'No one wants this s---': Backlash to Barca coming Down Under as A-League clubs hijack their OWN Grand Final

By The Roar / Editor

Spanish football giants Barcelona will play an A-League All Stars team in Sydney next month – with the timing raising questions among local fans.

The match – locked in for Wednesday May 25, is in A-League grand final week and can’t help but draw gloss away from the finale of a competition has faced serious issues over crowds and TV ratings already this season.

Players from the Grand Final teams won’t feature in a game that is being promoted heavily online by the A-League clubs, detracting from the quality of opposition as well as the showpiece match.

A full house is nevertheless anticipated at the 83,500-seat stadium and the Spanish club has reportedly assured organisers they will bring a full team.

Barca, who are one of three teams 12 points behind runaway La Liga leaders Real Madrid this season, boast stars including Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, Pedri, Sergio Busquets, Frenkie de Jong and Jordi Alba.

While this style of football friendly has proven financially popular in Australia – with visits from leading clubs such as Arsenal, Real Madrid, Liverpool and others in recent years and Celtic set for this northern off-season – the timing has been queried by local supporters. While it’s common for rival codes to try to disrupt big events in another, it’s unusual for a code to do that to its own marquee event.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

Don't mind the all stars format, other codes exploit the concept well. I don't buy in to the 'too manufactured' concept. All of football is manufactured it's an mf game. As a massive Barca fan I'll be attending this one, hopefully they bring their first team which will be more than capable of putting on a classy show.




despite the playing shortage problem i think it could be a great promotion in a huge week of football



Roar Rookie

Coronavirus is a big reason, but NZ has rarely been our opposition anyway. The rugby league have an ANZAC round and the St George v Roosters is a big game with a great crowd. Surely an ANZAC game between The Socceroos and NZ would rate well and draw spectators. The Matildas game against NZ last night was a beauty.



Roar Rookie

Australia doesn't play many friendly if at all these day, with NZ being next door i just don't know why they don't play at all anymore.



Roar Rookie

What a great concept and what a great game to see. If that can be organised for a smaller, but decent venue (do we have any?) I'll be queueing up for a ticket.




Well said



Roar Rookie

Why don't they have a regular ANZAC Test against NZ where we use our A League Australian and New Zealand players and any overseas players who may be able to attend? It could be played in a different state each year - great for the spectators and great development for the fringe players. They could even play our female A League players in a women's game beforehand or a youth game.


At work

Roar Rookie

I’ll watch it on TV because it’s on a Wednesday night, zero chance that I’d go and watch it live. 1. How can this be considered an All Stars team when most of the best players will be in the grand final. 2. While this will give football more coverage leading up to the grand final, there’s a chance it’ll work out as a decent promotion for people people to the watch the GF. But I don’t think it’ll make any difference at all TBH. 3. These tours are pointless, Barcelona have promised they’ll bring a full squad, what the does that even mean?? I know, it means maybe half of the usual first team plays the 1st half then all get subbed off. 4. What is the financial reward for the APL and FA for allowing these stupid tours to continue? 5. It’s just lucky that this game will be played in Sydney so as not to impact the GF crowd which will 95% be played in Melbourne.



Roar Rookie

Id rather see the All Whites vs Socceroo's any day then this. I agree with Rollo. However if it makes money then it makes sense or cents either way the A-League needs to be in the spotlight every once in a while and its a good promotion for the league/s.




I actually think this is good marketing.. the hardcore will attend the GF anyway (as a Sydney FC guy at least we'll have a game to play :laughing: ) and this will attract the euro snobs interest which may flow on to the GF. I rarely attend these games anyway - too artificial - so dont currently intend going to any



Roar Rookie

IMO - The more football to see and read about the better it is for our code. I'm looking forward to seeing more coverage and any coverage of our game. I have my tickets for this game and if the A League grand final is in Sydney, I'll be there as well. I may even drive down to Melbourne to see the final there - if that's its location. I have my season membership for next season and I will get to the Sydney Super Cup in November. The Man U, Crystal Palace and Melbourne Victory games in July will be great and hopefully on Channel 10. And if these games inspire just one young footballer to become the next Harry Kewell or Sam Kerr, then that is another bonus. The children I teach at school are football fans. They follow teams such as Macarthur and their favourite players are Davilla and Xavi and in that order. I don't see that it does anything but add to our game.




Yeah - I do agree with this. When you consider that their biggest 'name' player right now for Barcelona is an Arsenal cast-off, you just wonder how many fans who turn up wearing their Messi, Neymar or Iniesta shirt will be disappointed then they see those guys aren't playing lol. In general, I'm not against the concept, but do this in GF week? That's a big no-no from me....some things are more important.




I just got an email from the FFA flogging tickets..... Aaaaaaand it all makes sense now This is the FFA having a crack at the APL. The infighting continues.....




They played a friendly in Melbourne five years ago. Sold well, but the match itself was no better than any of the other pre/post-season friendly tour matches. The crowd was doing Mexican waves by the half hour mark. Even though this match would be a formal qualifier, with both sides having nothing to play for, I don't expect it would be much better. Both teams naming second-string sides would probably be a blessing in disguise, as the players that do come would have something to fight for.


NSD + Transfer Fees


I would disagree and this great to get the football casual potentially interested in watching the A League Finals IFFFFFFF any advertising is actually going to occur at the stadium and during the game for the A League finals!!!! If as per usual no advertising is done for the A League finals than don’t see the point of this game. But the NPL idea would be great but once again how are they going to advertise it to a wider audience? The only people that would know about are the NPL community around that club and even then word doesn’t spread to everyone. So from an advertising perspective it would be a tiny audience.




I'd add to this the promoter / Barca should have to pay a fee to the FFA which directly goes to grass roots. It's not as if Barca would notice a missing $1-2m




Totally agree. I like the A-League All Stars concept. And so what if its in GF week? Lots of focus on football and there will be more than enough players in the All Stars team that arent involved in the GF that will make them competitive.




Pretty much. And even if Barca do bring a “full” team, this is just about the worst Barca team in the last 20 years. Most casual football fans in Australia would struggle to name more than a couple of their players. It will be interesting to see how much of their marketing appeal does come from the club, in which case it could sell well, or was tied to Messi, in which case it could flop.


Football is Life

Roar Rookie

Said it before and I'll say it again. We need football professionals running the show. People with global experience, education and track record of working with proven leagues around the world. These old mindsets dont cut it anymore. Progressive thinking. In stead of Barcelona, why not set up the NPL to have a 3-2-1 points system for every game, or a panel, who select an NPL 11 from the top few teams of the NPL and have them take on an A-League eleven. You will get the cultural teams supporters interested, you will get A-League fans in and it begins to bridge the gap between NPL and A-League. Support your own league befoere we start to contribute to reducing someone else's astronomical debt.


NSD + Transfer Fees


It may be a great advertising opportunity for the finals. If you look at current attendances, it’s not like the a league couldn’t use this. And most of the people ticked off aren’t going to this game or the finals.

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