Cheika seething at clown portrayal

By News / Wire

All Blacks coach Steve Hansen has accused Wallabies counterpart Michael Cheika of “hijacking” New Zealand’s world record celebrations in a sensational aftermath to Saturday night’s Bledisloe Cup finale in Auckland.

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Seething at being dressed up as a red-nosed clown in the New Zealand Herald on the morning of the match, Cheika claimed the All Blacks don’t respect the Wallabies.

In an extraordinary rant after Australia’s 37-10 loss at Eden Park, Cheika was also upset at not receiving a direct invitation into the triumphant dressing room after the All Blacks chalked up an unprecedented 18th consecutive tier-one Test match win.

But Cheika’s biggest gripe was the cartoon illustration in New Zealand’s national newspaper.

“They dressed us up as clowns today. They put our crest on it, so they wouldn’t want our comment (about the record),” Cheika snapped.

“I don’t think they respect our comment, anyway, so we won’t make one.”

Cheika eventually congratulated the All Blacks for their “oustanding” accomplishment before Wallabies captain Stephen Moore intervened to savage the newspaper, saying he was deeply offended.

“The way the jersey is portrayed in that picture, for everyone that has pulled that on in the history of the Wallabies, I think that’s pretty disrespectful,” Moore said.

“They won the game so they’re the ones laughing, so what do you do?”

Cheika stopped short of saying relationships between the Wallabies and All Blacks team ranks were frayed.

“They’re on top and we’re nowhere at this stage. That’s the relationship between the teams,” he said.

“The thing that got me a bit offside was the accusation (before the first Test in Sydney in August) that we tried to bug them.

“Like, really? Hello. Honestly? … That’s what would cause that bad (blood) for me, that show of lack of respect.

“I wouldn’t even be smart enough to get that stuff organised. I’m too busy working on my own team.

“They hold onto it, drop it on the day of the game. They don’t need to do that stuff. They’re too good anyway.

“It’s only because they want to do it to try and needle either me or us.

“I wouldn’t say it’s friendly.”

Cheika said he’d happily share a beer with the All Blacks – but hadn’t been asked to.

Hansen, though, insisted there was always an “open invitation” into the All Blacks team room for the opposition and said the All Blacks respected the Wallabies “immensely”.

He then accused Cheika of “sulking”.

“The paper I saw, he was dressed up like a clown. You’ve got to be bigger than that, don’t you?” Hansen said.

“I’ve been dressed up as a clown myself. You don’t want to take it to heart, otherwise it’ll break you.

“We’ve got no control over what the media do … the thing for me, this conference tonight seems to have been hijacked by something that’s really got nothing to do with rugby, (by) someone feeling a little aggrieved about things that you guys have done, making him be a clown.

“It shouldn’t get hijacked tonight. What happened tonight is a really good Test match between two good teams, some great rugby played and it was a good advert for the game.”

The Crowd Says:


Internal Fixation


You know exactly what I am talking about. Mind you - McCaw was an out and out warrior - tough as nails - perhaps tougher. But in the immediate aftermath of the heat of battle he wasn't a "good sport" - not thanking the opposition is deliberate. It is the first reaction of many other captains from all nations over time. I don't actually care about Ritchie - he earns the right to say what he thinks - but I do object to the sanctimonious double standards being applied. Sportspeople getting a bit upset when they lose is understandable.




Did Hansen really say that? Narcissism, much?




Correct Whakaata - 6 tries to 1 is emphatic, no doubt about that.


Matt Ryan


Two words - Harden up.




I hate a lot of things. One of the many things that I hate is this BS that after every game you thank your opponents. The expectation of it makes the gesture completely meaningless. Its just something thats expected. So the gesture becomes meaningless until somebody doesnt do it, then it somehow becomes disrespectful. Its like those people that sneeze and expect you to say "bless you" and are upset if you dont.




Charcoal one reason I think why they get beaten is bc they're trying to ref the game as well...and when the ref makes a call they don't like they allow it to get to them. They seem to play with a victim mentality surprises there tho bc look at their coach! There's a lot of talk about the ABs not respecting the opposition. I think it is bc the ABs do in fact respect the opposition is one reason they do so well! Stop the niggle, stop the tantrums, loose the arrogance and I'm sure they will be able to focus on the game better and consequently give themselves a chance for better results? other big reasons for me would be coaching, a lack of skill in the forwards, and a bench that lacks any real impact!




