Jean's words a delusion, Hooper's smile an illusion

By Brendan Hope / Roar Guru

While being interviewed after their heartbreaking defeat to the Wallabies, South Africa’s Jean De Villiers response was to say “that’s rugby”.

While I have much respect for him, I tend to disagree. South Africa didn’t play much rugby to justify that statement. One Roarer’s comment stands out for me as best describing our game plan – “two Kickers, thirteen chasers.”

I can’t tell you how difficult it was, as a Springbok fan, to watch our team dominate certain aspects of play only to kick valuable possession away and watch the opposition attack at their leisure.

The Wallabies did not play well. They lacked accuracy in most of their attacking play and their skills were sub-par at best. You could commend them on their defence at times but the Boks didn’t make life very difficult for them.

The Boks’ backline was non-existent. Their play was so negative at times, it was almost offensive. If tactical kicking was our only option on attack, we failed miserably. Willie Le Roux, a masterclass last year, has been understandably off form and his tactical kicking even more so.

There were plenty of people berating George Clancy for a few poor refereeing blunders, and I tend to agree with them, but I don’t believe his decisions had any impact on the final result. It was the Boks’ own doing.

Expect more of the same next week, except they’ll be playing a polished side with all the confidence in the world. Things could get ugly. If you’re South African, I’d suggest recording it and watching it later if necessary.

While being interviewed after their last gasp win over the Springboks, Australia’s Michael Hooper response was a gleaming smile.

I’m not sure whether this response was warranted. His team were trailing for most of the game and their scrum was taking great pressure from a Springbok pack, well defeated two weeks beforehand.

Their lack of accuracy on attack and lack of discipline throughout almost cost them. The Springboks were there for the taking.

Australia need to re-group before the Argentinians arrive, otherwise I fear they may be in trouble. At least they are working on their combinations – an area where the Boks have regressed greatly in my opinion. I believe Kurt Beale will find his place and the halfback pairing have done enough to warrant another start.

Needless to say, Hooper’s gleaming smile may be short lived unless his side digs deep, gets their combinations completely right and maintain their discipline.

The Crowd Says:




Actually, you were beaten by the better team. If SA were the better team they would've won. The SA ego is comparable to the NZ but at least NZ have a justification for being so arrogant. You don't.




We already pick Ruan and Fourie from overseas. Not gonna make a difference if we trade one out. I personally like Kockott and think Reinach has potential and should b blooded as back up


Mick Gold Coast QLD

Roar Guru

A piece on the confluence of rugby and theology - I'll look out for that one! I do enjoy that fine blokes such as Keven Mealamu, Bakkies Botha and Brad Thorn can go forth and belt, bruise and brutalise their opponent and, when the final bell rings, as committed Christians offer a prayer to the Lord for promoting the bout, for returning them to their corner relatively unscathed and for occasionally delivering a handsome purse for their efforts! :) Each one of them then reverts to a modest, peaceful and honorable life until next week - aaahhh, the righteous cause that is rugby.


Rugby Tragic


I read this too ...... is this to be ratified?.


Harry Jones


We have a full blown crisis at 9, I think. Time to do something crazy, or we will lose Fanie and Biltong!



Brendan Hope

Roar Guru

I've had Rory Kockott in my mind recently but wonder what example we would be setting if we selected him over locally based players. I feel we'd need to drop RP altogether if we picked Kockott. The French need all the talent they can get at the moment, lets sacrifice Rory for the good of the game ;-)


Harry Jones


We should get over the fact that Kockott is a bit of a knob; because at least he plays 9 like a mongrel and kicks accurately, given that Meyer wants to and will play through/on 9.




This is my logic. How many south african black springboks were in the current 22 vs Australia? And I don't mean coloured springboks. I'm talking about actual black south african born springboks? The answer is 1, Trevor Nyakane. Black south africans don't typically play rugby, their sport of choice is soccer. It is completely cultural. Yes poverty plays a part in not allowing black rugby players to prosper but not as much as we would like to think. Our national soccer team is 99% black because of culture. White south africans are 8,86% percent of the population and coloureds are 8.92% of the population. Most of our non-white players are coloured and are picked from a population base that is the same size as the white population. Why are there not more black players than coloured players? surely if they are both ethnic groups that are disadvantaged but blacks have a larger player base then they should be more black players? The reason is because rugby and cricket are culturally a game that coloured people play. Maybe not as much as white people but more so than black people for sure. SARU can't force black people to play a game that they are just not interested in. The reason why their are so few black players is because the player base of black players that actually play rugby is tiny, Far smaller than the white and coloured player base, so obviously you are not going to find plenty quality players. If they persist with this strategy of picking with colour, coaches will be forced to pick players from the coloured player base which is smaller than the white player base. South Africa simply can't field a competitive non-white springbok team, that is the truth.




Rory Kockott is a player that springs to my mind that has been one of the top players in Europe over the last few years, has both a good kicking and running game. We gonna regret it when he turns out for the French instead.



Brendan Hope

Roar Guru

Don't get me started on this. We'd have to draft them in now to ensure they've had enough exposure to international rugby before we are forced to field them as starters. It's quite clear that non-white is not enough, they have to be black African which excludes a handful of talented players already :-(



Brendan Hope

Roar Guru

We are our own worst enemies at the moment Brett. Completely lacking the spark and trust to make use of the possession we gain. Time for a reality check!


Harry Jones


We did it to ourselves I agree Nobody did this to us Refs make mistakes But we did this to ourselves Live by the boot; die by the boot


Harry Jones


I agree Just look at the new orders from Saru Impossible to explain to outsider


Harry Jones


Sheek I'm trying to write a chapter about Calvinism and dogma as translated into rugby I'll have a condensed version on ROAR; it's a great point


Harry Jones




Harry Jones


We have kicked twice as much as we passed and OZ has passed 100 times more than they kicked. So far... And we've missed 50 tackles


Brett Susan


Ja.....Australia does not have a great team at all yet we still lost - goes to show just how badly we are playing.....I totally agree, the kicking is absolutely horrendous. Not so much because it is done so often alone but because it it is done so often and so poorly. If I close my eyes I can see Pienaar receiving the ball at the base of the scrum and hoofing it straight into the hands of an Aussie. Basically, they give the ball back to the Aussies with the message ' here's the ball guys, we don't want it so you can have it'. We thoroughly deserve to lose until this is addressed and our vitriol against the ref should be directed to our own ridiculous tactics. We were not beaten by the better team or the ref, we were beaten by poor execution and game plan.



Brendan Hope

Roar Guru

I'm not sure what his vision is wardrad? Just his goal is to win lots of trophies and put the pride in the jersey. We are missing the spark to play the percentages game and lacking the confidence to try anything different. Our coaching staff are under too much pressure to take risks. it's a combination of all of those things.


Hahaha, the controversy PDV created had nothing to do with what I am talking about ;)




Thank goodness they appointed a local chap in P Divvy then. Easily controlled, and no controversy!

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