Tuivasa-Sheck stays tight-lipped on rugby rumours

By News / Wire

Roger Tuivasa-Sheck has kept tight-lipped on his sporting future amidst reports linking him with a move from rugby league to rugby union.

The 24-year-old Kiwis fullback played the full 80 minutes on Saturday as his side bagged a 38-8 Rugby League World Cup win over Samoa, scoring a breakaway try and terrorising the defence with his link-up play and runs from deep.

Australian media reports on Friday suggested Tuivasa-Sheck was keen to switch from rugby league to rugby and vie for an All Blacks Test jumper.

The Samoan-born livewire played both codes throughout high school before linking up with the Sydney Roosters, winning an NRL Premiership in 2013.

He has since earned a big-money move to the Warriors.

Tuivasa-Sheck wouldn’t be drawn on the rumours on Saturday, putting the kibosh on any code-hopping talk and saying he was proud to be a Kiwi.

He said this week’s headlines hadn’t fazed him.

“I don’t really have anything towards it, not disappointed or happy. Just happy to be here, proud to be a Kiwi and trying to get better here before I look anywhere else. Can we keep it about the game?” Tuivasa-Sheck told reporters.

“I was all synced into what we were doing here as a team.”

Should Tuivasa-Sheck make the switch, he’d have little time to impress All Blacks coach Steve Hansen before the 2019 Rugby World Cup in Japan.

But Hansen admitted he liked the idea of having Tuivasa-Sheck at his disposal, with his pace, creativity and composure in the air all major assets.

Those traits were on display on Saturday as Tuivasa-Sheck ran amok against Toa Samoa, but the fullback said his side had plenty to work on.

Samoa went toe-to-toe with the Kiwis in the first half, dominating the middle through their bustling forwards until eventually running out of puff.

“We told ourselves, let’s just weather the storm, we know they’re going to fall off – but they came out, the whole first half and really tested us,” Tuivasa-Sheck said.

“A few of us were a bit too excited, you know, throwing the ball around, and coming into the second half we did a lot more of what we wanted.”

Tuivasa-Sheck’s Kiwis will round off their World Cup pool with Tests against Scotland and Tonga, while Hansen’s All Blacks – including rugby league converts Sonny Bill Williams, Ngani Laumape and Matt Duffie – are currently on their end-of-year Test tour in Europe.

The Crowd Says:




Duffie was offered a 2 year extension by melbourne but revealed to Bellamy he wanted to go back to union and the Coach gave him all the support he did Slater...laumapi offered contracts in Superleague but decided to stay at home and go back to union




Saw a few empty seats at the opener. Why, cause they had it in Melbourne and the biggest pool play game in nz, Samoa vs Tonga is in Hamilton. Why?




and both got laid off from the respective clubs, they weren't up to standard. Both still very good players though.




I am concerned about forward passes and block runners, just look at the OZ/England game. But to bring back full scummaging, no way, that's generally when I switch channels from the rugby to some other sport, or get another beer or go visit a small room. BOOOORING! Put 2 extra players on the field, no way, I also get very bored with rugby when the forwards run off a ruck and make 10mm then another 10mm or nothing. BOOOOORING! The demise of league, surely you jest. Both codes have their good and bad and both codes will never be perfect for everyone.




plenty of good fullbacks in NZ rugby, RTS would just be one of many to choose from. I think this may be a ploy by his manager to get someone to pay overs for him before or after his contract expires.


Greg Ambrose


Don't worry if someone wants to hasten the so called demise of League then all they need to do is bring back so called proper scrums. They're probably even worse than Union scrums.




How is Laumapi and Duffie League converts????? Its easy to look and see that they both played union prior to League and wanted to return to Union...So really they are ex union-exleague players playing union




I am a Union and league follower and OMG is league now allowed forward passes from dummy half? Are they now allowed to block chasers? Are the kickers so useless that they can only make 20mtrs when kicking for touch? Are they no longer capable of passing beyond the first one off runner? Are the Refs still allowed to decide every game? The demise of League around the world is astounding and i would suggest they change the rules to allow propper scrums...put 2 extra men on the field to allow real defensive patterns...Teach the refs what a forward pass is...Allow the centres and wingers to receive passes....have the TMO taught to know what a forward pass looks like.... Greg its easy to come up with all sorts of rubbish. Just try enjoying the sport you want to and leave the other sports to those who like them...No one is forcing you to watch are they???


Adz Sportz

Roar Guru

Yet another player whose career has gone down hill since joining the warriors. He'd be better off switching codes.




"RLWC should look into getting companies to sponsor the seats at games. With so many clearly visible during games it would be a worth while investment" Really, Rugby Union is talking about crowds? Union is a Fail on TV and Fail on Crowds across Australia at all level of the sport.




@Cathar Treize Great TV ratings!!! and they will only get better from here. Channel 7 would be very happy with there investment in RLWC. Should start a bidding war when the next RLWC comes around in 4 years time.


Greg Ambrose


I am a league fan who played league and a bit of union. I've only started watching some Union again lately and I thought the All Black Wallabies games were really good. Has something changed? I found the game virtually unwatchable for most of the last decade or less due to the endless parade of collapsing scrums and resets and refs explaining about the scrum and the then a kick and a lineout followed by a kick and a scrum and a penalty goal and three collapsed scrums. I was just switching channels or taking the dog for a walk. I predicted the demise of Union in Australia a long time ago unless they fixed this up. Maybe they've worked on less stoppages or my perception has changed. As someone who loves sport my message to whoever is deciding on the rules. Get rid of at least half the stoppages and scrum resets and similar crappo and more people will return as viewers and go to the games. The rusted on supporters who get fired up more about winning a scrum penalty than a try aren't the future of the game.


Cathar Treize

Roar Guru

Decent ratings on 7 Mate for the RLWC, probably the biggest for sports on the day in Oz: Mediaweek‏@MediaweekAUS Sat TV #RLWC2017#7mate#PNGvWAL 130k (Syd 57k Mel 18k Bri 38k Ade 5k Per 12k) Mediaweek@MediaweekAUS Sat TV #RLWC2017#7mate#NZLvSAM 249k (Syd 110k Mel 20k Bri 90k Ade 7k Per 22k) Mediaweek‏@MediaweekAUS Sat TV #RLWC2017#7mate#FIJvUSA 245k (Syd 98k Mel 30k Bri 89k Ade 8k Per 20k) I think the Winx race only beat the PNG v Wales match


Terry Tavita


it wasn't a test was a baabaas match serving as a trial for the EOYT..


Mark Ferguson


Has Sonny Bill been whispering in his ear again ?


Dave Tekani


If RTS could improve his kicking game OMG he would carve up in Union

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