Origin 2: NSW Blues player ratings

By Dane Eldridge / Expert

Taps were bled dry from the Tweed all the way down to Albury last night as the New South Wales Blues finally ended their Origin torment with a nail-biting 6-4 win over the Maroons.

Here are the player ratings for the victors.

(And be sure to check out the Queensland player ratings.)

Jarryd Hayne – 8
While unable to reproduce the heroics of Game 1, he was still paranoia material for the Maroons. Ran for 110 metres in the first half despite a timely bout of match-eve squirts. Along with an entire state, cried tears of combined joy and abdominal discomfort at full time.

Will Hopoate – 6
Showed tidiness at the back despite a lack of front-foot ball. Toiled defiantly when down 50 per cent an arm in the second half. We’ll blame the halftime needle and say it was from Cronulla’s off-site shed.

Michael Jennings – 6
Like game one, was again starved of a hearty feed of leather but looked dangerous when given the chance. Somehow managed to control himself from jobbing Justin Hodges despite his opposite’s night of ubiquitous hyper-pest work.

Josh Dugan – 7
Prevented a spike in Laurie Daley effigy sales by playing an impressive game out of position. Was an Austrian alpine skier with his mazy runs and somehow ended the night without the foot imprints of Greg Inglis on his dial.

Daniel Tupou – 7
Made a telling carry late in the game and even got himself a split nose and some coveted Origin claret for the pool room. Despite his reputation as an aerial highlights man, has proven he can do the tough stuff in the furnace too.

Josh Reynolds – 5
Had a mixed bag of a night. Reynolds’ disjointed attacking moves were tempered with a clutch kick to force a repeat set in the last ten minutes. However, all of his troubles were forgotten the moment Johnathan Thurston gave him a kiss.

Trent Hodkinson – 6
Spent his week sipping green tea and snuggling up with ‘Grubby’ Reynolds and Robbie Farah in their Coffs hotel room. Spent the first half snuggled in behind the scrimmage. Finally ran the ball in the last ten minutes and voila, there’s the series clinching try!

Paul Gallen – 9
This man should’ve been born a Queenslander. He has got the smarts of two heads, the motor of two hearts and the stats of two men. 24 runs, 35 tackles and one long-awaited Origin title. He’s the man – as well as the man of the match.

Robbie Farah – 7
Spent the early stages stuck halfway up the bad leg of Daly Cherry-Evans and the rest of the game tackling his backside off.

Aaron Woods – 8
The Balmain Massive was simply that – massive. He had a massive opening and made some massive tracks in the second half. Did his massive chest touch the massive Queensland restart late in the game? Probably, but only because it’s so massive.

Ryan Hoffman – 7
Mr Reliable. Ran some testing lines in the gridlock of the first half and then locked down in defence when the teams got tipsy in the second. Thoroughly deserves the maiden interstate boast he’s sure to deliver to his shield-hogging Storm teammates when he returns to club duties.

Beau Scott – 6
Didn’t fire too many shots in attack but still made 29 tackles in his first game as the surprise choice for Queensland’s new target as the opposition ‘tough man.’

Greg Bird – 7
Notice how the regularity of spot-fires on a football field increases whenever Dirty Birdy straps on a boot? There’s something about this man’s presence that just compels the hasty arrangement of an undercard.

James Tamou – 6
Was thrown in to a ruck that was like a sandpit of super-glue in the first half and wasn’t able to bring his usual heat, however showed some innovation by forearming Nate Myles in the first tackle back after oranges.

Anthony Watmough – 6
Another one of the old brigade that can finally hang up the zimmer frame now that he’s finally got one over his fiercest rival, Daly Cherry-Evans.

Trent Merrin – 6
Five runs and 11 tackles isn’t going to get you a cheque inside a flimsy envelope emblazoned with a logo, but he doesn’t care. He just won an Origin series and his girlfriend is hotter than yours.

