In knocking Warne, Samuels shows his double standards

By David Lord / Expert

West Indian batsman Marlon Samuels is a complex character.

There’s no doubting his ability, although he has never really realised his true potential because he’s a ‘jack-man’, usually playing for himself.

And that’s where he’s come into Shane Warne’s cross-hairs.

So it was no surprise when television commentator Warne gave Samuels plenty of stick, and rightfully so, during the West Indies tour of Australia last summer.

The vastly experienced Samuels scratched out a mere 35 runs in the three Tests to average 7.00 and fielded as though he was on a Caribbean beach sipping a cocktail – and Warne didn’t miss.

Nor did Warne miss in the T20 World Cup semi against the Black Caps when Samuels was backing away from short-pitched deliveries, Warne stopping just short of calling Samuels a coward.

Samuels gave Warne more ammo when the West Indian sledged England paceman Ben Stokes bowling the last over of the final with the Windies requiring 17 to win.

And Samuels’ sledging rose by the ball as Carlos Braithwaite unleashed 6, 6, 6, 6, off the first four deliveries, and the Windies were home.

At the World Cup presentation Samuels cut loose on Warne.

Samuels was receiving his man-of-the-match award for his unbeaten 85, his highest score in 46 internationals, having survived a caught behind decision from the third umpire on 27. It was arguably a match-winning reversal or the Windies would have been 4-37.

Samuels was angry when he spat out “Every day Shane Warne has a problem with me, I’ve never respected him.

“Maybe because my face is real, and his face is not?’.

The last comment is a bit deep, was it because Samuels’ face is on television while he’s batting, and Warne’s face is not while commentating?

Whatever the meaning, there’s a double message for Marlon Samuels.

How about giving your all to the West Indies at all times instead of tanking when it gets tough, and if you must sledge don’t spit the dummy when there’s retaliation.

If it’s too hot in the kitchen, put on your swimmers and sun-screen and sip cocktails.

The Crowd Says:




I,m so sorry David Lord, but in my humble opinion this is one of the worst cricket related articles I've ever read. Surly a writer with your experience, can understand the simple quote he made. Or did u just make up stories for pure jealousy. I beg you to read the last few para's you've written alone by yourself. I bet you'd feel embarrass. Lol 'tanking when it gets tough " are u kidding me? He just played an innings of a lifetime, to win his NATION A WORLD CUP, and he did it TWICE. It's perfectly all right for sports writers to have opinions about sporting personnels, like I'm doing right now. But this is garbage, and clearly indicates that you know very little about cricket or Marlon Samuals as a person. You've just made false statements for the sake of it. Next time please do your research before writing articles like these. People who are close to him will prolly reveal his one of the best blokes in the cricketing world. Please don't judge people, just by looking at them. For example , that infamous night at MCG, ( when Shane Warne decided to abuse, pull his shirt, and hit him with a ball, for absolutely no reason) and he got hit on the eye which left him partally blind for two weeks. One would think after reading this article that he spent the 3 years after that dreadful night, getting back at Warner and his haters. But no! The eye injury that night inspired him to form his own charity foundation to support the blind and visually impaired. That's the real marlon Samuals for u. The bloke who will enter cricketing folklore for single handedly scripting two WORLD CUP FINAL WINS from absolutely nothing.




Not sure of the relevance Dirk. There have been spats between players, on the field, since cricket began but Ive never heard a commentator bag people out like Warne does. He obviously holds a grudge forever and is not clever enough to know what is and isnt appropriate. I really hope you are now "enlightened" Dirk but if you didnt see it before then I have my doubts you will see that now


Giovanni Torre


"having survived a caught behind decision from the third umpire on 27. It was arguably a match-winning reversal or the Windies would have been 4-37." Sure but it is worth noting it was an obviously grassed catch and it was shocking for Buttler to appeal for it... especially knowing there'd be a video review!



Roar Rookie

Since when can moderators change what I was saying?



Roar Guru

David, Warne has been pursing an irrationally bitter campaign against Samuels for several years now for god knows what reason. We all know Warne has zero class, but his pettiness really is astonishing, and so frankly Samuels is well within his rights to return serve and what better time to do it than when you've just conquered the world?




Oh really? Can't recall Warne being involved in the spat between Samuels and Ben Stokes. Please enlighten me jacko.


Dirk Armstrong

Roar Rookie

"Warne cops sledges and criticisms against him.." I had to check the date on the comment, April 5th. He's still whinging about getting dropped, more than 15 years later, when we won the test match he got dropped for. Ask Waleed Aly how he reacts when he so much as anticipates criticism. Great cricketer but very poor bloke. It's a shame that Samuels bothered to mention his name.


Warnie's Love Child


Speak for yourself.


harry helsink

Roar Rookie

There is a difference between genuine criticism and Warne using his position as a commentator to continually heap scorn upon a guy who stood up to him on the ten sports




This is so true - yet another example where you're left wondering how this guy David Lord ever gets a gig ! In my first post (and tthe first post I said... "Well . . . does it really matter ? – any of it ?" - thinking this was just another Lord puff piece, but what I missed, and the Flanker did'nt, borders on gross mis-representation ! Roar editors take note




No idea why you are defending Warne. He is just as big a knob as Samuels. The Australian cricket team has displayed poor behaviour for years and yet we make no apologies for it. Yet when Samuels displays the same poor behaviour we are only too quick to point the finger.




Guess it's a generation thing . Can't imagine anyone under 60 being bothered to take sides when some non Australian ,rightly or wrongly ,slags off Shane Warne . Warne is such a tabloid cliche after all . But I am aware that there were once people who would automatically go to the defence of a fellow Australian when there was a Australian vs Foreigner dispute no matter the rights and wrongs of the issue . Just thought that all those people had died off .




Warne going the same way as Greg Norman's public persona, we are slowly beginning to forget his cricket exploits.




Well that just means he can do practically anything in your eyes then Jameswm. Sporting idols and there fans are a real real weird lot, each to there own I guess.




Well said, when Australia sledge it's "tough cricket". When the rest of the world do it it's disgraceful and not called for. Can you not see when it comes to cricket why Australia with there arrogance through fans and commentators are so disliked. It's so bloody transparent!!


Linus Fernandes

Roar Rookie

A humorous take on the whole episode:




Being a commentator is not about using his position in front of a mike to personally attack players. Calling a batsman a coward for backing away in a T20 is rather stupid and very incorrect. All sucessful T20 players use the crease well and backing away to give yourself room is pretty much standard. Every Australian player that stays in for long enough backs away to hit over or thru the off side so are they all cowards??? No of course not.


Aussie Bokkie


Warne is a tasteless, xenophobic buffoon who happens to have been an incredibly gifted bowler. We need to stop giving the man airtime.




makes a bit of difference when its the last step.




Not true. Warne is a common denominator as well and we hear Samuals reacting not instigating

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