WATCH: Two French female footballers show the men how to really fight

By Roar TV / Roar Guru

Forget about fighting like a man, fight like a woman!

In the French women’s league, Rouen’s Maude Perchey and Bordeaux’s Eva Sumo had an almighty blue that puts their male counterparts to shame.

The pair held nothing back as they went at each other with neither yielding, before they were eventually separated by their teammates.

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The Crowd Says:



Roar Guru

Imagine if this fight happened in the A-league...




Are you new to this country? Nothing more true blue than a bit of biff. Second in Aussie-ness only to blaming it all on alcohol.




I think you're reading too much into this Kaks. Very, very much tongue in cheek i would say, especially with 'really'. The, not so, subliminal message is 'if you fight on a pitch you look like a goose no matter who you are'. No glorification whatsoever imo.



Roar Guru

Im sorry but is the headline necessary? Is glorifying a fight between anyone - even two women - necessary?

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