A blueprint for Wallaby reformation

By Tony H / Roar Pro

Given the debacle that has been the Wallabies over the last few weeks, I thought it was time that we had a look at what has to happen for them to progress as a sporting team and an organisation.

There are few key changes that have to be made, and quickly, in order for the Wallabies to rise above the latest off-field issues.

1. Appoint Michael Cheika as coach
While this point is the most galling for me to make, Cheika is clearly the best coach available to the Wallabies at this point in time.

Failing to appoint him would be making rugby decisions for political reasons, which would hurt the Wallabies and continue the divide in the team. He’s the best man for the job, and has done nothing wrong, so pick him, and then hold him accountable.

2. Sack Adam Ashley-Cooper and Michael Hooper
While Cheika should not be punished for the deeds of his Waratahs malcontents, the fact remains that Ashley-Cooper and Hooper both spoke in the media against the direct instructions of the coach and team management.

For Hooper and Ashley-Cooper (the captain and most-capped player in the team respectively) to do something so stupid and immature spells out how bad the Wallabies culture really is.

While sacking them might seem counter-productive in rugby terms, the simple fact is that rugby is a team game, and both of these two placed their personal opinions at a higher priority than the good of the team. If you think the All Blacks or the Springboks would keep such players then I suggest you look at their track record.

Maybe bring them back after the spring tour if their replacements don’t perform but they must be disciplined for bringing the team into disrepute.

3. Appoint Stephen Moore and James Slipper as captain and vice-captain
Until Moore is available to return from injury, Slipper must be named as Wallaby captain to stop the revolving door. Aside from being the first two names on the team sheet, Moore and Slipper are proven and consistent performers who direct traffic and demand excellent standards of behaviour. At no stage have either of them been in trouble or involved in the internal squabbles of the team.

4. Bring Will Genia back at nine
While Genia has been injured and down on form from his previous best, he is still a class above the other Wallaby halfback options. His passing and game management are a level above Nick Phipps or Nic White and his leadership brings something that the Wallabies desperately need, particularly in the absence of Moore and David Pocock.

5. Improve the Wallabies’ training facilities
Reading Eddie Jones’ comments the other day that Brumbies players bemoan the poor quality of the national setup in terms of facilities, is simply unacceptable. The Wallabies need to have the best facilities and support team available if they are ever going to topple what is arguably the greatest All Blacks team ever.

6. Employ a hard-nosed team manager
This is the coach’s right hand when it comes to sorting out off-field issues and getting everyone going in the same direction. This gives the coach a degree of separation from the day-to-day issues of the team and the rugby issues.

This delineation that is currently clearly missing is a major part of Ewen McKenzie’s demise as he got drawn in to the petty squabbling that should have been dealt with by someone else on the spot.

7. Ruthlessly enforce the ideals of the Wallaby jersey
This point is the most important, as without it we are condemned to years of the same rubbish from the Wallabies. Whether it is training intensity, wearing the right uniform, following team orders or just being a decent human being, the Wallaby jersey must have its aura restored.

The only way to achieve this is by setting standards and ruthlessly enforcing them. Didn’t wear the right uniform? Fined. Spoke out against the directions of management? Stood down. Sexually harassed a staff member? Contract torn up.

Whoever the incoming coach (or coaching team) is, I wish them all the best. As a rugby tragic, I can’t help but feel despair that the Wallabies are one controversy away from losing me. I just hope that the team can grow up, knuckle down and play some rugby.

The Crowd Says:



Tony H

Roar Pro

My recollection is that Slipper said that he likes Kurtley, but no one can support what he did and the disciplinary action is out of the playing group's hands. Slipper is quoted on a different (unamed) sports site as saying, "In that circumstance what Kurtley did none of us condone but in the same (instance) it's out of our control and whatever we say or do it's not going to do anything for the outcome. "He's been a team-mate of mine for many years now and I'm always going to support a team-mate and for both sides I hope everyone's all right with it. "The case will go forward and an outcome will happen with it and I guess we can just be supporters of whichever way it goes." Pretty diplomatic if you ask me.



Tony H

Roar Pro

Agreed and that is my point entirely. Cheika, if he wants to avoid a state divide, has to do exactly that. Deal with people based on their behaviour and performance, not on their state.


Quading in...


That's no conflict in my mind, that's a tough conversation he's going to have to have with AAC and MH. He could stand them down, he could tell them "you're not coming on tour" or he could fine them a large amount, but he must do something publicly to say "I'm not acting as the Tahs coach right now, I'm the entire WB squad coach".


Quading in...


Yep he is BB. And +1 re: point 7. Be tough, restore respect and discipline. God I wish Moore wasn't injured, because he personifies this.


