Johns drama a reminder on behaviour, says Demetriou

By Daniel Brettig / Roar Guru

The storm surrounding the NRL following the latest revelations about the game’s culture serves as a cautionary tale about the need to remain vigilant on issues of player behaviour, AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou says.

Watching his NRL counterpart David Gallop deal with the fall-out from the ABC’s Four Corners expose on the mistreatment of women – with former player and Channel Nine personality Matthew Johns caught right in the middle of it – Demetriou acknowledged the need for constant education on how to behave.

The AFL unveiled a respect and responsibility policy in 2007 to educate on and off-field staff at all clubs about the appropriate treatment of women, in order to rule a definitive line under a trickle of incidents that had shown a plainly unacceptable attitude towards women among some AFL players and staff.

Two years on and there is still much work to be done – as evidenced by the North Melbourne “chicken video” affair – but there has clearly been a cultural shift in the correct direction.

“A lot of that was to do with trying to shift the culture and the attitude of everyone involved in our industry,” Demetriou said on Wednesday.

“We’ve made huge progress but you need to remain vigilant and you need to continue to educate people about making right choices.

“I thought David Gallop yesterday spoke very well on this issue because I think he genuinely understands how important it is to be vigilant and we share those views because all of us are in the public eye, whether we’re administrators, players or coaches, and understand our responsibilities, and we’ll continue to educate people about making right choices.”

Demetriou said he had not spoken with the NRL about the league’s progress since releasing their policy.

The Crowd Says:




its not "evil" AFL - it is "evil" News Ltd who have done nothing but rubbish the game of RL since it spurned them. If News had the interests of RL at heart they wouldn't rip it to shreds at every opportunity and employ hypocritical shrews like bourbon beccy wilson. but they know bad news sells news papers, they know that segmentation helps marketers, and they know that they can get away with treating RL like shit. you AFL guys are very lucky to have an administration that cares about the game and promotes it. We have a former News Ltd lawyer who only looks out for News Ltd's interests and has no passion for RL at all.


Michael C

Roar Guru

Macavity - ah, you're doing well referring to 10 year old information. btw - surely you'd be more concerned with the 'contra' arrangements in the current broadcast rights that ensures $X worth of 'friendly content' - - either advertising/promotion or programming. The next bit of your source is interesting : John Hartigan, chairman of News Corp.'s Australian unit, News Ltd., says he sees no problem with the arrangement. "All it was is a matter of allowing them to be guaranteed that the sport would be covered in the newspaper," he says. Says Mr. Murdoch: "I have no knowledge of that at all. We certainly would never do that." It's an interesting area perhaps - - a 'contra' arrangement for 'programming' and promotion on the idiot box vs a guarrantee to coverage in a news paper (that was heavily involved in owning/running Rugby League competitions, a full on RL war and the AFL perhaps sought to seek protection from the potential that News Ltd would rather than 'cash for comments' would actually try to manipulate the market by pushing RL and going the AFL. Perhaps it shows less of AFL 'arrogance' or the like, and more of AFL 'insecurity' and the level of concern for a news organisation owning a key sports marketplace competitor of the AFL - - - but feel free to try to portray it as 'evil AFL')



Roar Guru

Macavity we may well get our answer if any of these blokes ever attempt to host a major footy show.




Michael C - this one: Quote: More than a decade ago, News Corp.'s Australian unit struck a marketing agreement with the Australian Football League in which some of News Corp.'s Australian papers promised a minimum amount of news coverage of the sport, according to the AFL and News Corp. Promising coverage in return for anything of value is forbidden by many publications, which regard it as advertising masquerading as news. *** suggest whatever you want Redb, It is obvious what goes on. Why is Albert Proud still playing? Why did the Swans pay hush money to cover for O'Loughlin? Why are those St Kilda guys still playing? Why are those issues not all over the front page, the same as this retired RL player? It isn't because there is no interest in the AFL, therefore you tell me why is it so?



Roar Guru

macavity, before we go down this route can i suggest that Melbourne press are all over AFL players and their antics just as Sydney press are all over the NRL. Redb


Michael C


Macavity - what 'cash for comment' deal?? News Ltd half owns the NRL. You're showing desperation trying this on! But perhaps you honestly believe it?? If so, give us some evidence.


