MCG says it's in the dark over World Cup speculation

By Guy Hand / Roar Guru

MCG boss Stephen Gough has urged Football Federation Australia to “hurry up” and say exactly what it requires from the stadium in any soccer World Cup bid.

Gough said the MCG was in the dark over claims that if Australia hosted the 2018 or 2022 World Cup, organisers could require exclusive access to the nation’s biggest stadium for four months.

He said the MCG had not been given any firm timeframe from bid organisers about how long the stadium would be needed to prepare it for a World Cup.

AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou has suggested any 16-week requirement for the MCG to be out of action for a World Cup could lead to his competition being cancelled for that season.

“There’s been speculation on how the MCG might be used but we don’t really know exactly what it might be,” Gough said on Monday.

“Those discussions with the AFL are crucial first, then I imagine we come in as part of that.

“We don’t really know until those discussions have been finalised.

“We need to hurry up. If you want to get the bid documented, you need to talk to the AFL and you need to talk to us in parallel to make sure we’re right behind it.”

It is understood the MCG may need to be refitted in a rectangular configuration to host matches, which would mean the addition of seating and perhaps a bigger delay than first anticipated.

The MCG is contractually bound to host AFL games during the winter months, and any World Cup would need to rely on goodwill from the code to proceed.

Gough said the MCG had never been configured in a rectangle – the closest parallel he could draw being when a running track was established around the ground for the 2006 Commonwealth Games.

“That was part of the bid works so you knew early, so that work was just incorporated into the normal building process – it didn’t have any impact at all,” Gough said.

“But this would be a different situation given the time of the year.”

The Crowd Says:




Yes Football, the AFL greased a few council palms to get AFL parks set up in Sydney. The deal was that if local councils converted to AFL parks, the AFL would pay all the costs for converting the grounds and the yearly maintenance costs for those grounds. The AFL called it good business, but others saw it as corruption. Thankfully after a year or two of empty AFL parks and overused football and rugby grounds and a lot of angry ratepayer protests, most northern suburbs councils have reverted most of the grounds back to what they were previously used for.




MC, irrespective of the final outcome, the FIFA report quoted about $270M to “rectangularise” and make football ready the MCG and Etihad Stadium. AD is talking about $1Billion in compensation for the AFL. So to play football WC games in Melbourne it is going to cost Australia about $1.5 Billion. For that money the federal government could build 2 large rectangular stadiums that the FFA, NRL or ARU would love to get the use of. Also the ACT, Queensland and NSW governments have made it clear that they support the football WC bid and would be delighted to have the federal government build another stadium for them in their state for 2018 or 2022. I think the AFL need to be careful in just how much mud they rake up because it is starting to backfire on them, particularly outside Melbourne, And they can’t ask more compensation money than it costs to build a new stadium, so if the AFL don’t back up on their compensation claims, Victorians will probably miss out on getting any football WC games. The FFA don’t own or pay for any of the stadiums, the state and federal governments do and its not the FFA’s concern what the government decides to do with Swan Street. Even if they did upgrade Swan St, the AFL will still want their compensation, so not playing games in Melbourne is still looking like the better option at this point in time.



Roar Guru

I'm not sure what happens in the Northern states, but in the Southern states cricket and Australian football have always shared ovals.


Barking Glider


"Losing the PR battle in Sydney for the time being is more due to the ignorance of Sydneysiders," Oh please! Now it's the customer's fault that they don't see the merit in your product? You've got to do a better job of selling your product. Following the Rudd selling strategy won't work.


Barking Glider


All of those examples you give are in Melbourne. I was referring to the image that AFL presents in the rugby and football states. You can be like everyone in AFL and deny there is an image problem, but ultimately your code will pay for that with failure in western Sydney. But, AFL knows best.


Barking Glider


You bring up the cricket angle everytime this issue comes up. Cricket in the northern states hasn't been calling for new grounds. Cricket has reached full maturity in its growth. Stop hiding behind cricket and start admitting that AFL is greasing its way into the local Councils.


Michael C

Roar Guru

mate - so, cricket just has to miss out??? is West Sydney an insular land of rectangle pitches only??? when that deal was done - the $20 mill provided by state govt for 2 major projects was $15 mill towards the Blacktown footy/cricket oval development along with funding from council, AFL and AFL-NSW and Cricket-NSW, and the other $5 mill was to ...what?....MORE soccer fields. So - cricket is meant to lose out if it partners the AFL??, or is cricket meant to lose out full stop?? btw - how is this current ruction going to hurt the bid if it's all sorted by May 2010 when the venue bid book is required to be presented. Up until then - what the heck does FIFA care??


Michael C

Roar Guru

have you not noticed Jimbo - the AFL has said they can work around 10 weeks without the MCG. Apparently the FFA/FIFA only want 6-8...... that's not a problem. This article is only around the MCG not having any idea what is wanted and = given that the MCG needs to deal with the AFL anyway, but, as above - the AFL will okay anything within their tolerance of up to 10 weeks. Ben Buckley and Frank Lowy's comment about games not being in Melbourne is around Docklands. Not the MCG. ......if it's a blanket thing around Melbourne - then they are more stupid than I give them credit for. Have you not read any of our posts today. The issue as it stands - AFL happy to allow MCG up to 10 weeks - FFA claim that's perfect. AFL wants Docklands and have a 25 yr lease. FFA seemingly were fine with that but over the last few weeks have renegged and AFL not happy, impasse is easy to avoid - - spend $150 mill and make Swan St soccer/rugby stadium up to 50,000 capacity. Crisis averted. so, you go ask Buckley and Lowy why $150 mill on a dedicated brand new soccer stadium is too much money??? Don't they want a soccer specific legacy?? What better??




