An ill-informed comment, Mike Sheahan and an ivory tower

By Stuart Thomas / Expert

As I continue to bask in the glow of the Socceroos’ wonderful achievement last week, there is a two-fold sense of enjoyment.

Firstly, after number crunching over the last two years and finding every logical reason why and why not, in regards to the qualification campaign, the national team have made the big dance.

Secondly, the qualifying games held so much drama and intrigue that they distracted me from nonsense in the media after the first leg, which displayed an infantile understanding of the game.

That was fuelled by veteran AFL journalist Mike Sheahan. His vitriol garnered a response.

There isn’t a more eloquent or convivial commentator on Australian football than Fox Sports anchor Simon Hill. His work is lucid, poignant and often brilliant.

His candid response to Sheahan’s comments pulled on many a heartstring, enraged some south of the border, and enunciated further the fear around and subsequent aggressiveness towards football.

Hill’s response was in direct reference to the comments made by Sheahan and his appraisal of the first leg between Honduras and Australia as “rubbish”.

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The comment was not only the thoughts of one spectator expressing his disappointment at a goalless draw, but also the agenda-driven opinion of an individual with little or no understanding of the game.

It was an inaccurate and ironic appraisal, considering some of the football dished out by the Brisbane Lions and the Carlton Blues throughout the course of 2017.

I’m sure Sheahan would agree these teams produced rubbish on a regular basis. However, the difference between Mr Sheahan and I – even considering the fact that many would like to box us into corners and see us come out fighting for our codes – is that my love and passion for football doesn’t motivate me to deride other sporting endeavours.

My multi-sport contributions on The Roar are born through pure interest and engagement with the different codes.

Hill concurred in his response, stating his simple strategy when it came to the plight of other codes of which he is no expert, saying, “I don’t comment on them.”

Sheahan seems a cookie cut from another mould.

The motivation behind his comments is baffling. Much like Eddie McGuire’s cheap shots at A-League crowds and football as a whole, Sheahan’s comments reflect the fears and concerns of individuals still embedded in Australia’s more traditional and colonial games; those wary and suspicious of football’s growth.

I blogged numerous AFL games this season. The Adelaide versus Collingwood draw was a highlight, while some finals matches were outstanding, yet there were duds along the way too, during which I nearly dozed off. (Don’t tell weekend editor Josh Elliot or I might be out of favour for season 2018.)

Despite the variations in terms of game quality and interest level, unlike Sheahan, I never once felt the need to question the integrity of and methodology behind the entire code.

I may have called the match lamentable, disappointing or bland, yet the report that followed was always filled with perspective and a level-headed understanding that the game wasn’t to blame, merely the particular eventualities of the day.

Photo by Chris Hyde/Getty Images

The reason is simple, I enjoy the game immensely, and hope to watch it for years to come. Additionally, through my membership of an AFL team, keen viewing of every match through the season, and my love of blogging, my opinions or comments might even have some value or relevance.

Can the same be said of Sheahan’s football jibe? I think not. Moreover, Hill’s comments were reactionary and well deserved.

Hearing Hill speak on Sydney radio 12 months back, I was proud when I heard him respond to Talkin’ Sport host Graeme Hughes, who had referred to football as ‘your game’.

Hill suggested it was ‘our’ game and not a divisive endeavour played by the proverbial shielas, wogs and poofters. To his credit, Hughes concurred and this is what Hill does best.

He picks up on those who comment, pontificate and pass judgement on a game that he loves and they themselves know little about.

Hill reacts to the negativity and bias and never seeks to stir the pot through inflammatory comments from an ill-informed perspective.

My favourite Eurosnob, neighbour Dave, brought me a freshly clipped article from a ‘well respected’ Sydney newspaper earlier this week, just to make sure I was well aware that the A-League ratings were down since the start of the Rugby League World Cup.

This was all in an attempt to ensure that us ‘soccer folk’ kept in our box and realised that the A-League is rubbish.

Two days later, he followed it up with Greg Baum’s article from the Age, Decoding the football wars between soccer and Australian rules, that clearly addressed the issues raised by Hill.

It appeared Sheehan had found a supporter, as Baum reflected on the conspiracy theorist football fans who unfairly label the ‘yokels’ (his word not mine) as being at the helm of a masterplan to keep football in its rightful place.

In a specific reference to the AFL, he sarcastically attempted to suggest that the football community may be a little paranoid in thinking that the AFL have a specific plan to damage the game and keep it in its deserved minority position in Australian sport.

Strangely, he then suggested it was highly likely that the AFL had plans to impart the same “influence” on all the major codes in the country.

Was it only me who read this as the reasoning behind Sheahan’s comments?

In the triad of commentary on the game, it was clear that – as usual – a negative comment from a footballing novice like Sheahan had caused a reaction from a well-respected football commentator and provided a vehicle for others to climb aboard the gravy train of ‘football negativity’.