Garry Edwards


Wholeheartedly agree and as BP said the most damaging things about the Wallabies is how the media reports. Well since MC has taken accepted his position as national coach of a national side I have found several pieces submitted where so called Wallabies supporters are already honing their knives in light of the fact that MC is NSW. And if you read the articles clearly those Roarer's are guilty of inciting or at least ramping up the state conspiracy theory of favouritism, tabled votes etc. etc. do not have the best interests of national rugby at heart only their own selfish desire to see their man on the field or better still more of my men than those from down south. The team will be selected based on performance and merit that's his way, it doesn't matter to MC where the player comes from be it North or South it will be a team of the best players available regardless of geographical locality- simple as that, no favourites, no buddy system, it will be disciplined and the discipline will be enforced. Trust me this guy knows exactly what he's doing and it aint for money. So take it on board support your national coach and the national side selected because, you people who write Roar are in effect reporting on rugby and what you say and how it is said carries weight and repercussions for all concerned. So stop with the BS wake up and truly support rugby- your rugby because if you don't the doors may very well close and then you'll have FA to bitch about. Balls in your court.




Not sure about Slipper and his involvement in McKensie's demise but it was a good article. Make Fardy or Lealiifano captain!



Roar Guru

Didn't Slipper also support Beale? But all good points. The players as a whole need a wake up call, a reminder of what playing as a wallaby is all about. The whole extended squad should be lined up in front of 23 jerseys and be told "whoever is willing to play the Euro tour for no pay step forward." The savings can be used to revamp Ballymoore as the Permanent Wallaby Home..




I like your plan especially 1&2 for an immediate way forward. But there is something that appears to be more pressing which is a viable organisation chart. Nucifora's empire was deconstructed, the provincial academies removed, the coach making new positions and on and on. It is odd to actually try and conceive an organisation chart for a sporting complex but that is what is needed. It needs to cover the wallabies and the provinces so that it is clear that there is a common goal and there are boundaries, authorities and responsibilities within groups and between groups.



Roar Rookie

Agree entirely - the only hurdle is funding number 5. Maybe current Wallabies could all donate their sponsorship/match payments and then actively participate in the building of new facilities..... you know, like real-world rugby players have to do with their clubs..... I jest.



Roar Guru

Nice one Tony. I really dig the idea of an AB-style triumvirate with Foley and Larkham supporting Cheika. I think Bernie’s experience with our successful Wallaby team at the turn of the century will be invaluable in lifting this sides rugby IQ and developing our game-management skills. He also may be able to work on our play maker’s strategic kicking skills which have been seriously lacking in recent times. Bernie was one of the best at finding space and working the angles to smartly skid the ball across the touch line deep in enemy territory. I think dropping Hooper and AAC for the EOYT is a bit harsh. With the change of coach, I’d absolutely be taking the c and vc away from Hooper and AAC respectively. Especially considering, with a full compliment in the World Cup year (Moore and Pocock), there’s no chance Hooper will be captaining the side and no guarantees he’ll even be a starter. I think Genia at his best is head and shoulders above Phipps and White as our best option at 9. The problem has been his consistency in recent times. All of our 9’s (Genia included) need to work on knowing when and how to kick and when to make use of the short side. Hopefully Genia’s lack of recent Wallaby involvement has helped him iron out some kinks and get back into some career best form. As well as Genia at 9, I’d also like to see Toomua move back to his more familiar 10 and make use of the Brumbies 10/12/13 combination. I think Toomua is a better test 10 when compared to Cooper and I’m not 100% sold on Foley heading into a RWC year. Leali’ifano was simply awesome on Saturday night and he couldn’t possibly be dropped after demonstrating that sort of form against the world champs. Kuridrani’s form also speaks for itself. Another Brumbie in Speight on the wing with AAC and Folau and I think that’s going to be close to our most potent backline. The front row seems pretty settled with Slipper and Kepu starting and Sio and Alexander on the bench with Moore, TPN and Faingaa as our hooking options in that order. The back 5 of the scrum is anyones guess. Carter and Simmons have seemed to pick up their act recently and Fardy has been one of the strongest piggies. Out of those three plus Horwill, Skelton, Higginbotham, Hooper, Pocock, McCalman and Palu there should be enough quality and depth to put together an international standard pack. They have at least shown glimpses of it against very strong opposition in the Boks for 70 at Cape Town and in Brisbane on Saturday night Big ups on 7. This team culture needs a serious overhaul while getting everyone singing from the same song sheet. We need more Leali’ifano’s, Toomua’s, Pococks and Moore’s who just seem to be decent humans.



Roar Guru

Gaping conflict of interest in points 1 & 2. I'm on board with Chieka's appointment even though I was a great believer in Link, but will he (Chieka) have the nuts to reprimand Hooper and A-Cooper given that he publicly supported Beale who was the root cause of this entire fisaco in the first place?


On point 4, is Genia back in form? How many NRC matches has he played? On point 7, just restore respect and discipline.

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