Jedi Eddie will need to summon all his powers to prevent annihilation by the dark empire

By MattTheContrarian / Roar Rookie

While Jedi Eddie decides his spin of the week, the sobering question coming into Bledisloe 1 has to be how badly the Wallabies are going to cop it.

The news cycle this week is trying to pull out some headlines which won’t stick, but we’ll read ‘em anyway and let’s be honest, everyone expects a walloping this week. Which means that Jedi Eddie gets to control the script a bit and its going to be a hard week for him, after telling off Laurie Fisher for his “inappropriate” comments Fisher was pretty spot on – in my view – but remember we are in a World Cup “smash and grab” cycle, so unorthodox is du jour. After all there are successful non-traditional coaches around the traps – here’s looking at you physio-cum-coach Jacques Nienaber.

Wallabies coach Eddie Jones. (Photo by Sydney Seshibedi/Gallo Images/Getty Images)

In the interests of full disclosure, I was very excited about Eddie joining the Wallabies, sprints are his thing and his unorthodox approach has proved to bear results.

However as the Boks found out, it’s not a good idea to come into the All Black Test undercooked, in that awful first 20 minutes South Africa was like chicken sashimi, raw enough to dish out a dose of salmonella.

Is there a good news story to distract the Wallaby fans or is everyone going to end up watching the Panthers vs the Sharks? Possibly.

The underdog card is loved by all, but no one will dispute that this weekend the men in gold are up against the firing squad, blindfolded and handcuffed. Someone has to take responsibility for that, better yet, someone has to deliver a plan.

It’s Eddie Jones’ job to provide a great escape, not spin some fairytale and distract a pretty disillusioned fan base.

Pretoria showed that you gotta put your money where your mouth is, and clearly the bank is empty from all of those offers to league wingers. The Argentina game was better, admittedly not by much.

There’s a flash at times with the Wallabies, especially when the backs (rarely) have the ball, and there are some tireless workers in the squad, you can’t help but feel bad for the.

Heck, I sent myself down a rabbit hole wondering if Jedi Eddie was doing a misdirection play, sending that team to South Africa to keep his main strength for the more winnable Argie game. Eddie Jones is good, he’s very, very good, and I keep looking for a bigger picture that shines a light. This week is different though.

Do the Wallabies have the depth to go into this game and get more critical injuries? Probably not. Can Eddie afford not to throw out his best side? Also, probably not.

One injury to Marika, Tupou, Slipper, Skelton and this RWC might prove even more of a mountain to climb than it already is. That thought will be playing on the coaching group and the players, as Australia doesn’t have the competition for spots that the rest of the top teams do.

NZ with their tails up and players playing for spots makes them daunting enough. Coming off the back of that win at Mt Smart makes them daunting enough.

That said, much like the Wallabies this week, there will be extra pressure to perform.

Or down a VB and hope that they have a rugby hangover after that performance in Auckland.
Hope, as a wise man once said, is not a strategy.

Unless Fozzie and crew make radical changes, expect the scoreline to be ugly.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

I just don't think AB will go full gear and couple of spots aside I like this wallabies team too



Roar Rookie

Me too. The ABs could get a bit startled in the big stadium. Plus I like this new Wallabies team if the rumours are correct



Roar Rookie

Dunno I think it will be close




Roar Rookie

Right?! I feel like Paul Suttor may have had a hand in this one. Original title was "Bledisloe 1. The Empire Strikes back.. Again?"




Roar Rookie

Interesting thought.. RA playing open cards and getting the crowd involved ? Imagine that. Its a bit weird that every week seems like a lottery with the WBs. Maybe they need Rassie as head of social media?



Roar Rookie

As crazy as it seems the Wallabies coaches will have learnt a lot reviewing the AB v SA game and how the Boks stopped the rot and got back in the game. The Wallabies can't start loose and make mistakes, they need to be on it especially the forwarda defence. The key will be making tackles, not trying to put big hits on and impose themselves.



Roar Rookie

Well done to whoever came up the article title.



Roar Rookie

They should play the Imperial March when the darkness walk out. Just need a movie theme for the Wobblies.



Roar Rookie

Be good if they lay everything out in the open ,throw everything on its head and start afresh,give the public the fuel to get positive. Be extremely transparent have fortnightly updates to the roar direct dial straight from hq.



Roar Rookie

Unfortunately I think you’re right. Thursday May be more interesting than Saturday after the team sheet is up




Roar Rookie

Appreciated Wig! As someone invested in grassroots here, honestly I'm hopeful there isn't a score blow out on the weekend! NZ to score first, Aus to get 2 penalties and a try at the end, the middle 50 mins though might be a problem!



Roar Rookie

Love your style Matt. 37-13 wallabys

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