Internal fixation how about an example? I hope you're not bringing up the tired old argument of RM not congratulating the wallabies again?...completely different to MCs rant!


One Eye


Its unfortunate for you that your opinion on the matter is worthless - full stop.



Roar Guru

The funniest part of this whole rant about the All Blacks somehow being responsible for the clown cartoon in the Herald, the cartoonist is actually an Australian and his sister used to date one of Cheikas cousins. So it was actually one of your own who disrespected the jersey, something your team has been doing every test for awhile now LOL




Chris Rattue on Cheika: Australia has talent but it needs a strategic coach and on the surface, Cheika is too much the wild gunslinger with a cabal of former Wallabies eager to join him in a dusty main street, six shooters drawn, tumbleweed everywhere. Rod Kafer - a great strategist in his day with the Brumbies - and his mates can shout all they like, but the scoreboard keeps ticking over. And so does the All Blacks' war machine. Damian McKenzie, Rieko Ioane, Jordie Barrett - the production line of gamebreakers is scary, the way they are introduced to test rugby apparently fail-safe.




Are you so lacking in humility to not even entertain the thought that they were poor because of the Wallabies pressure? Flog.


Paul Moss


I agree what even amazes me is Tv Ten in Oz couldn,t even keep the camera on longer enough after the game to show the Men in Black getting the bledisloe Cup presented AGAIN. Theaussie skipper is a clown and doesnt t even know he is buying into the media. When that try was disallowed everyone who has played rugby knew that it was school boy rugby tactics and would be disallowed. Cheika needs to teach his players the rules not argue and SULK PM




Who cares, Cheika is A CLOWN, Larkham is a CLOWN, Moore is A CLOWN, Kearns is a CLOWN and Kafer is a CLOWN. We see the way they act, the way they carry themselves, the way they react when under pressure or when things don't go there way, a complete lack of humility and a level of arrogant stupidity that sometimes defies belief. They are an embarrassment to the code and for there employers. The Aus/NZ media stir things up to get a headline and none of these clowns let them down......... The UK tabloid press will have an absolute field day with these CLOWNS over the next couple of months. LOL!!!!!!!!



Roar Guru

He's been in Ozzie a lot longer than a lot of their team :p




I couldn't care how the TMO came about or what other tit for tat call you want to discuss... the penalty was not a penalty- full stop. The bigger issue here is that these referees simply aren't accountable- that TMO was a joke as well- ban the both of them.




Excellent logic. So you've explained why Richie was portrayed as a grub. Rightyo then


Two Eyed Cyclop

Roar Guru

Timmy,you better watch the interview again. The clown cartoon was nothing else but an attempt by an Australian cartoonist (yes Australian) working for a New Zealand paper to produce a humorous cartoon, and possibly a payback for the Richety Grub last year. It was mildly funny depending on your point of view. Chieka's reaction was way over the top, accusing the opposition of disrespecting them, bringing up an old story re the bugging incident and as an afterthought giving the ABs a backhanded compliment. I am not an expert in PR, but how much better would it have been to say well done the ABs, that he was pleased with the performance of his team despite the loss (as there was definite and measurable improvement) and laugh off the clown cartoon. Situation diffused and the temptation to bait him again gone. Instead he loses his rug and has no idea when to back down, basically acting like a clown. I will tell you now that the Northern hemisphere press are licking their lips as we speak, and Eddie is rubbing his hands with glee. The guy is a loose cannon and will self destruct if things don't go his way next month.


Mike Huber

Roar Pro

Sex symbol = sex pistols ?




Grub is never endearing term. There's no difference. Both articles were disrespectful. Both papers are full of that sort of crap all the time




The press could have portrayed Cheika as Napoleon, or perhaps, Julius Ceaser. But they didn't. They portrayed him as a clown. I wonder why exactly? And the captain's comments didn't inspire us to stand, hands on hearts and sing Australia Fair. And again, the Wallabies didn't play well. Any of the top teams would have looked good playing against the ABs for the first part of the match. 6 Tries to 1. Is that really an indication of an improved team? And Cheika's Coach of the Year award? Cheika should have passed that directly on to Craig Joubert. And a very funny comment from a previous post about the Fiji PM having to travel to NZ to watch his team play against the ABs. And to think you guys kicked Eddie Jones into touch.

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