Acceptance, not tolerance for gay athletes like Jason Collins

By Kurt Sorensen / Roar Guru

In 1947 the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team did what was then the unthinkable, they started a player of African American descent at first base in the opening game of the Major League Baseball (MLB) season.

In doing so that player, Jackie Robinson, broke the deplorable colour line that had relegated black baseballers to ‘coloured’ leagues for 60 years, and it opened the door for African American players to be accepted onto professional teams throughout North America

It is such a revered part of baseball’s history that each year the MLB celebrates ‘Jackie Robinson Day’, a day in which every player in the league dons Robinson’s fabled number 42.

67 years after Robinsons own ‘coming out’, African American NBA player Jason Collins has broken a taboo mould of his own by becoming the first active participant in any of North America’s big four pro sports (NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL) to ‘come out’.

Jason Collins is a gay man and he wants the world to know.

Like Robinson, Collins should be duly congratulated for his courage and willingness to be a representative for players in a similar situation.

Robinson, with his timely inclusion and willingness to break the mould of white domination, set in motion a level of acceptance and respect that in those unenlightened times helped swing racist attitudes that preluded the civil rights movement.

But Collins is living in a time that should not be surprised nor require a man to be ‘brave’ about his race, let alone his sexual orientation.

And yet due to the still simmering prejudice that exists towards homosexuals in the broader community, Collins’ coming out has been heralded as a win for tolerance.

It may be an oxymoronic statement but I hate the term tolerance when it’s referring to race, religion or sexual orientation.

To tolerate something suggests a level of implied disaffection with that thing with which you must tolerate.

Indeed some things need to be tolerated, like a screaming kid at a café or an equally annoying Roosters fan at an ANZAC day match (sorry, couldn’t resist).

But anyone representing any majority within society should not have tolerance for Collins, Robinson and any other member of a minority or racially diverse group on these bases.

What we should have is absolute acceptance and respect, because simply tolerating a person on the basis of a differnece implies a passive form of bigotry .

Collins stated in his self-penned feature with Sports Illustrated that, “No one wants to live in fear … I’ve endured years of misery and gone to enormous lengths to live a lie. I was certain that my world would fall apart if anyone knew.”

For players to still feel the spectre of fear if their sexual orientation is revealed to the public is unacceptable though seemingly inevitable.

Just a day after making his statement, ESPN commentator Chris Broussard labelled Collins “a sinner in the eyes of god” that unfortunately reiterated why men like Collins find it so difficult to reveal whom they are.

It is true that there has been as significant out pouring of support for Collins, but it would be naïve to think that this support would silence all the Broussard’s of the world.

While the race issues in sport, and society in general, have not fully been eradicated, the idiocy of racism and those that participate in it are easily exposed and are largely shot down by those involved in the wider sporting community.

There can be a galvanising aspect to racial vilification that a vast majority of people share and are confidently able to display when combating bigotry.

While I wish that we lived in a time where a gay man did not feel fearful for telling people of his sexual orientation, it seems we still have a ways to go before gay players enjoy a similar level of acceptance and confidence in sports.

It has been 15 years since rugby league player Ian Roberts became the first high profile sportsman in Australia to ‘come out’.

It was a hugely courageous decision for its time and for the fact Roberts participated in one of the most brutally male sports on the planet.

And while there have been other openly gay athletes proudly represent Australia (diver Matthew Mitcham is a case in point) Roberts is still the only openly gay player from any of the major sporting codes in Australia to ‘come out’.

Roberts has stated he hopes that the Collins announcement will help other professional male athletes to feel comfortable in revealing who they are, and not have to live a lie and in fear of retribution.

Sport is often touted as great tool for social and cultural exchange. It often affords opportunities for people of various nationalities, cultures and beliefs to come together in the spirit of teamwork.

It also offers the opportunity for change.

Sadly it’s the attitudes of many within sports that need changing, an example of which is Roberts’ legal action he took against the Nine Network in 2010 for a Footy Show segment that used Roberts’ name in a skit he and other gay activists said vilified homosexuals.

These episodes, however flippantly meant by the perpetrators, are the type that keep the perceptions of unacceptance and vilification high in the minds of gay athletes.

