Kohli and Smith's childish display ruining India tour

By Stuart Thomas / Expert

Some things just stay the same. The Australian and Indian teams have assumed their usual combative positions and once again, created a childish and immature atmosphere, around what is proving to be, a tightly fought series.

Unfortunately, the nonsense that appears to arise each time these two sides meet, distracts from the contest. In the aftermath of the second Test, the DRS system, Virat Kholi’s attitude and Steve Smith’s integrity became talking points and were allocated more space and coverage than they deserve.

The third Test in Ranchi might have ended in a draw, yet there was no cessation of hostilities, with Kholi giving everything he had to the Aussies and the baggy green responding in spades.

Thankfully, their bats did most of the talking on the final day.

So the tension continues to rise and the scene is set for all-out war at Dharamsala when the final Test gets underway on Saturday.

There, little Virat and Stevie will continue their childish spat, something akin to a couple of kids at day care fighting over the chalk, claiming dibs on the sand pit or even worse, coming to blows at play time.

You remember day care, the place many of us visited before and after work in order to collect our children who we had trustingly left with complete strangers. The same staff that now have to step in and hose down the situation to which the two villains had contributed.

Both boys would be spoken to and told quite clearly how their actions were inappropriate, an incident report would be written, complete with a diagram of the human body indicating where any blows were landed and the parents given the sad news upon their arrival in the afternoon.

Parents and staff toe the party line and express how disappointed they were with their actions. Yet little Virat’s family have always disliked Stevie, who always played a little rough and Stevie’s family never really understood why Virat pranced around with such attitude and pride, seemingly looking for a fight.

It’s hard to locate the exact moment when all this nonsense actually began. I can distinctly remember watching the Indian teams of the early eighties and apart from Sunil Gavaskar’s dramatic walk off at the MCG in 1981, it seems that most of the matches were played in reasonable spirit.

The 80-81 series was drawn in Australia and the following two series, held in the mid-eighties where each team had a home advantage, were both drawn without a win achieved by either side.

The 1991-92 series was a drubbing for the Indians, yet a significant debut and an innings of sheer artistry took place in the city of churches.

Watching a glorious young batsman named Mohammad Azharuddin score a century as a rear guard action at the Adelaide Oval is still one of the best innings I have seen. The emergence of the great Sachin Tendulkar is still the everlasting memory of that tour, not some macho fuelled on-field nonsense where bullies attempt to gain the upper hand.

Therein marks the spot where something changed, after a four-year break the two teams reconvened for a Test in 1996-97 and a three Test series in 1997-98.

Now relabelled as the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, there was something different. The Indians were a force with which to be reckoned. There was belief and a deep squad that wanted to do more than just beat Australia on spin friendly wickets on the subcontinent.

The little batsmen had become the master and led his team from the front like a warrior. He was ably supported now but still the fulcrum. He peeled off two big hundreds and averaged 111.50 in that 1998 series, one that saw India take a 2-1 victory.

The battle lines had been drawn and the rivalry would never be the same again.

The general trend of Indian teams coming to Australia and being beaten up on flat tracks where their spinners were nullified and the Aussie batsmen excelled, continued in 1999-00, but the tensions were brewing and the hungry Indians were bolder than ever.

The 2000-01 series in India is a landmark moment and fanned the flames further. This famous series will always be remembered for Matthew Hayden taking on the Indian spinners with a newly developed, reliable and effective sweep shot, designed to blunt the anticipated turn and inconsistent bounce. His 109.80 average was testament to the development in his game.

The Australian’s went to India in search of the final frontier and played with a ruthless aggression that pushed the home side to the brink. The history books tell us that the Indians found a way, yet the innings of VVS Laxman in the second Test and his partnership with Rahul Dravid turned the tide, without it Australia were winners.

Having already conquered the West Indies under the leadership of Mark Taylor, the Australians sought a series victory in India for the first time since 1969-70, yet would have to wait just a little longer.

