The Blues are not worthy, send the Maroons to Auckland

By Dane Eldridge / Expert

No, really, I’m fine. Just because I continue discussing the subject as I rock back and forth in the corner crying out for mother, I am totally at ease with last Wednesday’s State of Origin thumping at the hands of Queensland.

No need for the nurse. I promise this will be the last of it I speak. That’s the orders from my shrink, anyway.

As we all know, step one on the path to healing is to down two Panadols with a Woodstock can and then purge, so in light of this it’s time to crack one, bow down and call a spade a spade. Albeit with haemorrhoid-like discomfort.

Deep breath, and go.

This current Queensland side from the last 10 years of my time on the red couch is not potentially the greatest team of all time, it is the greatest time of all time. This is not hyperbole, this is just as factual as fact gets.

If you disagree, I implore you to ask yourself: who the heck would beat them?

Outside of anything employing an open cheque book, barrels of Eastern European PEDs or the fair dinkum human assembly of a Supercoach side, I can’t think of any squad of superhumans who could push them to the line.

In my opinion, they would beat the 11-peat Dragons in the SCG slop, the back-to-back Broncos on a September SFS and the Invincibles, Unbeatables, Unstoppables and Untoppables on a foggy skidpan with 30-centimetre in-goals, and then show off on the way home by rolling the All Blacks and solving the global warming crisis while waiting for a taxi at the airport.

As you can tell, I am convinced. However, there is one flaw in this ballsy call. The sample of evidence only includes the cruel swamping of a singular opposition. And this is the problem.

The Maroons have built their reputation and resplendent record on spanking only one team, albeit they’ve been repeated lashings like those administered to a red-headed step-child.

No prizes for guessing here. A hint: they’re beaten black and Blue.

Even though I’ve invoiced them for my anti-depressants, I want to make it clear I am proud and respectful of my virtuous New South Wales boys. They are the cream of the state, the south’s finest harvest from the last decade and a compilation of talent that is certainly nothing to sneeze at.

Make no bones, I love youse all. Like a brother. Just one that’s been lapped by 50, that’s all.

However, what I’m angling at is that I would love to see this AAA-grade Maroon playing group tested as best they could be in the current era against someone other than the team that is the constant air in their tyres.

They can’t play Australia, they can’t play themselves and they can’t play a club side. So why not play the current New Zealand side as the next-best ultimate test?

Yes, its OK if your mouth is salivating, because this idea is primo.

There is no other obvious option to settle this. The current Four Nations side, the same one who has taken on and humbled an Australian side containing many of the current Maroon crop, would be one great way to test out just how freaking phenomenal this Queensland side really can be.

And why not ramp it up a few notches? Schedule the game in Auckland, making this examination even more difficult.

Better yet, what about Dunedin? After three days of downpour in a sludge-pit? When it’s three degrees? Barefoot and using a deflated ball?

OK, maybe not, but you get what I’m saying. Put this blue-chip group under the heat lamp away from Suncorp. I’m sure this trophy-stacked team would love to test their mettle in such a manner. Can you imagine the bouts?

Cameron Smith versus Issac Luke. Cooper Cronk versus Shaun Johnson. Greg Inglis versus a direct opposite dependent on Billy Slater’s availability.

Don’t stop dreaming. What about Jesse Bromwich versus Matt Scott? And Corey Parker arcing-up for respect from Simon Mannering, and him responding with a ‘gut f***’.

Obviously, player burnout, scheduling, logistics, yada would all conspire to stop this coming to fruition. Because, you know, modern footy.

But what would happen if they met?

Could the Kiwis tap in to the groove they usually find over the length of a tournament? Would Queensland lose their edge against an opposition they don’t detest to their guts? How much money could the NRL make that could be shelled out to the NSWRL?

Personally, as long as it happens, I don’t care about these questions. Except about the last one, of course, because my state needs some kind of wind turbine that can assist with field position issues.

Despite it requiring another occasion involving the unholy spectating of Queensland’s painful quality, I would love to see this ‘test’ take place. Perhaps just slam it in to the end of the year, the pre-season, or even Christmas Day at midnight? I’ll drink for it.

Nobody can doubt it would be a dead-set money-printing league spectacle, plus it would help me deal with my sweats.

As for the outcome? I have no bloody idea.

Lucky this is an opinion site frequented by some of the game’s greatest minds, so let’s discuss.

The Crowd Says:


Jay C

Roar Guru

Nom nom nomn no mno no o non n on on ono mnono nonommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm




Who gets into a full strength mixed team? Aside those you mentioned, you can add Shaun Johnson (yes, really), Ben Matulino, Jason Taumalolo, either Kiwi winger (just one) and Simon Mannering. An argument can also be made for even more forwards from the Kiwi pack (Moa? Proctor?), as well as Dean Whare or even Tuivasa-Sheck, the way he is playing.