Maybe Hill wears the chip proudly on his shoulder, as many of us do – Baum’s piece certainly seems to infer that suggestion.

However, it is hard not to think that the instigator in this nonsense was given liberal scope to, once again, portray football and its most astute minds in a negative light.

I, for one, will defend Hill to the hilt. He didn’t start it, ask for it, or contribute to it. He just reacted to and questioned the involvement of someone who dislikes the game he loves.

A game which an increasing number of people are becoming ever more fearful.

The Crowd Says:




Yes but the almost daily snipes by MSM hacks (angry white men over 55) continues unabated. We have ignored it for years because there simply wasnt any medium to respond and we didnt have journos (apart from Johnny Warren) who would stand up to it. Now we have the medium and we have the journos who snipe back.




Hi Stuart, sorry, didn’t get back to this site yesterday. To respond... “the ‘off-the-cuff’ comment made by the ‘retired journo’ (surely an attempt to downplay it’s weight)” - Yes, absolutely. How much weight should we give it? In my opinion, almost none. “Simon Hill shouldn’t have to bear the brunt of an attack which implies that he began the fracas.” - first, Hill is not “bearing the brunt” of anything. This absurd discussion should have been out to bed last week. - second, again, what “attack”? That time a retired journo was asked his opinion and gave it? - third, and again, weight of all of this *should* be downplayed. That’s my point. I think we agree this is all a bit silly.



Roar Guru

"Yes one is old & a dinosaur & talks about something he knows nothing about, because of fear." The up and coming one also talks about something he knows nothing.




"Soccer has just qualified for the WC and you are at the clear air part of the A league season, yet every second article is about the AFL, it s bizarre, totally bizarre" But not as bizarre as AFL hack journos wanting their say on football formations and what an awful game "sokkah" is right? You only see what you want to see. Back to the draft for you.




Are you enjoying all the blow out scores in the league world cup cugel?


Cousin Claudio

Roar Guru

Why didn't Sheahan mention Australia's fantastic effort to qualify for the International Rules series against Ireland. That was some feat.and international AFL players deserve more praise than the Socceroos.




I would agree




One could say the same for you MR fight club!




Considering things like membership, turnover and crowds have been up every year since GWS has been around i doubt any time soon. GWS will probably draft its first WS academy player this year and CLUB participation numbers have also been up every year in WS since GWS has been formed. Soccer has just qualified for the WC and you are at the clear air part of the A league season, yet every second article is about the AFL, it s bizarre, totally bizarre.




Paul d Agreed



Roar Rookie

As soon as the squeals of "It's 'our' game" have died down, the squeals of "one of 'their' commentators is being nasty to 'us'" start up.


Jack Russell

Roar Guru

Assuming he actually watched the game, I don't see what the problem is. He was right, it was an ordinary game played on a terrible surface. If Simon Hill said the same thing you probably would have agreed with him.




A bit of an over reaction Stuart and way more than Sheahan is worth. Once upon a time Sheahan was very good and at the cutting edge. But that was many years ago now. He is a tired old has been who is as irrelevant to the current AFL apart from his predictability. They hang on to the has beens in AFL like League does with Gould (only sometimes good now) and cricket does with commentators. I think Hill is miles ahead of everyone else in league and AFL as a commentator. He is also smart, which apart from Stirling is a rare trait in commentators.




Great article Stuart maybe your best




Chris,if the gravy train does run out they'll just stop propping up the weaker clubs or find a new business model. The VFL clubs that now make up part of the AFL once all went broke but things survived. Even in a worse case scenario and the AFL dies off,the die hard fans will just follow a smaller comp and everyone else will just follow a different interest or interests. I think I can see your point but I disagree the ALeague is guaranteed to be around for ever,that doesn't mean I don't think it will be but in an international code,Australians seem to have a far greater interest in international standard leagues,it's a little bit the same for the NBL. Anyway my original point remains,football fans tend to discuss other sports to a ridiculous level on this tab for some reason.




mattyb my point being what happens when the gravy train stops? The men in suits suddenly dont look so good as there is no money for them to prop up ailing clubs used for content. Football will always have content whether its A-League, J-League K-League, W-League etc etc etc.




Maybe Chris. I think it has more to do with propping up clubs so there is enough clubs for wall to wall tv coverage over any given weekend. You could call this good business because at the end of the day it's tv and sponsors that are propping up the clubs for the AFL and the AFL is making a healthy profit in letting them do so. Football is currently getting plenty of MSM coverage via the Socceroos qualification which is great,and nearly all Australians love and are behind our international side.




Yes like Mr AFL/Grobbelar.




mattyb Im sure they need the content (ie the need to prop up failing clubs) because if they werent around there would be virtually nothing on msm for them.




This is why because GWS will help Sydney do what Kochie did with AFL in China & AFLW did for women's sport. Ground breaking stuff.

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