Michael C


Macavity et al Back in 2004 - at the time of the Canterbury Bulldogs Coffs Harbour 'affair', in Melbourne we had an issue with 2 girls and 2 Saints and rape allegations. We also had a 4corners story titled 'Fair Game' that even trawled back to 1999 (sound familiar, i.e. current 4corners episode has jumped back to 2002). ARound these events, A.Demetriou (relatively new to the role having just replaced Wayne Jackson, and coming from the AFLPA CEO role) called on any women with complaints and allegations to come forward either to the AFL or the appropriate authorities - - he wanted to know there and then just how big an issue it was. This was March 2004 - you can google it for yourself - hardly Oikee as you suggest the AFL hiding things under the carpet. I invite you to do your research. Subsequently, the AFL became even more involved in ensuring that the clubs had appropriate education programs etc, but, by the end of 2005 the 'Respect and Responsibility' policy had been released. Daniel Brettig - I'm curious where you got the 2007 date from - it was November 2005 that the AFL 'R and R' policy was released. What I suggest is that most of the 'flood of water under the bridge' happened back then. This current story is OLD news with respect to the NRL lads and M.Johns (how long retired??). All the codes have improved and taken steps to improve further. There will always be idiots who do the wrong thing - - but, really, we hoped that any notion of 'institutionalised behaviour' is a thing of the past. Football administrations need to put in place the frameworks and policies and then, like any parent - coaches & football managers will sleep restlessly at night fearing the phone call at 3am that one of their players has mucked up. Macavity - the simple fact you can rattle off that list of names suggests that Oikee is quite wrong that the AFL has NOT infact been hiding things under the carpet. And, note that just about every year for the last 8 or so, we've had debate around the Hall of Fame and G.Ablett Snr and W.Carey around the issue of off field and or post career misdemeanours by way of the 'integrity' clause. Now - if you wanted to avoid scrutiny and focus, then you'd keep the Hall of Fame concerned with on field matters entirely and at very least cut your area of concern to the timeframe of the player in question playing career.




If you think the AFL and NRL get the same media treatment you are naive at best, willfully ignorant at worst. just maybe it has something with the AFL's cash for comment deal with News Ltd.....



Roar Guru

macavity, I see this is an NRL v AFL thing for you. If you think the scrutiny of AFL players is any less intrusive than NRL players your just ignorant of the real situation. It's the sharks not rabbits who are running make no mistake. Redb




interesting he mentions "chicken gate" but not Heuskes, Burgoyne, O'loughlin, Carey, Albert Proud, Ablett, St Kilda, Carlton, the list goes on.... watch the rabbits run indeed. The AFL manages its image ridiculously well - the other codes should be envious - but surely it is only a matter of time until the media vultures turn - or is there indeed a conspiracy going on?




I like Sam. I watch The Footy Show for a laugh & to see the teams. There's other shows to watch if you want 'analysis'. Sure, some of his antics are a little mystifying, but I live with a few women, & none have ever been offended by him. He was clearly gagged on the 'Chickengate' saga and prob will be in the future. He's a experienced legend of the game who has an opinion & speaks his mind. I'd like more of that from other personalities, rather than carefully worded statements. On topic - I agree the clubs & players need to keep tight reigns on behaviour. But much of the relentless media-fuelled controversies have little to do with real life & serve to keep audiences entertained. Rational intelligent people should be able to filter this information.



Roar Guru

Oikee, The sharks will run way ahead of the supposed rabbits. What's this RL Rep player doing saying ithey will continue to have group sex whenever they feel like it? That is deluded. Redb




Sorry Rebd, but as you know we dont really hear 1% of the stories the AFL hide under the carpet, probably other codes as well. I will stand by my comment, "whatch the rabbits run" wait and see how true it is over the next month. I mentioned before, if people on here only think this happens in one code, deluded.



Roar Guru

Oikee, one other thing, as for your comment "watch the rabbits run" a veiled threat that other codes face similiar scandals is off the mark, I think the rabbits are actually sharks, about 11 of them who will be drenching their pants right about now. Redb



Roar Guru

Oikee, I actually agree wtih you on Sam Newman and wrote an article on the Roar a week ago that his antics have turned the Footy Show into farce. However, it is not Demetriou's job to sack Sam Newman, there is enough controversy at the moment that Demetriou and the AFL were behind the termination of former coach Grant Thomas from his radio duties of SEN. I have heard Demetriou on this subject and beleive that the AFL had nothing to with it. It doesnt mean SEn felt some rpessure as they're bidding for radio rights to AFL and felt Thomas might be a hindrance. As for role model for football clubs the NRL could take leaf out of the Sydney Swans leadership on engagement of women. They may prefer to watch Iron Chef but they provide almost half the support for the Swans. Redb




Sammy newman needs to be axed, 1st job Demetriou,. Whatch the rabbits run, its coming to a tele near you.

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