL to start leading the way in player protection. No longer would there be any conspiracy theories about match review panel and judiciary bias. Instead, the fans, journalists, players and administrators are more confused than ever.

That Josh Reynolds isn’t even missing a club game makes me absolutely sick. Sick because some are saying that because Brent Tate wasn’t seriously hurt and Beau Scott “had control of him”, Reynolds deserved to walk away without a serious punishment.

Using that reasoning is like saying that I did nothing wrong because I drove past a primary school at 100 kilometres an hour and no one got hurt.

We should not be judging the severity of offences by their outcomes. This is the sort of caveman mentality that has plagued rugby league since Dally Messenger first played for Eastern Suburbs in 1908.

The real reason I am so disgusted with rugby league this week is the way the Reynolds tackle has been used as a medium to defend Josh himself and attack Brent Tate and Queensland.

Yes, Benny Elias, I am looking at you. The same Benny Elias who came to the conclusion that Queenslanders are using the Reynolds tackle as an excuse for their loss on Wednesday night.

“These Queenslanders, they just don’t know how to be graceful in defeat,” Elias told The Daily Telegraph.

“C’mon, just once, act with some class, a little humility. I’ve been around rugby league, around sport, a long, long time now and I’ve never known anyone to whinge in defeat quite like the QRL. It’s embarrassing.”

Those are some of the most disrespectful words I have ever heard. Not once have I heard a Queenslander claim they were robbed of victory on Wednesday night by a ref’s bad call or that New South Wales didn’t deserve their win. QRL chairman Peter Betros said they were unhappy with the ruling by the judiciary but accept it.

I ask you, Benny, is it reasonable to question whether or not a player who has committed the exact sort of offence that we know can cause serious injury should be allowed to escape suspension?

Meanwhile, Steve ‘Blocker’ Roach used these same events to criticise the integrity of both Queensland and Brent Tate:

“I saw where Tatey came out saying he had never been in a more frightening place or whatever – please…

“In fact, I’d go as far as to say there were a lot more dangerous things take place in that game. Some of the stuff around the ruck – knees, elbows, little headbutts – but this is a game of Origin football, it’s supposed to be hard.”

Changing the subject is the oldest trick in the book, Blocker. Also, questioning whether or not Brent Tate was really scared is an extremely low act.

As long as rugby league continues to let passion get in the way of common sense, we can have no hope of just sitting down and enjoying the game we all love.

These cowardly comments and actions by show an absolutely appalling state of affairs. As long as this sort of rubbish continues to go on, rugby league has no right to call itself the greatest game of all.

The Crowd Says:




Couldn't agree more!!!!




Yeah great analogy, for exaggeration purposes anyway. I'll add to it for you though. What would he be charged with? Speeding, negligent driving? Probably lose his licence. What about if a kid stepped out and was killed? Would he still only lose his licence? The outcome is taken into consideration! Yes Reybolds done the wrong thing, and copped a Grade 1 lifting charge. Comparing it to the McKinnon tackle is just stupid.




He wasn't on the field when he said it, had plenty of time to think about it.




This comment is awaiting moderation???




I was not allowed to comment about one columnist on the roar. Because refs and the judiciary stuffs up for about 20 years, just not with Reynolds lifting tackle. It will be forgeton in 3 weeks time. So relax and have a pill to chill ha ha




You obviously didn't take heed of what I think is the best metaphor I've ever seen - "Saying that a player hasn’t done anything wrong because no one got hurt is a bit like saying that I did nothing wrong because I drove past a primary school at 100 km/h and no one got hurt." It's that simple really. Injuries will happen, but when a tackle which is CLEARLY not regulation presents a real risk of spinal injury, that is what needs to be discouraged.



Roar Guru

You don't think the fact that Bennett's own player was involved influenced his comment? Bennett only speaks when there is an agenda on his mind and he has done it again.



Roar Guru

I would have used these scenarios eagle jack: 1. I punch a guy in the face, he falls back and my two mates catch him 2. I punch a guy in the face, he falls back and my two mates can't control him falling back, he falls and does serious damage



Roar Guru

That is some of the best dribble I have ever read Edward Kelly. Congratulations.




yeah ok, Im sure fans who truly follow the sport and not some wannabe bandwagoners get turned off by what the hierarchy are doing. Whatever..move along.


marayong tiger




Cathar Treize

Roar Guru

Finally have some time to post. Been out of it for a while. Time to take the trash out ;)




It's one of those difficult things isn't it WQ. I wouldn't mind seeing a system where after 3 infringments a player is sent. Especially with the conceding penalties for holding down players on the goal line. My opinion is it comes close to a professional foul as players are impeded from scoring a try. I think 2 infringements with dangerous lifting tackles (i.e. lifting over the horizontal) should be enough to have someone from the offending team sent. I think there was some discussion on here not too long ago about introducing a 5 minute bin or a period in the bin until a try is scored against the offending team for these type of indiscretions. I think that is a good idea as it results in a team being penalised but not necessarily having a try scored against them. Then again this is all pie in the sky stuff. I hardly think it will be implemented.




You're on fire Cathar, kicking goals everywhere!


Cathar Treize

Roar Guru

It's called "time to use alternative sources to the media". I get my news off official NRL, Origin sites etc. It is no coincidence these social media outlets had record visits as people are sick of their so called version of the game. Origin 1 was brilliant & tough at the same time but that wasn't important according to newsltd which has seen an opportunity to create more bitterness toward the game. Thankfully we have new social media outlets to follow the game.


Cathar Treize

Roar Guru

Is this Marcus the AFL fan? Please who cares about your friends. They must be based in Nauru given the ratings for origin 1 on TV.




Fair point, maybe they could also add after the 2nd penalty for lifting in the same game by the same Team somebody goes to the bin?




For Brent Tate to bring Alex Mckinnons situation into the argument was a deliberate attempt to sway the judiciary. Before abusing his situation and saying things like "don't want to end up like him", he should stop and think about Alex. There's are right time for comments like that - to his mates, wife or the judiciary - all behind closed doors.... Not infront of the cameras before Reynolds hearing. I agree that Reynolds should have missed 1 game - so perhaps the points system needs to be reviewed. Too many variables with carry over points etc. - if there's a dangerous throw grade 1 - 1 week. Dangerous throw grade 2 - 2 weeks etc. simplify it. Queenslanders will always feel hard done by - same as NSW do. That's passion. But you've got to know when enoughs enough. Even Brent Tate knew this when he wouldn't comment on it after the cowboys game. So all the QLD'rs on here - let it go. We already let the terrible reffing decisions go....


Shouts Chen


So many injuries, fights, suspensions? Whats going on with the bloody media?




Couldn't agree more with your article, even friends and family of mine are starting to turn off NRL because the hierarchy rush out in the media to make all sorts of grandiose comments, then don't follow up. The dangerous tackles going un penalised plus the inconsistency with the obstruction rules are destroying the game. Sure SOO rated highly on TV but so many of those viewers only watch 2 or 3 games a year, the bread and butter NRL fan is turning off the game and if things don't get fixed the new TV rights deal will be heavily discounted.

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