Hoooorah.... finally some good news




I'm not tired of it---this is really damaging for the AFL brand and eventually will have to close down for a whole season, then remerge as Marn Grooky---a new start.... Keep it up lads, this is fantastic stuff and long live Marn Grooky in 2019... A new beginning for Marn Grooky, along side Australian Football... :lol: ~~~~~~~ KB




The competition for grounds all over Sydney is massive & the AFL doing deals with councils for grounds went down very badly in West Syd, public comments came across as them bullying their way in while RL kids couldnt play because the council would not upgrade the facilities. If this is percieved by FIFA as an issue Aust wont get it that how AFL deny Aust the opportunity. Do it behind closed doors with the FFA over the next ten years.


Michael C

Roar Guru

not sure how the AFL is bullying anyone in West Sydney. THey aren't asking the NRL to stop or move out?? The AFL are bringing their own money to the table, and aiming to be there for the long haul rather than 4-8 weeks. Just typical of the hysterical rantings that have blighted theRoar in the last day or two.......ironically, the hysteria is from those now who at first might have been a tad justified in attacking the 'hysteria' around the AFL season perhaps having to shut down in a worst case scenario (which is a scenario admitted to exist, seemingly not likely, but, also not ruled out and with FIFA around - - god knows!!!).


Michael C

Roar Guru

so true. although 2UE is looking at getting Neil Mitchell up there, and he's been a voice of reason here on this topic - and he loves his 'Dees' and footy, but, never holds back in bagging the AFL or Andy Demetriou. (I think 'cos Andy D has his regular spot on the ABC talk radio with Red Symons - the main morning competition for Mitchell).




Man, I'm talking about partys & celebrations & you're ranting. I have no idea who Neil Mitchell is, but I'm not surprised Eddie McGuire is worried, there will be 1 million tourists in Melbourne & they won't know who he is when he walks down the Melbourne main street, a knock to his ego.



Roar Guru

Michael C This is what the AFL’s seem to have failed to realise. Sure there will be some people that do understand why the AFL has to dig in but plenty of people just watch the game with no inclination or care about the economics behind it. Their the type of people that won’t really care if AFL stops for 4 weeks, why not they say (stupid AFL they will say). They are also the people that won’t understand why there is no AFL for the two weeks lead up time when nothing is happening (stupid soccer they will say). If it’s a hot day and the air conditioner is not on then I become one of these people . . . . And I think judging by our newspapers and TV they are the silent majority. This is why both the FFA and AFL should be trying to keep their tiff in house now that the lines have been drawn and made public or it will damage perceptions about both codes. For an example there is no Eddie Maguire educating Sydney siders.




What about his other comment? Bully in West Sydney?




The WC can be staged in Australia without any disruption to the MCG and the AFL season by not playing any football WC games in Melbourne. This is now an option that the FFA, Frank Lowy and Ben Buckley are seriously considering. Given the opposition and bad press this is creating overseas and the cost of upgrading AFL parks and the cost of compensating the AFL, it would be cheaper and less controversial to build a couple more rectangular stadiums for FFA, NRL and the ARU. Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane have already put up their hands for it and as a Sydneysider, I am thrilled that the WC Opening Ceremony, Opening Game, WC Final and Closing Ceremony will be held in Sydney.


Michael C

Roar Guru

yeah, gee - shucks, in the past, the AFL has happily permitted other codes to play Wallabies test matches and RL SoO matches and big WC qualifiers or friendlies and MVFC vs Juventus and ACL matches at either Docklands or the MCG during the period in which the AFL has exclusive rights. Oh gee - no, you're right - the AFL doesn't know how to deal with other codes, they've always just let them waltz right in. Common sense sharing!?!? who'd thought. but, you're right - the AFL has never had to deal with FIFA, and this is an eye opener because FIFA is another beast entirely.


Michael C

Roar Guru

I'll do a Pauline Hanson - please explain just how you figure the AFL is wanting to take away the opportunity to host the world cup. please do. How will the AFL having Docklands stop it - when, there's a perfectly good $150 mill option to extend Swan St to what it should be.....a 50K FIFA compliant rectangle stadium. You're just peddling this same anti-AFL hysteria.




Thanks Art for the good wishes.. We have had our meetings, had the research undertaken on this new market where and who value... then looked at where we may fit... Now to make it happen maybe 1, 000 to 1, 200 development hours to invest... take out rental options furnish the place hire staff ... sell it to the stake holders .. Add the money invested in the meeting and research to date... timelines to met plus keep existing clients happy... As for the the annual flogging of the Tards ... I will be there singing on Matty BOOING every time Mr Clean gets near the ball. It's 6 - Nil to date ... make that 8- nill after Saturday night... Pip hope you feel better soon .. talk to KB he has some weak blue pills that might help ... they lack any real punch but still ask... Finally remember the great song Imgaine... change the words a little to World Cup in Australia and sing along... Art I tend to agree with your comment about it is doing the AFL more harm than good ... AD came out swinging on Monday and when BB said in his door stop made the claims seem silly ... you can only cry wolf one or two times ... then when the wolf is actually there no one believes you... As I said work starts on Monday so will pop in every now and then ... but much less .. all in a good cause tho .. me... Your's in Football Midfielder

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