Ironically, it was two years later that the Indians could claim some sense of progress with a tied series in Australia’s own back yard in 2003-04. The following season, Australia climbed their Everest, with a 2-1 victory away from home.

By this time there was no resetting the rivalry back to what it once was. Just as the spirit of fair play and sportsmanship has devolved and degraded across many sports around the world, cricket too, moved into an ugly period with the Indians and Australians providing some of the worst examples.

Then, we had monkey gate. Allegations of racist taunts made by Harbhajan Singh against Australian all-rounder Andrew Symonds, now look, in retrospect, like the culmination of the previous ten years. It was flat out ugly.

A three-match ban was softened to a fine for Singh and Michael Clarke’s recent comments about Symonds, reflect a lingering unresolved tension that appears to pervade the contests between the two nations to this very day.

Since that time, each subsequent series has been won well by the home side. In fact, no side had won an away Test until the Australian’s victory in the first Test of this series in Pune.

Personalities will always clash in sport, as in life and a duel between two individuals might sometimes escalate. Shane Warne’s destruction of Daryl Cullinan comes to mind, where the leg-spinner seized an opportunity to mentally destroy a batsman of fine reputation. It was tense, but not ugly.

Glenn McGrath’s battle with Ramnaresh Sarwan unfortunately was, and Dennis Lillee and Javed Miandad going toe to toe, or should that be bat to bat, in 1981, was more comical than brutal.

These duels and the hundreds like them are however, personal battles that often resolve themselves over time as the combatants develop a respect for each other. Sometimes this only occurs in retirement but common ground can mostly be found.

This doesn’t appear the case with the Australians and the Indians. There is palpable bad blood between these teams, real animosity and it is not a classy, mature or enviable look for the game when it rears its head.

Hopefully little Stevie and Virat get a dressing down from mum and dad, see beneath the surface of hyped media and sensationalism, and realise that they are just a couple of terrific cricketers, under enormous pressure, trying to lead their men.

If not, we are in for another round of macho chest puffing, snide remarks and poor sportsmanship that seems to come with the territory when the Australians and Indians go at it.

With everything on the line, it might be worse than ever before.

The Crowd Says:




"For the famous referral in particular he looked like a kid looking at their parents for help, there are other times he’s shown similar desperate facial expressions. He needs take a more controlled yet still aggressive stance for mine (I was a big fan of the way Punter would stick up for the boys on the field and lead!)." Are you kidding? I am a huge fan of Ponting but I have loved Steve Smith's child like behaviour from the beginning. Every person is different and Steve Smith is probably one of those unique guys who will still have a child like look and air around him even at 40 or 50. The referral scene was simply Steve Smith turning around on instinct and obeying Handscombe instead of thinking about the rules and legality of the action. It was a spur of the moment action.




Stuart, could you please get the spelling of the Indian cricket captain's name right? Its KOHLI, not Kholi. Its not all that hard. Thanks.




"I loved his attitude up until this series". So did I. Probably my favourite cricketer. In this series he is a childish goose and is very easily motivated to get emotional. He will even make stuff up to get him and the team going. He has had an incredible last year and seems to have handled it well. But you really see the truth of a person when things are not going well for them, and that is the case with him currently. I'm still confused about what Smith has done that is so childish???








Stuart, I still don't think that answers the question. The title of this blog is "Kohli and Smith's childish display ruining Indian tour". So you are talking about Smith's childish display and yet he seems to have kept his cool in an extremely intense series. Journalists should be more accountable for what they write about, or at least be a bit more accurate. I think you should take that one back on Smith. It wasn't very fair




well said




I don't agree with you often Qwetzen but that is exactly what I thought. Stuart, this is just an ordinary article sorry to say. Kohli carries on like how we used to carry on. We were slammed for our behaviour in the Ponting and Waugh eras. Now Kohli is carrying on the same way and he should be embarrassed too. Mind you, I am loving it. This has been a captivating series and Kohli does not seem to care if he is the villain. He really does think he is above it all. But it still begs the question "What has Steven Smith done". Like Qwetzen I have been watching Steve Smith play test cricket for 7 years and I have not seen any brattish behaviour. You still have not really answered the question. Up to you whether you want to naturally.