Luke Lewis – 6
Was again given limited minutes but produced his usual fare of titanium toughness and reliability. As the only man to have tasted sweet Origin chocolate, will shine best in the post-match festivities as the only man who knows the team song.

The Crowd Says:




I can take the loss but what I can't stand is this old 'Phil Gould' type tactics! slow the opposition around the ruck & you get a quick play the ball or even better a penalty! quite boring really with no imagination, creativity or excitement and very predictable I thought the modern game was a bit more entertaining but Wednesday night & Game 1 took me back 10-15 years! If I wanted to do that I would have bought an old SOO DVD!



Roar Rookie

Plus one


Jack Henry


Hoffman 10, MOTM. The Gallen award was purely poltiical - and, unfortunately, patently obvious.


Jack Henry


Oh dear. Let's not do that please. Maybe when he's won at least 4 MOM awards, but at the moment, these sorts of comments set us up for ridicule...I just remember Bozo The Clown Fulton saying the same thing about Greg Bird...


Jack Henry


Yeah I agree. I just about fell off the couch when I saw him take that tap. Jury's out for me in JR. I think he works compliments TH well (who I rate quite highly) and his attitude and hunger are 5 stars. And, out of all the 5/8ths we have, he is probably the most obvious pick. Personally though, he's not my kind of 5/8th. I just really wish Todd Carney or, more to the point , John Sutton, had Reynolds' attitude and mental toughness.


The eye


The Blues won,he twice played the game that Laurie hoped for in keeping JT pretty quiet and that alone went a long way in winning this series..But I do think you are over crediting him with those 2 moments.In the 1st one Gallen,who scrambled back hard,grabbed Cherrys shoulder slightly,unbalancing him away from the ball,before Reynolds,who was already there,got his foot to it,is the unseen hero there. Secondly that would have been nothing but a poor kick if not saved by Jennings who jumped out of the ground to nail Hodgo in goal..So,although I really believe Maloney is a more talented player,strongly doubt that he could have fulfilled that assignment in nullifying the reigning best player in the world the way 'Grubby' did...and that final head butt pretty well acknowledged it.Well done !




I would give Hoffman a 10, he was enormous, especially in the the second half and did not make a single error. Gal was great but lost possession a couple of times in good field position so my MOTM is definitely Hoffman...




Nope at worst it would have resulted in a QLD try if a grubber was deflected or scooped up. The Blues backed there defense and it worked...




NSW won this game because of some crucial moments and despite J Reynolds making a few errors he was involved in two of those moments. The first was when he kicked the DCE grubber dead just before the first half and the second was when he forced a drop out in the final ten after an awful pass that lead to the Blues only try and ultimately victory...


Alex L

Roar Rookie

Thought Hoffman surely deserved an 8 for that performance, he was massive for the Blues -- big metres, lots of tackles, didn't give away penalties, and his decoy run when Hodkinson scored was a big factor.


Ur kidding


I love how the qld supporters bag the ref when they lose but don't when they win. & they comb thru every second of the game looking for refereeing mistakes to justify their loss. -- Comment from The Roar's iPhone app.




at worst a 20m restart and zero tackle




at least a couple of his passes that went down were the fault of the receiver as well.


john badseed


The new Wally…Immortal status next.


Charles NSW


Spot on and I think it was an instruction from the coach just pass and kick when necessary. Now they have won more work can be done on their attack.


john badseed


Hindsight- Easts gave him the same rating after last years Grand Fiasco.




Hahahaha. I bet you were complaining about the referees after game1 as well.




Farah did well and injected himself when our inexperienced halves weren't performing. He outplayed cam smith.




Me too mate very soiled in defence.




Mate if NSW lost Reynolds would be getting hammered today. No doubt in the world! If he didn't take that quick tap we could have kicked then converted that penalty later right in front and it could have been 4-4. Numerous drop balls putting us under the pump. Did well saving the try sure.

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