Joe Marler faces lengthy suspension over 'racist' taunt

By The Roar / Editor

England player Joe Marler could be suspended for up to a month if found guilty of a racist taunt after he was heard calling Wales prop Samson Lee a ‘gypsy-boy’ during England’s 25-21 win.

Referee Craig Joubert’s microphone picked up the taunt and it was later confirmed it did come from Marler. The England camp stated that Marler did apologise to Lee at half-time on his own accord but it might not be enough to save Marler from suspension.

“There is banter in the game but there is no room for that. As far as we are concerned, there is no place in the game for that,” Wales attack coach Rob Howley said.

“This is the first time in my experience of being involved with international rugby that something like this has happened and we will just wait for the process to finish.”

The news comes after Marler had already been cited for elbowing Wales’ other prop, Rob Evans.

Marler is currently with England’s squad preparing for their final Six Nations clash against France. England’s already secured the title but a win would complete their first grand slam in 13-years.

“At the moment Joe is available and he will be until the judiciary says otherwise,” England coach Eddie Jones said.

“What he said was not in the spirit of the game. He understands that, which is why he apologised straightaway. We all make mistakes and the fact he apologised at half-time is a real testament to Joe’s character; you do not do that unless you mean it.”

Matt Mullan is on standby to play for England if Marler is suspended.

The Crowd Says:




"Perhaps you missed the point?" Except there isn't really a point of any substance at all, is there? You've just lumped together a few incidents going back several years some of which didn't actually happen (no dwarves were tossed, for example), and most of the others were blown out of all proportion by the press, to create, for sad reasons of your own I can only speculate on, the impression that one particular team has some unique array of appalling indiscretions. From what I've read of your posts you seem to be an AB fan. I presume that if I posted, the next time there's an AB player indiscretion, "What sort of mindset does a player have to have to play for a team that has the most widely publicised indiscretions in its last few years, king hit punches by one of their hookers; flying headbutts by another; their winger wrecking and vandalising cars in the hotel car park after losing in the world cup; domestic violence cases; animal cruelty....................... I imagine I'd be accused (probably correctly) of being a rather sad little man with a chip on my shoulder.




Great little song that. Custom made for Cher, along with Half breed.




Wish I was born yesterday Neil! I'd say the gypsey part is original, at least we don't get that a lot our way. Might be common up there though. Perhaps you missed the point? What sort of mindset does a player have to have to play for a team that has the most widely publicised indiscretions in its last few years to have to resort to that now, and when they're finally winning? Perhaps it's a general intelligence thing?




Johnny and JCR. That was pretty damn funny. Whoops, I said "Damn". Don't say "Damn". I said "Damn". How about when two guys verbally abuse each other we can have Todd Rundgren's "Can We Still Be Friends" piped out over the loudspeakers. But not "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves" by Cher.




I'm hearing you. You can throw Tennis into the mix. I would be afraid to fart on the playing field these days. Higgik, I have watched sport for a long long LONG time and I never gave a rat's posterior about what the players said. Now it is an infatuation. Also the mic is turned on "accidentally" for certain teams and not with others. I am meek and friendly in the comfort of my home and workplace. But when I play sport I let loose the odd expletive. The game finishes and I shake hands. I honestly don't really like swearing. It sounds boorish. I wish people would not do it. However, it is everywhere these days, and easily accessible. So I am not sure why some get so offended. Apparently, even though it is not swearing, saying "Gypsy Boy" is incredibly offensive. If somebody said it to me I would just be incredibly confused. Why don't we put sticky tape over players mouths so we cannot hear them. Of course put a hole through it with a straw so they can breath. Otherwise it's degrading



Roar Rookie

I think your being harsh about penalising , a more proactive solution would be to have run on counsellors , along with the water boys etc . Then anyone who looks distressed can be dealt with in timely fashion on the paddock . Remember this is not a blame game !




Plenty of Aussies out there who are not ashamed of their convict ancestors. In fact it's something to be embraced.


Johnny J-Dog


What we need to clean the game up is a separate off-field referee whose sole job is to listen for any offensive comments. If the TR (Thought Referee) hears anything, he could make a call to stop play so that he can listen to check a audio replay which could also be broadcast live over the big screen at the ground so that everyone can listen. If there has been such an infringement (e.g. someone says something hurtful) during the lead up to a try, that try could be overruled and a penalty awarded. Further, play should be stopped so that the offender is made to make an on field apology to the offendee that is broadcast over the ground PA and TV. Play would resume after the two players shake hands to make up. Prior to all games, all players should be forced to pronounce to the world through a pre-prepared statement the evils of hurting someone's feelings.



Roar Rookie

Real first world problem . I've heard Samson to be mentioned as being of gypsy heritage by commentators and or in the press. If it was a tirade or constant through the game I could understand the reaction . For this , no , especially if Marler and or team mgmt dealt with it



Roar Guru

Gypsies (a term no longer used) now Roma people have been persecuted throughout Europe for hundreds of years, culminating in a targeted extermination campaign by Hitler during WWII, when more than a quarter of the Million European Roma were murdered in death camps. This discrimination then continued after the war when the Roma people were left out of all restitution for these war crimes until 1979.


Rob Porter

Roar Rookie

Check the other article on this from the previous day. Discussed at length




Educate yourself:




I might be naïve but I don't get the gypsy boy insult. Does anybody know what it is in reference to? Is it a reference to someone who travels around a lot without a permanent base? A bit like what we call a journeyman?




I didn't know gypsy was a race.


Rob Porter

Roar Rookie

Neil, its a bit ironic there are 2 articles here about Marler and his transgressions, yet nothing about Francis and the eye gouging incident from the same game. Great balance don't you think?


Frederick the Englishman


They need to call Beale, Cooper and O'Connor for a few tips.


Rob Porter

Roar Rookie

Its not the first or last time a player has gone too far in the heat of battle, or whilst "on tour". No nation is immune from stupid behavior, eg Justin Harrison in 2005 with the Warritahs (wasn't he also a WB?)


Rob Porter

Roar Rookie

Its not the first time a rugby player has gone too far in the heat of battle or "on tour". No nation is immune to idiotic behaviour. Justin Harrison, 2005 whilst playing for the Warratahs comes to mind (wasn't he a WB?).


Neil Back

Roar Rookie

Mate, if you think a verbal sledge and a facial between props is original, you must have literally been born yesterday.



Roar Guru

Bungee jumping off the Eiffel Tower naked... only after they beat France to do the ultimate Slam celebration!

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