David Gallop's new deal for football fans

By Midfielder / Roar Guru

Franklin D Roosevelt coined a new economic program, the New Deal during the great depression years of the late 1920s and early 1930s. He a new way of looking at economics and how governments run their nations.

We are not going to talk about FDR’s economic management.

I hope to explore what football needs from the next media deal. Depending on who you listen to, talks have stalled, are about to begin and are well advanced.

FFA have openly said they want a commercial free-to-air broadcaster partner. Further FFA seem willing to take a significant revenue hit ensure a commercial free-to-air partner is found.

Those around long enough will remember when after the 1997 lost to Iran, the then NSL chairman David Hill signed a one million dollar per year deal with Channels Seven and Optus. Seven showed a handful of games Optus folded and the games were moved to 2:00am.

Who can forget the email from seven to the AFL when seven lost the AFL rights to nine?

For the sake of a starting point I am going to assume FFA manage to get a commercial free-to-air partner. The best logic I have for this assumption was the coverage on all commercial free-to-air broadcasters of the League finals and recent international matches.

The dying years of the NSL reflected a management team that was totally out of its depth in running a professional league and connecting with the broader public. Inept, corrupt, inward looking and plagued by internal factions.

Then we started A-League with one of Australia’s most astute business and planning brains in Frank Lowy – and it was his third attempt having failed badly at his first two attempts.

Frank has taken football from niche national team, to football being today being an accepted sport in the mainstream.

This achievement has been excellently finished by Gallop in particular, but the process was started by John O’Neill.

The initial launch message was ‘Old Soccer New Football’ so poor was football seen at this point.

The next was ‘We Are Football’ to draw everyone back together and mend fences for the NPL and the FFA Cup, further sending a message to the Australian media we are united not a rabble anymore. The message is still being sent

Then a series of in-your-face statements to let the public and media know we are around, growing and mainstream.

Today football is united in a way I never thought possible. Old wounds may still be there, like the bitterness between NSW Associations and many former NSL teams, but we are working together. The importance of the ‘We Are Football’ message is clear.

The key word for me is a partnership. Football must be cross promoted across the network with the aim of growing both ratings and crowds. Both sides have to have the same objective and football with its very low player to watcher ratio provides more blue sky than other codes.

The past year has been portrayed by many as a strife ridden, which I fail to see. There were problems but we worked through the issues and the game is stronger for it.

What do Roarers want from the next media deal?

The Crowd Says:


harry houdini

Roar Rookie

Fussball IUL said | May 11th 2016 ''Middy, your recollection of events is spot on.' This is what he said above - Maybe I forgot Again i forgot x3 I think x2 Could have been High Court After all that i see exactly why you think his recollections are spot on. Good work fuss #28mm forever.




Robbos MC will come undone again fear not.




Mister Football and his army are out in force on this article Mid, you have really upset the Booooo boys.




CS, I'm a St George supporter and given up on them this year. Someone, especially a playmaker gets a broken nose and that is why is was a great game!!!!


concerned supporter


FUSS, This is not East Germany,Australia & the Roar are democracies , threads are not controlled by fanatics like you and your supporters.


concerned supporter


Fuss, I said it before and I say it again' over 150 replies to Middies post'all shapes & sizes It is Soccer's TOWER OF BAB'EL. They are all reaching to Soccer Heaven to gravitate to you. Yet you the Almighty God of Soccer have afflicted them with your narrow mindedness towards ALL other sports.


The Phantom Commissioner

Roar Rookie

That would be a great signing, Carricks very tight friends with Richard Garcia ( both ushers at each others weddings) so hopefully he's making daily calls to get him over.




Fuss & James I agree on the Glory Boys ...Carrick has played 40 first team matches for Man U this year and a holding mid of quality only modesty of my own talents would say we have never seen in Australia for many years in addition to the Mariners I will go to PG V WSW & SFC games to see him...