All perceptions are true to those that experience them, and the fear that they generate can lead to experiences of long and uncomfortable loneliness like that described by Jason Collins.

It would be a great day indeed when the news of a sportsman being gay was greeted with the same level of ambivalence as any non gay athlete, until that day arrives this writer hopes that at the very least announcements such as Collins will pave the way for sports to become truly accepting of all participants.

I will leave the final word to the awesome Steven Colbert, who hilariously distilled the thoughts and wishes of this article down to one cracker of a line:

“He came out as black and gay. Even more shocking he came out as a player for the Washington Wizards. You’ve got to wonder how his parents took it.”

The Crowd Says:


Ryan O'Connell


Exactly, Mushi. Exactly.


Rob McLean


Sorry, Grover, my post should actually have been directed at Reason.



Roar Guru

I do like the rational of those guys that as long as their hatred stems from a belief then it is okay. Doesn't that make him just a horrible human being ? The KKK had a belief system that involved stringing Broussad's ancestors up in the centre of town. Does he support their right to live consistent with their beliefs?




True yep all good for shattering people's preconceptions ...Roberts was pretty important to me when i was a youngen, mostly for that reason. Shows u dont have to be "gay" to be gay...although he has now made the transition to thespian so he's no meathead either.



Kurt Sorensen

Roar Guru

cheers Ryan.



Kurt Sorensen

Roar Guru

Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment ya'll


Arturo Schultz


I am NOT looking for tolerance OR acceptance. I am looking for people to just butt out and mind their own business and worry about themselves, their families and not meddle in the lives of others.


Ryan O'Connell


Great piece, Kurt. Absolutely great piece. I look forward to the day such a story is not a big deal at all, but in the meantime, it is, and I commend Collins for his bravery.


Ryan O'Connell


What Broussard said was appalling. And the hiding behind religion aspect was worse. As an African American, how would he feel if he was racially discriminated against, yet his attacker defended themselves by saying "It's just the belief of my religion."




Nordster Ian Roberts was a pretty tough unit who could handle himself, you would have to be a fool to mes with him One of the ex nfl players who came out was A large Hawaiian dude, again someone who you wouldn't want to take on



Roar Guru

Agree. Never goes further than rumours but it's pretty obvious homosexuality is present in most team sports.




There are more...we just dont hear about it...maybe also the transient nature of football means that if they are ever 'suspect' there is always a new contract somewhere to run to. Plus in football we are talking about lots of different countries where some legitimately would fear more serious consequences if found out. So still a bastion of homophobia, absolutely....




Justin Fashanu


Myles Stedman

Roar Guru

+1 If Broussard's comments were of a racial nature, he'd be out the door. The simple fact that some people still need to come to "accept" gay people is a bit ridiculous.




Re: gay atheletes in team sports, there have been players from NBA, NFL, rugby league and rugby union whcame out during their career or afterwards (e.g. gareth thomas, david kopay) Im only aware of two openly gay men who have played professional soccer - David Fashanu and a MLS player, yet as the world game, you would think it would have more - is professional soccer a bastion of heterosexuality?




Yeah im the same even tho i have a personal stake in the issue. Once the first couple in a sport come out then we can all enjoy that indifference and it wont matter. Seriously i think folks will be surprised at the ones who are already gay (in their own time lol) but just cant be bothered with 'coming out'. Most dont fit the usual stereotype, especially in sport where the camper ones would have been marked out and excluded in that sort of environment. So to use a football expect more Sas Ognenovski types than Cristiano Ronaldo's.... :)



Roar Rookie

It's almost a joke that in 2013 we have to have these conversations, but unfortunately we are still stuck in that 1950's way of thinking. Well written article.


Grover Jones


Sorry, mate, you've got me confused with someone else. I loathe the NRL.


Rob McLean


Grover, what exactly does the NRL do to create an atmosphere were athletes can come out? And,if they are doing these things, why has no one come out since Ian Roberts in the 90s, when these feel good programs didn't exist? Not bagging your sport, seeking understanding of your comment.



Roar Guru

Didn't know about Broussard's comments. ESPN should have the balls to sack the bloke but it's 2013 God-fearing USA and you don't touch a man who is on God' side and try to abide by 'the book'. Still a long way to go.

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