Sharks' Graham interviewed by ASADA

By News / Wire

Cronulla back-rower Wade Graham on Monday became the first player interviewed by the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority as it investigates possible use of banned drugs by the NRL club in 2011.

Graham fronted investigators in the city a day after his side’s 24-8 defeat by Canterbury, their fourth straight loss.

It’s understood Graham was the only player to be interviewed on Monday as ASADA investigators tested the waters on the process, with at least nine more expected to face interviews in coming days.

ASADA is investigating use of peptides in the club’s supplements regime during the 2011 season, while sports scientist Stephen Dank was employed by the club.

Dank has strongly maintained he never recommended any banned substance.

Graham joined the Sharks at the start of 2011.

There is no suggestion the former Penrith junior has done anything wrong.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Pro

He doesn't even need to pull out his best bag of fruit, how hard would it be to put on some long pants and the team polo?




That's another very imaginative post by you, Ron. While I'd agree asada are not bad guys, this whole investigation has been politicised from the very beginning, and some of the tactics employed by asada are not very pleasant, it has to be said. I'd add that the players, despite your opinions, are not bad guys either. While your comparsion with child molesters is silly, and smacks of desperation, a bit like this asada investigation really, and your labor govt, come to think of it.




can you Ron? Clearly you are a very imaginative individual. However, I suspect his answers, or non answers, would have been very much guided by the advice of his lawyer.


Ronald M


Hmmmm So what you are saying is that criminals should watch one another's backs and neighbours shouldn't dob in the child molester next door ? ASADA are not the bad guys. Sure their investigation is highly disruptive and is damaging the game we all love but if there are cheats out there, why wouldn't you want them caught ? I don't remember everyone running round trying to protect the storm when they were caught cheating and that was just some little internal rule being broken not an international law.


Ronald M


It does speak volumes about his attitude though. You can just imagine him sitting there being as obstructive and obnoxious as anyone can be. Maybe that is why Asada called the whole thing off.




rubbish, asada need a scalp before then. The players are right to not cooperate, Gallipoli didn't happen so that mates could dob each other in. That is about as un-Ozzie as you can get. I hope instead, the players are loyal to each other. The club should refuse to give names. If there are to be bans, and politically it looks like charges are going to be laid no matter how flimsy the evidence, then they should, in solidarity, all of them, as one, the entire team, even those who may not have been there at the time in question, agree to accept a ban. It would be unfair for a handful to be sacrificed, and labeled cheats. That is not the Oz-way.




and there I was thinking Wade was a genius who in his spare time away from league was working on a grand theory to unify relativity theory and quatum physics. How wrong can you be, eh?




I hope the dectectives investigating AWU scandal are also treating Gillard as a "perp", because that is exactly what she is. I also hope that any lack of openess and honesty from her is rightly interpreted as guilt.




I would think its in the NRL's and club's interests to cooperate, and get it over and done with. I doubt ASADA will care if it takes 5 years to get to the bottom of the issues, but can Cronulla sustain the damage to their brand and performance for that long, and will the NRL sit back and willingly have its name dragged through the mud for years. I think they would prefer 6 or 8 or whatever number of players to take the bullet, then argue they have weeded out the bad apples and have fixed the problem, and get it over and done with. Also, having a bunch of players essentially claiming the 5th amendment (yes I know we're not in America) has got to be a bad look for the NRL and club brands. It just screams out we're as dodgy as hell but are going to hide it as long as we can.



Roar Guru

Wade Graham must be a dope.The club had told its players to wear business attire at the ASADA meeitngs.He received a right royal blast from management,and they stated it won't be happening again. His attire was competely inappropriate for the stated he embarrassed his club,the game and in the end himself. Last I heard ASADA was not sponsoring a surf carnival. His lawyer perhaps also should have told him to dress for the occasion.


Ronald M


I have seen a number of press reports on this within the last 24 hrs and comments from players, Flanagan and media experts. Most seem to be saying the same thing - process has dragged on, should have been over with in 6 weeks, ASADA setting their own agenda, Asada doing it their way etc etc etc. OK, its wake up time, of course ASADA are taking their time, no government or legal entity ever moves quickly and particularly when it is the "perps" or their representatives that are trying to rush them. I use the word perps because that is exactly how they will view Cronulla, its players and certain other players and officials, they will view them as criminals or at the very least suspects. They will not rush and they certainly won't be rushed. Neither will they accept none co-operation or evasion. They intend to get to the truth and I am certain they will succeed. They don't need the NRL's co-operation, they don't need to listen to Dave Smith, they don't need to finish before Origin or even the finals series, they will simply investigate this the way they want to, to a timetable of their chosing and will call on whoever and whenever they want to. Any concessions as to process or timing so as not to disrupt training is just that, a concession that can very easily be withdrawn should they start to meet opposition. We will be very lucky if the results of this are published before the Finals. My view is that we might see a report published by Christmas with any punishments being handed out in the new year. Anyone who thinks this is too long is either fooling themselves or simply not aware of how slowly officialdom moves. A Christmas report is likely but if we start seeing much resistance, it might not just be Cronulla's 2013 season that is ruined by all this.



Roar Rookie

He was representing his club in one of the most highly publicised events in Australian sporting history and he was dressed like a yob. His dress portrayed an attitude of cockiness and I couldn't give f*ck attitude. What would sponsors think of that? He embarrassed himself and his club. His lawyers and agent need shooting for allowing him to turn up dressed like that. Idiots.



Roar Guru

I am going to go with Big Time on this one. Dresseing as casual as that is a poor look, and does not show he is not intimidated. It shows a lack of class to me.




do you think asada would be nicer to him if he is dressed well? I doubt it. They'd still be trying just as hard to get him to dob in his mates. Dressing 'casual' shows he is not intimidated. Going in his best suit would say to asada 'go easy on me, please'.


BIg Time


No, it the casual look indicates he doesn't care and he is a cocky smart a*se. Its all about showing respect and looking professional. He gets paid big money to do something he loves. It does not take much to put on a suit and show a bit of respect for the process and the game. ASADA is the authoritive power, these players have to be willing to play the game. Turning up looking like that, will just do him more harm then good.




not really. Why go dressed up in suit and whatnot? The casual look indicates he has nothing to hide. and it's not as if asada has shown any respect for the game of league, with their carry on and constant leaking to the media.


BIg Time


Wouldn't go that far hey. Not shocked as it was not really unexpected. Disgusted, it takes a bit more then that to disgust me. Maybe it was more of a roll of the eyes whilst saying "get a look at this w*nker. " Did you not see a problem with it?


BIg Time


I am a League man through and through, but you are correct, our sport (or certain clubs at the very least) still do not get it. Lets hope Smith was on the phone to every club yesterday, making it clear that was unacceptable. Sharks needs a pull through for letting it happen, but to be honest, I think it is something you would expect from that club and its players.




you were shocked, and disgusted, were you?




I actually came to this page to say the exact same thing. It was an absolute disgrace!!! Back the front hat, sunnies and thongs. You've gotta be kidding me! What a muppet (but fairly accurate representation of the sport)

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