The Rio Olympics' watersport venue is a toilet

By kazblah / Roar Guru

Remember that Seinfeld episode where Kramer swims in the East River and an onlooker mistakes him for a dead body on the grounds that no one would be stupid enough to swim in such fetid waters? That’s next year’s Olympics.

Not to put too fine a point on it but nearly 1400 sailors, rowers, kayakers, windsurfers, triathletes and marathon swimmers will be competing in a toilet.

The state of Rio’s waterways is no secret – around 70 per cent of the crap people flush down their loos ends up in the water.

Still, no one knew quite how bad the problem was until Associated Press did some viral testing. Not the International Olympic Committee or the International Sailing Federation, out of concern for their athletes’ health, but Associated Press.

The tests found waterborne viruses in concentrations similar to that found in raw sewage. Athletes in these events will literally be in the poo.

Not one of the water venues was found safe for swimming or boating. The concentration of nasties was up to 1.7 million times the level that would cause concern on a Californian beach.

Competitors ingesting even a small amount of water have a 99 per cent chance of infection, the remaining one per cent no doubt a statistical anomaly should someone inexplicably emerge from the water with a clean bill of health.

“It’s a latrine,” said one Brazilian biologist. Says the virologist who conducted the tests: “The quantity of faecal matter entering the waterbodies in Brazil is extremely high.”

Or as Kenny would say, “There is a smell down here that will outlast religion.”

Already many sailors have succumbed to headaches, dizziness, stomach cramps, fevers, skin rashes, infections, vomiting and diarrhoea after training in Guanabara Bay. Some have required hospitalisation.

As part of Rio’s winning bid, authorities promised to clean up the waterways but now say there won’t be enough time. They’re washing their hands of the problem. Just not in Guanabara Bay.

Instead, there will be a fleet of eco-boats on hand to pick up rubbish near the competition areas. That might be okay for dealing with the beds, couches, TVs, washing machines, cars, dead animals – and in some cases human bodies – that sailors have crashed into on their travels.

But it doesn’t solve the problem of being up sh*t creek, with or without a paddle – depending on their chosen sport.

Athletes are being advised not to open their mouths or swallow the water and to close their eyes if they end up in the drink. All very practical in the heat of competition.

They’re instructed to wash their faces with bottled water if they get splashed by waves and to shower as soon as they return to shore. Other measures include carrying antiseptic mouthwash and hand sanitiser, sealing water bottles in zip-lock bags, and sterilising oars with bleach.

British sailors have been told to drink Coke if they swallow any water – convenient for the long-time Olympic sponsor.

Yet, for all that, Brazilian and IOC officials say everything will be hunky dory. Maybe we should line them all up for a photo opportunity, each with their own beaker of drinking water from Guanabara Bay.

As one rower noted of the typical victory celebration that follows a gold medal paddle: “I don’t think in this lake they’ll be throwing the coxswain into the water.”

And at least they get to go home afterwards.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Pro

This reminds me of the pollution back in Beijing but only like a thousand times worse. It is sad, sad prospect for the athletes that competing at the Olympics could actually be a serious threat to their health.




In the unlikely event that the olympic games are discontinued, how many people will be upset?




Beggars can't be choosers. Hardly anyone wants the expense of hosting the Olympics any more and the number of bidders is steadily declining.




Piranhas don't just attack anything. You can stand in a pool with thousands of them and they will leave you alone. But when there is flesh, blood, distess... say goodbye lol.




it is a farce 13th Man. And such a shame as Brazil is an amazing country. to reiterate the jist of the article, one of the unsavoury everlasting memories i have of Rio is the pungent smell of urine .... everywhere! it was like the fifth element ... or maybe sixth element?! and that was back in 2000! regarding Piranhas. we swam in the waters with them. and in smaller bodies of water than the amazon and they are fine. it is a slight misconception about their feeding habits. just don't be caught in a very very small pond with a lot of them ;) the problem is the Amazon is actually quite far from Rio. If they head south to Paraci the ocean waters are a lot cleaner




Sympathies with the athletes taking part. This is a disgrace


13th Man


so many issues that Brazil have. These games are a farce. They might have to do the triathlon in the pool! But other events have to go ahead. I don't know Brazil well at all (never been there) but are there any cleaner alternatives for the open water events? I know the Amazon has too many man eating Piranhas and other fish in it to be a viable option.



Roar Guru

This is why third world dumps like Brazil should never be given games like this.


Harvey Wilson

Roar Rookie

How can a venue be selected as host on the condition that something is cleaned up. It is different when something needs building, it will be new when done. But environmental cleanup and changing locals personal habits won't change in the short term for an event and probably not ever. I feel sorry for the athletes having to compete in that place. Should have just had it in downtown Iraq, sounds just as life threatening.

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