'Boof' and 'Link' suddenly brighten Australia's future

By David Lord / Expert

The national coaching appointments of Darren Lehmann and Ewen McKenzie is a breath of fresh air.

Lehmann’s first challenge starts tomorrow night at Trent Bridge in the first of five Ashes Tests in England – McKenzie has to tread water until August 17 to do battle with the All Blacks in the Bledisloe Cup and Rugby Championship.

Both big asks.

Had Mickey Arthur still been coach of the baggy greens, the feeling among Australian supporters would be negative.

Lehmann has given those supporters something to believe in.

McKenzie takes over today, with Robbie Deans sacked yesterday after that horrendous 41-16 defeat by the Lions last Saturday.

And McKenzie will give Wallaby fans the same positive feeling from the get-go.

There’s a lot to like about ‘Boof’ and ‘Link’.

Both are physical heavyweights, both were successful on the international stage as players, both are highly-respected by all current players, both believe the only way to win is to play hard, and enjoy yourself.

But if any players want to push the misbehave envelope like David Warner, Kurtley Beale, Quade Cooper, and James O’Connor, they had better duck as the hammers of hell will descend upon them.

That’s why Lehmann and McKenzie are perfect selections. They have no time for prima donnas. No time for smart arses. Just give your all, all the time – or on your bike.

Respect the baggy green cap, or gold jersey, every waking minute of every day.

For some unfathomable reason South African Arthur and Kiwi Deans could not get that message through to their charges.

They wouldn’t stand any nonsense if they were coaching their own countries. So why was it different coaching Australia?

Blowed if I know. It doesn’t make any sense.

Anyway, that’s all in the past. This is a new beginning, and with it comes much hope.

I reckon Lehmann will be as successful as Bobby Simpson and John Buchanan, and there can’t be any higher praise.

And McKenzie has the potential to be another Rod Macqueen, by far the most successful Wallaby coach of the professional era.


Simpson, Buchanan, and Macqueen were sticklers for excellence, and they drove their troops.

Not in any dictatorial way, just getting through to each individual in a different way.

Some didn’t like it, with the world’s greatest leggie Shane Warne continually at loggerheads with Buchanan.

But Warne still fired during the Buchanan watch, so who won the point?


And while I have the chance, here is an ideal time to press for Lehmann and McKenzie to be sole selectors.

It doesn’t make sense to have outside selectors have any say in who should be picked, when it’s the coaches neck that is constantly in the noose.

He wins, he’s safe. He loses too often and it’s the exit door as both Arthur and Deans found out.

Every professional coach in a professional sport has to be the master of his own destiny.

Darren Lehmann, and Ewen McKenzie, deserve that status.

Long may they reign.

The Crowd Says:


Roger from Rocky


Look for utube vids of a show called Lancelot Link, the answer to your question will be obvious.


Roger from Rocky


I'm not sure if you noticed but Quade Cooper has indeed pulled his head in of recent times. Getting a beer chucked on him and walking away is the best sign I've seen of a reformed character. O'Connor and Beale though are in for a world of hurt if Link carries over the same approach as he's had in Queensland.



Roar Rookie

Hey guys I just need to ask this question that has been bugging me... Why is Mckenzie referred to as Link?


Suzy Poison


Ha ha, Arthur.. I do feel feel for Deans, as coaches, you are only as good as your last game. It's a brutal gig. I guess there are worse jobs. And if your passion is rugby, it's awesome. But No, I am a Saffa, not a Kiwi.


Arthur fonzarelli.


Suzy are you actually robbie deans ?


Suzy Poison


David, as a Saffa I have to say yeah, I understand the two new Aussies in the job brings a relief to supporters. But I think you got one wrong and one right. Mickey Arther had to go. Boof will do a great job. South Africa didn't want Arthur either. Gary Kirsten took India to number one and won a one day WC with them. Then he took South Africa to the number test cricket nation. We were happy to see the back of Mickey. But you blokes picked him up. Dunno why? Maybe no one else around at the time? Anyways Boof will turnaraound the Watson - Pup tension into a team winning performance. Something that only an Aussie can do. He will get under thier skin and turn them into a team. Australia will put up a fight in the Ashes of that I have no doubt. Also Aussie play best as the massive underdog. As for the rugby, well as a Saffa supporter, I am breathing a huge sigh of relief. You blokes stuffed up that decision badly. Very badly. Perhaps if Deans was an Aussie, you would have seen the wood for the trees. Anyways very happy that you didn't pick White. The Boks would have struggled against Australia with JW and his brilliant coaching. Winning a world cup is not easy, just ask Graham Henry, it took him 8yrs with the best team in the world. Link is a good but limited coach who will be exposed quickly at this level. People forget Deans won 5 Super comps, whilst Link has won one. And that title was questionable as he played against a team, that had an earthquake destroy thier home ground, so every game was an away game. Link was sacked by the Tahs and Stade France. In the past two years, once the whole off the cuff game plan has failed, and teams have figured out the Reds, the tries have dried up and the Reds are seriously on the decline. Last year Reds supporters blamed injuries, but they have no excuses this year. It's a complete fallacy that the Reds are entertainers, as they score most of their tries thru rolling mauls. Ewen's gameplan is basically give it Cooper and hope he does something special. That is massive fail at test level. But you blokes are about to find that out. Don't say I didn't warn you?


Glenn Innis


I got that quote from Warren Ryan on ABC radio.


Glenn Innis


There was a famous basketball coach in the states who's name escapes me who was asked what makes a good coach -,his reply "good players".



Roar Rookie

Ex Wallaby coach was incompetent, and O'connor hasn't justified the demands he makes.



Roar Rookie




Roar Rookie

Wallabies tried their best, they were just poorly prepared for a sudden death game (the coach was to blame:)


Tarragon Fields


Gee the haka is a real display of intelligence isn't it? No one outside of NZ knows who David Kirk even is.


Lawry Rickards


Interesting that the Ex Wallabies coach didn't want Cooper and the new coach/ Rebels probably don't want O,Connor.. Both Ex Wallaby and Ex cricket coaches were quiet coaches who both had problems iwith players behavior .. Players step up !! Problems are not with the coachers , but players , yet coachers get the flak.. Good luck!!


Nigel Imrie


Thank God the ARU have finally manned up and made a decision that should have been made immediately after the RWC. The choice of McKenzie is a popular one and I for one am overjoyed. I am excited about my Wallaby team again and cannot wait for the tests against the AB's come August 17. As I said to a Kiwi mate, finally we can finally get back to some old fashioned contests between two countries that love to bash each other up, hell growing up and playing juniour rugby all the way through to senior rugby the dream was to make the Wallabies and front the All Blacks but with the installation of a Kiwi coach that contest between Aussie and Kiwi lost something, we now have it back again and it is awesome, come game time it will be special, can't wait!!! As a great Wallaby turned commentator once said, "Go you good thing"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Yeah but the Wallabies have had intellectual heavy weights such as Dunning, Ioane, Timani, Sailor, Tuqiri and Melon. Duck a l'orange.







+1, +10, +1,000,000,000,000




Really? I'm disheartened you succour your newfound confidence with such myopic denigration. McCaw is a helicopter pilot. C Smith is a Lawyer. Andy Haden is the Agent's agent. Victor Vito is a Scholar. Henry was a Principal at a school with a decent roster. David Kirk is one of the most sought after CEO's in Australasia - he was the head of Fairfax Media in your country. This is the tip of the iceberg. Some revison may be required.




If he hadn't made the gutsy choice in the 76th minute of the second Test, we'd have been whitewashed.



Roar Guru

CD - Ha ha ha ha ha..........

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