At work

Roar Rookie

Bring back the Super League tri-series I'm hearing Hmm, this could solve many problems around scheduling...




Matt didn't mention the word "dynasty" Also, being a "dynasty" does not give your team super powers to beat another team.




In contrast to 2012 Jay when the big 3 still had plenty of spark.


Jay C

Roar Guru

They lost 2 finals matches? Ok. Sure. It's not like anyone else has ever lost a finals match and gone on to play for Australia. You have completely lost me Muzz.




Here's your 'basis" Jay. Also,no one really cares who was running 2nd after 16 rounds. The primary goal is to win the comp!




they don't, it's just the pack that has been selected.get rid of the fat lump that is aaron woods. (crumbles against big packs) klemmer doesn't deserve to be in the side. Gallen is lucky to even be selected after the barage he has given the nrl over the past couple of years, not to mention being a drug cheat




they wouldn't as good if they were from NSW


Jay C

Roar Guru

Muzz. Take the glasses off buddy. Storm were sitting in second until they lost their fullback for the season and their halfback for several games. I don't think too many teams would be doing well under those circumstances. I'm all for wildly inaccurate hyperbole but you have to have some basis.


Jay C

Roar Guru

Muzz, I don't disagree that we need to see a path for change. Hopefully with Shim Teens out the door we can get someone in with a plan. Toovey maybe? I think you are barking up the wrong tree with Cronk though. My vision for replacement is a bit more gentle and involves bringing a backup hooker onto the bench (Possible Hunt/Friend), allowing Smith a rest and providing a bit of spark. Cronk's playing style says to me that he will probably play the longest. I wouldn't be surprised if he and Smith both play in the next World Cup Slater and Thurston are very close. I can't see either playing past next years Origin Series. Inglis will slot into fullback and the best performing of the Origin Centres will take his place. Likely Jennings, possibly Dugan. It will be leaders rather than positions that we lack in the short term. It is ridiculous in some ways that we don't have a test series this year because we really need to be blooding some youngsters.




Fittler was 28 at the time and in his prime.Smith is now 32 and will be 33 when we next play NZ.The age of a number of regular players has plenty to do with why Australia is now ranked number 2 in the world and also why the Storm are no longer a dominate force in the NRL. The Origin 3 stitch up has given you a false sense of security VOR.Take the time to watch the 4N and the last Test between AU vs NZ again.




Players who were just nights ago central to the biggest Origin winning margin should be replaced in the National team. Hear yourself Muzz....this is like me saying Brad Fittler should of been swapped out in 2000 after the NSW Grenadier demolition job. God only knows how vocal you might have been had NSW won the series...but they didn't. Let it go.




Muzz, it is a response to a forum dominated by Southern inflation...pure and doesn't exist without the other. Check yourself too mate. ;)




I'm not blaming Cronk, Jay All i'm saying is that it's time for change.




Nah mate, Kiwis love Queensland. That's why so many of us live there, crowd the stadia when our teams come over and keep the economy afloat. As far as your SOO team is concerned. It's only a state side. You only beat one team, and only by 2-1, and lucky to do that. At least your Queensland Reds rugby team played a whole competition with opposition from three Tier 1 nations to take out the Super Rugby competition and congratulations to them. At least they had the humility to know their place and not pigheadedly demand to play the All Blacks. You SOO guys should learn from them and from the recent internationals played, especially the last one when you had your full commitment of QLD & NSW best players available Billy and we smashed you. This isn't about feeding your ego.




Seriously though ZG; the NZRFU propped up the ARU when Aussie rugby was on the brink of extinction in the late 1970s. We came over to play you on your home grounds so you could raise some money and brought OUR Bledisloe Cup out of the cupboard to put on display for all Aussies to see . You guys paid us back by kicking our butts and keeping OUR cup for a few years after that. How un Australian is that eh ?????




Its a reciprocal relationship isn't it ZG. You provide the excellent training facilities and we provide the quality talent - and the bums on seats to fill the stadia when Kiwi teams come to town - that's fair isn't it ?? !! ???




You are right again Kev. Lol Sadly tho, the missus is white, and Aussie too so I get hammered with a double whammy. And to make it worse, she's a Blues supporter, born and bred Sydneysider - how un-Kiwi is that ? We use to live in Brisbane but the missus complained that she thought she was in south Auckland there are so many Kiwis down there. But I felt right at home bro, right at home. Especially at the Kiwis, Warriors and All Blacks home ground, Sun Corp Stadium. Go the Quee NZlanders !!




Daley and Gallen talked specifically about creating a Blues Dynasty after Game 2. Simply google it and watch their media conferences whilst at Camp! Not being aware doesn't mean it's not true. Before you said you did bandwagoned them after Game 2, now you're saying QLD were the more motivated team to win? I think you've confused yourself.

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