Roar Rookie

Respectfully disagree Stuart. Writing about the bad behaviour of kohli (don't really think Smith has been bad) while writing glowingly of Azharuddin in an article on nefarious cricketing behaviour (yes, i know it was his batting you commented on but the point of the article was bad behaviour) is what i find somewhat disconnected - because of subsequent events. ie Azharuddin getting banned for life for match fixing. Personally, i think the innings by Dravid and Laxman (i think) when India followed on and then won the test was the bet performance by Indian batsmen.


Tana Mir

Roar Rookie

Anindya - Kohli sledging Australia is fine, is it over the top, maybe, he is a combative character and goes hard at his opponents, if that works for him and his team that is fine. Australians are big boys, they know how to handle this and have done a great job so far. What I'm not OK with and find completely wrong is Kohli abusing his own team mates. That clearly shows he has issues, abusing your own team mates should not be tolerated and I believe Rahane would be a better leader to take this highly skilled team forward.




Don't quite get the argument - the childish carryings on bother you but mentally destroying someone doesn't? The word bully comes to mind. And the endless and unceasing arguments bullies will use to defend, justify and minimise their behaviour. Problem is, India doesn't just sit back and allow itself to be bullied anymore - it calls the bullies out.




Aus is only 1 poxy island is it? ( as someone else said, of course and of course no insult intended and all that eh old chap) You bring your anti kiwi rants into a India v Aus cricket post/// Really!!! What was Smith reacting to when he looked to the stands for DRS guidance? Oh thats right. He was looking to gain an unfair advantage




Smith has failed to control his team. At least 3 Aus cricketers should have been fined after the second test. As should 3 indians. ICC stuffed that up but most on here seem to think that if its an Aussie doing it then its fine but if an Indian does it then he should be sent to the cricket prison. BOTH teams got out of hand. The ICC failed to deal with it and now its open slather.




Even I saw the evidence . It was on the TV being replayed a thousand times so if you saw no evidence then it was because you chose not to see it




Ponting 'giving opponents out' by raising a finger wasn't a great look. By 2010, he was berating and gesticulating at an umpire when an opponent was (correctly) given not out. Katich was a great call for captain.




But please tell what Smith did wrong in this series other that the one incident? Kohli has been hopeless from day 1.. We can list them out..




Shouldn't you be preparing for the game on Saturday? Wake up to yourself Virat.




I don't understand this. How can anybody be within cooeee of Bradman? Neither do I understand how there can be a tie for 3rd, then Smith one point behind that tie ie. 5th, and then Norman May in 5th.



Stuart Thomas


Precisely, if one had stated after Azharuddin's innings, 'what a wonderful innings by a fair cricketer,' the statement is ironic as the subsequent events have proven it otherwise. Most think the situation is ironic. It isn't, it is the statement or as your definition points out the language. This is a daily battle for me as a teacher, as students often mistake irony for co-incidence or bad luck. They think it is ironic if they don't bring an umbrella and it rains, where irony would be in the statement, 'no chance of getting wet today', as they leave the house.




True enough, but I think Fairfax in particular sees it as its duty to run down the Australian team. Not that Fairfax is leftist these days, just not rabid right like Murdoch, but anyway ... I remember the ridiculous outrage when Ponting's team defeated India in Sydney in 2008, and Peter Roebuck demanded Ponting's resignation! True, there was a lot of acrimony in that test, with Harbhajan leading the way for India, and some ugly appeal hysterics by Australia to pressure umpires in the final innings ... pretty much like nearly every test match in India, I'd say.




It won't be evidence. It will just be some accusation.

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