Big Al Sorry if the replies were a bit harsh just the constant invasion of certain posters is beyond annoying and me thinks with a motive to stop people posting.. I accept you are a decent poster and sorry if you copped some flack off the back of those who shall not be named.




Geez, Perth are starting to take shape. They are bringing home the local boys and are now chasing Carrick. If Perth can get Carrick or any other marquee type player and most importantly start next season well, then maybe just maybe we may see signs of the old Perth Glory from the NSL days. Perth are definitely the sleeping giant of the A League.


Fussball IUL

Roar Rookie

@concerned supporter I don't care if you post every hour on the Football tab. I'm just bewildered why anyone, who is not interested in a particular subject - actually tells us he doesn't have any interest in the subject at all - but spends his day off work posting comments about that subject. To me that indicates a person craving interaction that he's missing in his real life. It's certainly not normal to spend so much time discussing subjects in which you openly admit you have no interest. Hope you find a suitable support network soon.


Fussball IUL

Roar Rookie

Middy That's terrific news. Early days, but Perth Glory look like they're going to burst out of the blocks next season. Wasn't a big fan of Carrick in the early days, but I've warmed to him in the past few years. Imagine if a player comes to Perth Glory straight from playing for Man United... there won't be enough air freshener in Australia to mask the stench from the Egg Ballers' soiled trousers - they certainly will have trouble pulling their Hot Pants higher & higher.


harry houdini

Roar Rookie

It would not surprise if this whole article was written on the seemingly hidden premise that it would become a free for all to attack the AFL, that's the way Mr Passive Aggressive works his target market It is what you call obsession, even when smacked down and comprehensively proven wrong by a poster who does not even follow the footy, when any one who who does follow Australian football couldn't be bothered as they been shouted down a million times before , the obsessive tin foil brigade just carries on. Personally i am happy for the self appointed and anointed leaders of the roars soccer community to keep on believing. Keep going midi


harry houdini

Roar Rookie

Personally i am happy for them to obsess.


harry houdini

Roar Rookie

@ carbuncle junior - yes Midfielder - passive aggressive - he is the absolute prototype LOL, he compliments MR angry - fuss, together they are an unstoppable force LOL. Please let him ramble on for another 20 years, let him waste his life just hanging on to this sort of stuff.




Ask Punter, he raised it with you twice, I'm finished here !




AR Once only reply .... I had a one line point in an entire thread... I was asked to explain... The evidence was an email was introduced as evidence from a senior Ch 7 executive saying the AFL should have been more grateful to Ch 7 for burying Soccer for them... 7 agreed they sent the email ... Please point out any factual error .... it has been people like you so embittered that any mention of the AFL needs to be attacked if in any way critical .... let me repeat as I have done repetitively I not once have accused the AFL of anything. Again given 7 did move the NSL regardless of why to an unwatchable time and the email I did one line saying in the next deal we should never forget the email. You seem to want to be judge, jury, and provide reasons and denials for all involved... So please tell me were and what is factually wrong with this statement... In court evidence was produced from a senior ch 7 executive that read something like this.. the AFL should be grateful to Ch 7 for burying Soccer for them... Again please tell me what is factually wrong with this.




I'll be watching the Parra v Souths game but the other 2 - no interest. (will watch the Waratahs but that's it) My guess is that you prefer rugby union. That's ok. Anyway, why aren't you posting on the League or Rugby tabs of this website? Doesn't matter, myself and the others know why you are here......


concerned supporter


SS, Dead Heat,Flick between games if they clash. You all here are welcome to watch tonight; Rugby Union 5.30 pm Cant Crusaders v Highlanders 7.30 pm Melbourne Rebels V Act Brumbies Rugby League 7.30 Parramatta V South Sydney Hope you all enjoy the games,




Yeah I've heard of them concerned supporter. Interesting. As a rugby league supporter I never accuse soccer of hijacking the term football. Anyway, which of the 2 do you prefer, rugby union or rugby league?

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