Remove divers from the NRL: Parker

By Scott Bailey / Wire

Brisbane captain Corey Parker has called for the NRL to remove players who stay down to milk penalties in order to discourage the act.

The topic of diving formed part of Sydney Roosters coach Trent Robinson’s Anzac Day post-match rant, in which he accused the bunker of attempting to play the role of the match-review committee.

Parker believes any player who remains down after being hit high should be forced off the ground as a deterrent based on the NRL’s concussion laws.

“I would suggest that if a player stays down because he has been hit high, wouldn’t he be having to leave the field to some degree?” Parker told Sky Sports Radio’s Big Sports Breakfast.

Parker openly criticised players who remain on the ground in an attempt to milk a penalty, and said such decisions should be taken out of the hands of the bunker.

“I think it’s a really really poor look on the game. I don’t encourage it, nor will I encourage it,” he said.

“Players are well aware that if you get remotely hit within the face region and you’re staying down, it’s going to go upstairs, they’re going to slow it down … and they’re going to come up with a decision.”

Instead, Parker believes the decision should be left for the match review committee on Monday, an idea which has already won the support of NSW captain Paul Gallen.

“If the two referees and the two touch judges on the field don’t see anything wrong with the tackle, when they’re generally within metres of it, it should be play on,” Gallen said.

“It will stop this happening.”

Under NRL rules, the bunker can only rule on foul play which they believe to be reportable offences.

The Crowd Says:


Fight fair


That's easy just make Robbo the arbitrator. He obviously has the most medical knowledge and a built in polygraph. He can easily tell who is really hurt and who is not. Hint anyone that one of his players hits high and stays down is faking and anyone wearing red white and blue that stays down is truly injured e.g. Guerra last year. He also is the only coach who is motivated by the good of the game and not self interest. Now if only the refs would have the courtesy to ask him how many penalties he would like before each kick off, then and only then would the game be heading in the right direction.




How about removing the need for players to take a dive. If the refs got it right and penalised high shots there'd be no need for the player to stay down while a replay is shown.




I remember once debating this with a friend in the 80s. He was at the ground and thought a player was clearly milking a penalty. Without going into the details on the television it was clear that the guy had been absolutely smashed so much so that he could not stand up (he tried) but apparently he was milking. This is very dangerous territory. It is not always obvious that someone has been hurt. The only thing you could do is penalise players for taking a dive when there is no contact at all but I am yet to see that and only the bunker could do it anyway. And also staying down is not the only type of milking - there are many other types such as a guy claiming that a ball was raked out when it wasn't. Why leave that alone? Also it is hardly sportsman like to question every call from the referee to waste time. Shouldn't that be stamped out as well? And for player welfare staying down may be best anyway. Jumping to your feet after you have been hit head high is probably not the smartest thing to do - better to at least gather yourself for a few moments. If you see stars (it happens) is it wise to just jump to your feet immediately?



Roar Guru



Train Without A Station

Roar Guru

But also how is a referee supposed to know for certain if a player is actually hurt? I can only imagine the vitriol from the peanut gallery at the first ref to get it wrong.




How about penalising players that obviously milk penalties - there would be no players left!


Red Dog


High Viz dresses even .


Mr Big

Roar Rookie

Has Parker been hit with one to many high shots, this is how the game has evolved, its brought this on its self, is he a medical doctor, no hes an aging footballer, if players didnt tackle around the head it would be a non issue, I feel the nrl and the reffs let the game down by allowing high tackles, the porblem could easily be fixed by putting a high vis area around the top four inches of every jersey in every grade for the wee boys up to nrl standard, make it yellow orange pink whatever colour and if any player goes around this area, no matter what its a penalty, problem solved, then no need for Parker to use his non medical skills to determine whoz diving

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