Glenn Stewart: I took a dive, I wanted to win

By News / Wire

South Sydney backrower Glenn Stewart admitted he took a dive to deny North Queensland a try during his team’s 30-12 NRL loss on Monday night.

Stewart fell after colliding with Cowboys forward Ethan Lowe as Michael Morgan scooted over for a try on the stroke of halftime.

Referee Adam Devcich referred the decision to the video referees who came back with a no-try verdict.

Cowboys captain Johnathan Thurston expressed his extreme frustration towards the referee over the decision.

Devcich said to Thurston both he and the video referees felt Stewart was unfairly obstructed by Lowe.

But on Tuesday at a Rabbitohs’ recovery session, Stewart admitted to taking a dive to draw the obstruction ruling, describing it as “gamesmanship”.

“To be honest I wasn’t going to get there (to tackle Morgan) so I tried something and it came off,” he said.

“Everyone wants to win. I wasn’t going to get to the bloke so I had a crack and fortunately it went our way.

“In a game you do everything you can to win and I just had a crack.”

Steward made no apologies for his actions.

“You have seen other people try and do it. It’s within the rules and while a lot of people out there (on social media) are probably giving it to me, we are out there trying to win,” he said.

“If we had won by two or four points I probably would be copping it a lot more, but we would still have the two (competition) points.

“I was pretty surprised to be honest (they didn’t award the try).

“It is gamesmanship, a fair bit goes on week to week and, if I cop it about it, I cop it about it.”

Cowboys coach Paul Green wasn’t impressed with Stewart’s actions.

“I don’t think it’s something we want to see in our game,” he said.

“When people watch soccer and see what some of their players do, it’s not a great look for the game.

“It’s certainly not a place where we want to go.”

The Crowd Says:




Wait for it Griffo, there will be more for the cows this year ... it is the nature of the sydney bias




Why do they have ex players? we all know the stupidity of the general rugby league player, i am not having a go here, it takes a lot of guts to walk out on that field and anyone with half a brain becomes an outstanding half back 5/8, but to use these guys is stupid, how about getting an analytical scientist, show him enough games and correct callings and he will soon start to work out the variables and probabilities in his head to get the calls spot every time. No emotion or team bias.




by the way the game has changed ... keep up




lol Mike, we know mate, it is called a video referee that didn't exist back then (you missing brain cells?).... and for them to not adjudicate, well something stinks! it is the way they think and their bias shines through.




Now know? it has been going on for years ... well against the Cows, what about the groin punches and groin handling the sharks did to them in the 7 tackle finnal, not a word from the southern media .....?


William Dalton Davis

Roar Rookie

My favourite was against Brisbane a couple weeks ago. They showed replays and for the life of me I didn't see any contact with his head at all. Yet he still got a penalty. While I may get lambasted here,I think that if you're collected high the right thing to do is stay down, and if people like Trent Robinson don't like it then I suggest he coach his players not to make contact with the head. This incident however should come down to common sense. You can't penalise someone for obstruction if they're in a position to receive the ball and the defender hasn't the slightest chance of making the tackle. It'd be different if he runs straight at someone who wasn't going to make a tackle knocking them over (I'd say that situation results in a penalty against the attacking team for someone's sheer stupidity. see Alex Glenn in Sharks vs Broncos round 2 as a reference ) but that's not what happens here.


big J


You cant compare league to Soccer, Soccer is non-contact sport for high price girls and league is a contact sport for real men, big difference. But back to the issue, Glenn needs to stop with BS and play hard football, that how you win games not by being a skirt and taking a dive.


up in the north

Roar Rookie

That's a good question. I think there's a couple of different names they give to sheperding now. Decoy runners and so on. I'd also like te hear a good explanation.




Is the rule that you can't obstruct a defender or that you can't run behind one of your own players? I'm asking a serious question, because Michael Morgan runs behind Lowe. Growing up, I always learnt that the golden rule was that you couldn't run behind a player. Simple. Admittedly, in this situation without the video or more likely from a kick return etc this wouldn't be pulled up as a shepherd because no one was impeded, but what is the rule? Is it to obstruct a defender or simply run behind a team mate?




Don't recall Gift diving at Manly. Must be the Souths culture inspired by "Roadkill" Madge.




For mine, Glenn Stewart isn't even the issue here. Every week players will try to gain advantage one way or another and to point the finger at him is a bit hypocritical. Soccer managers always complain when a penalty is awarded against them following a player who has clearly dived yet they are quick to dismiss or defend it when their own team benefits so you can hardly listen to Paul Green either. The issue is that the referees (with the benefit of the video ref) continue to get these calls wrong when it is obvious to everyone else what the correct call is. If a player running in support of someone who has made a break gets in the way of the cover defense as a result of providing support it is play on. This situation is not really any different in that Stewart came right out of the line and then had to turn around and come back towards his own try line as defensive cover as a result. Even if Steward had been knocked down without the theatrics this is not obstruction!




Ha, you can take the player out of Manly, but you can't take the 'manly' out of the player.



Roar Rookie

As George Constanza once said "it's not a lie Jerry if you believe it's true"




Fine the flop. NBA’s stance should be implemented into the NRL. Initial flop, the player is warned. Second flop the player is fined $5K, followed increments of $5K for each successive flop during the season. NRL wages aren’t in the NBA bracket, but a fining policy would police the flop(s). Maybe $2.5K for a flop and the risk of suspension for frequent floppers. NRL will sit on their hands no doubt.


William Dalton Davis

Roar Rookie

He's never admitted to diving though. He just does it week in week out. Gordon Tallis asked him in an interview what was going on when he received high contact against the Eels and he didn't lie down and milk a penalty. Bird acted like he had no idea what he was talking about.



Roar Rookie

The South Sydney diving culture is already strong with this one


Arnold Krewanty


It may be seen as cheating, but players and coaches now know they can play the video referee. Until the video referee role is reduced to simply adjudicating on the put down for a try the better (or preferably get rid of it all together).




I'm with George W. This isn't news. Everyone but the refs knew he took a dive. His cardinal sin was admitting it. It is a concern though that the try was disallowed despite the fact that Lowe was in a legal position to be a receiver. Never mind that he would not have caught him or that he took a dive because those are more opinion based call. It seems like the video refs might be overlooking certain rules when making their decision. I think video refs whwn asked to adjudicate on particular things need a check list so they don't overlook the applicable rules. On another note, and as a Cowboys supporter, it's good to see that against a top side they were still able to work well enough to overcome the mistake by match officials. In the last few years they've had some bad luck with calls going against them in big games. They have had more than their fair share but every team is going to have a bad call go against thrm at some stage. The best you can do is play well enough that thos calls don't matter.


up in the north

Roar Rookie

I wonder if it's possible to initiate a charge of bringing the game into disrepute retroactively? I mean he has actually said that he cheated. Fool.


Harvey Wilson

Roar Rookie

Doesn't this come under bringing the game into disrepute?

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