Watch: Jaguares Senatore suspended for biting

By Reuters / Wire

Argentina international loose-forward Leonardo Senatore has been suspended for 10 weeks after being found guilty of biting an opponent in a Super Rugby match on Saturday.

It is the second time the 32-year-old has been suspended for the same offence having sat out nine weeks in 2013 for biting South Africa lock Eben Etzebeth in a Rugby Championship fixture.

Senatore was playing for the Buenos Aires-based Jaguares when he sunk his teeth into the arm of Sharks flank Keegan Daniel as the pair tussled in a ruck near the end of a tense 25-22 victory for the South African side in Velez Sarsfield.

Despite being a repeat offender, his most recent ban was reduced from the prescribed minimum of 12 weeks for what the SANZAAR judicial committee called his “good character, his playing record and his disciplinary record”.

“The Judicial Committee deemed the act of foul play merited a low-end entry point of 12 weeks. The Judicial Committee then added two weeks for aggravation as this was the player’s second offence for biting,” SANZAAR said in a statement on Monday.

“However, taking into account mitigating factors including the player’s good character, his playing record and his disciplinary record the Judicial Committee reduced the suspension to a period of 10 weeks.”

The suspension rules Senatore out of the remainder of the group phase of the Super Rugby season, with the Jaguares unlikely to make the playoffs.

He will be free to play in the Rugby Championship starting on August 20 but will miss Argentina’s three friendly internationals in June against Italy and France (two).

The Crowd Says:




The IRB should step in like they did with the Marler fiasco.


The Oak


My point is not to justify an stupid action did by Senatore, my point it is that the verdict should assess all the action since the tackle action started, it is not fair be only focused on Senatore’s reaction because it is a reaction to a dangerous and illegal action done by Daniel. By reading this blog, it seems that a player was playing rugby when suddenly appeared an animal who went directly to bite this inoffensive player!, which is not true, there was a provocative did by another player, taken the advantage the referee could not see him. If the authorities don't punish this type of provocations, in the future we will have to lament a serious accident which will not be caused by a bite, it will be caused by a player who caught another player from his neck or a player who takes advantage of that the referee can’t see a dirty play,


The Oak

Guest 15.4 (a) When a player tackles an opponent and they both go to ground, the tackler must immediately release the tackled player. 10.4 (e) Dangerous tackling. A player must not tackle (or try to tackle) an opponent above the line of the shoulders even if the tackle starts below the line of the shoulders. A tackle around the opponent’s neck or head is dangerous play. Dangerous tackles (high tackles) February 2011 Memorandum: An illegal high tackle involving a stiff arm or swinging arm to the head of the opponent, with no regard to the player’s safety, bears all the hallmarks of an action which should result in a red card or a yellow card being seriously considered.




From the video it looks to this somewhat impartial observer but the pull on the guys neck looks a lot like it came as a reaction to being bitten. It's all fairly static, then he starts reefing and pulling and the scuffle breaks out. Senatore should be banned for life.




I'd be worried if Senatore's teeth were as big as Suarez maxillary central incisors's haha :-D




A grown man has a harder bite than your average dog,fact.




Vampire Senatore you are not a Jaguar and besides a Jaguar bites prey,food and not each other. Cannibalism should be banned,if any animal or human gets a taste of human flesh than that animal should be put down!.


Brett McKay


Nothing excuses biting another player. Nothing. There is simply no justification for it, whatsoever. And you'll note that the judiciary in reaching their decision made no mention of any provocation, either.


Smiggle Jiggle

Roar Guru

Repeat biter should have been banned for 1 year. If he does it a 3rd time, life ban.



Roar Guru

I love the development of Jaguares and Pumas as an international competitors, but my love for the sport of rugby is much bigger and there is no room for actions of players with behaviors like the ones Senatore has. I mean I like the way plays but I rather do not have in on the field if cannot stop this types of reactions. The ban should have at least a year ..




Not say all the true is a way of lie!! Mr. Bret what should do a player who suffered a dangerous tackle (that made him hit with his head directly to the ground) (see your video at 0.02 min), then he was caught and retained from his neck (violating regulation 10.4.a) (see your video at 0.03 min to 0.06 min) and to finish the tackler held the tackled player with both arms and shook his head (see your video at 0.11 min) until player #15 tried to separate. What do you recommend the tackled player do? Kiss the forearm of the tackler who is holding his face?? This verdict rewards a trouble maker and promotes rugby players behave as Mr. Daniels!!




This is just another farcical decision made by a process that has no consistency. As Brett has already pointed out, he gets less than the entry point suspension for a repeat offence. How can that be and why do we as a sport continue to put up with it? This is not only his second offence either, it's just the second time he has been caught!!




Totally agree with you Brett, he is a serial biter. A longer period should apply.




Hi Harry.Well said. Feral and rabid. Our game does not need this.


Harry Jones


There's something deeply wrong with this guy, Senatore. Apparently, our guys say this is not the second time: Senatore is a serial biter. He has no place in Super Rugby or The Rugby Championship. I'd never give a biter a third chance. Too many opportunities in rugby for a biter to satisfy his perverse urges. If SANZAAR is going to allow this coward to play SA teams in the future, they'll need to accept that he will be targeted without mercy. He's got it coming. So, his presence is provocative. Go play some other sport. For me, the dog only gets one free bite. Second time, you put him down. Or things get out of control.




@ Brett McKay : this is why i say all these hearings need to heard by a single panel. each and every panel who look into these cases come up with their own decisions , which at the end of the day look rubbish. for eg. emery got 4 weeks for an air tackle , Watson (in england) got just one week for same offense. nandolo got 4 weeks for a lifting tackle , Creevy got one week ( though the outcome was injury in creevy's case). Marler got 2 weeks for a kick at a head (though they said the actual contact was from the shin and minimal). marler was exonerated for racial slur by 6n panel but was banned for 2 weeks by wr panel and fined. in this day and age of con/video calls and emails and what not , surely it is possible for one panel to hear all the cases. and its not as if there is a queue to be cleared - like at the local court for traffic offenses. there is always bias in any decision - personal bias. at least by having the same personnel, we can have the same bias all / most of the time :)


The Battered Slav


Some chimichurri with your prime South African beef Mr Senatore? Judiciary lotto indeed, well said Brett. He has form in that regard, needs to have the book thrown at him rather than getting discounts for being a good chap.


John R

Roar Guru

What's the Spanish word for 'grub'? Pretty feral stuff, you'd think there'd be further penalty for anti social behavior. As Brett stated above, to cite his disciplinary record (which includes a biting case) as reason for a discounted sentence, is completely illogical, and makes the whole process a farce.


Brett McKay


Paul has summed this up, KPM, this is supposed to be a clear and transparent process to punish indiscretions made with as much time as required. There are no parallels with a referee making a decision on the field in that one moment. Mistakes made by referees can be excused, mistakes like this from a judiciary cannot.


Brett McKay


The video shows his first offence, too, for which he got NINE WEEKS! So a second offence is worth only one more week?!?

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