'Abhorrent and disgusting': Collingwood condemn racist trolls over cowardly Rioli abuse

By News / Wire

Collingwood have condemned “abhorrent and disgusting” racist messages sent to Port Adelaide forward Willie Rioli after round 19’s thrilling contest between the two clubs.

The Magpies won by two points at Adelaide Oval on Saturday night to surge two games clear on top of the AFL ladder.

Rioli kicked one goal from 11 disposals and is set to face scrutiny from the league’s match review officer over an off-the-ball blow to opponent Nathan Murphy.

After the match, Rioli was subjected to racist abuse online. The 28-year-old shared screenshots of multiple messages that were sent to him, highlighting the abuse with the caption “smart guys”.

Collingwood addressed the matter in the early hours of Sunday morning.

“The Collingwood Football Club strongly condemns the abhorrent and disgusting racist remarks directed towards Willie Rioli,” Magpies CEO Craig Kelly said in a statement.

“There is no room for racism in our game and we will not tolerate it – not on the field, off the field or online.

“All of us have a responsibility to call out this behaviour and our Club is committed to playing a role in educating as many members of the wider community as possible.

“We stand alongside all First Nations players, staff and supporters.”

Collingwood has been in contact with the AFL integrity unit and Port Adelaide over the racist messages.

The AFL has been contacted for comment and is working to gather more information.

Rioli was also the subject of racist abuse following Port Adelaide’s win over Essendon in round eight.

Willie Rioli. (Photo by Mark Brake/Getty Images)

The Power forward was involved in an off-the-ball incident that left Bombers defender Jordan Ridley concussed during that match, and was later handed a two-match suspension for striking.

Rioli, who has kicked 17 goals in 13 matches this season, returned to the Port Adelaide side against Collingwood after a week off to mark the one-year anniversary of his father’s death.

Rioli’s high contact with Murphy on Saturday did not appear overly forceful, though the Magpies defender went to ground in the incident.

Port Adelaide coach Ken Hinkley did not believe Rioli’s actions warranted suspension.

“Nothing in it, surely, I looked at it,” Hinkley said post-match.

“It is a hand slipping up, an open hand.

“I always say (the MRO) will take care of it and if it needs to be looked at they will.

“But I have seen that one … I’ve seen a lot worse.”

The Crowd Says:


Dusty does Danger

Roar Rookie

Well said, Angela for PM!



Roar Rookie

Indigenous Australians did not create this sport, it is a product of various early English football games.



Roar Rookie

A pointless point which has no bearing on anything you are trying to say.



Roar Rookie

It won't let me edit Hiw to how. Algorithms on steroids.



Roar Rookie

And football is not the ultimate product of colonialism?



Roar Rookie

I agree that social media is dumbing down of the West. Hiw else do you explain the rise of Flat Earthers or Trumptards. ------- But l do think it should be stepped on. This type of thing can so easily morph into actual physical harm of people to the point of death in extreme cases.



Roar Rookie

It's a colonial Melbourne sport created in colonial Victoria by a man educated at Rugby school in England. Australia was not a country at the time but various British colonies.



Roar Rookie

Did they ever find ugal-hagans abusers?



Roar Rookie

It is Australias sport, how does that cause racism? Ridiculous comment



Roar Rookie

Nuts and gum.



Roar Rookie

Well RL, RU & :football: came from England. Is calling :football: "English" R A Cist? Come on, bring logic next time.



Roar Rookie

Neither does 'calling it out'. If it did, racist etc comments would be disappearing. There's no indication, however, that this is the case as they continue to - shock, horror - pop up. The rot starts with the authoritorian tech companies who sanction anonymity and give defamatory material - that would rarely make it into the print media - the light of day while removing political comments that don't align with their 'values' on the basis of 'disinformation'. Wouldn't it be great if the whole world signed off on social media at the same time forever? As gazing at social media is addictive - a fact these companies are only too aware of - pigs might fly. Truly, smartphones, social media, scrolling addiction is the new smoking. But much, much harder to do anything about.



Roar Rookie

And fair enough to the propensity. But two points l don't think it's systematic. I've coached AFL and it's not systematic but it could be more prevalent than l think. And I've seen it here in RL at Northern Rivers games. I go watch it because it's like old fashioned footy. Maybe less so because it's less Anglo. And that maybe the inherent nature of the ray cism in that it is the most Anglo-centric game of the four. But blaming the sport, itself, is lazy thinking.



Roar Rookie

you are going to get drongos making slur's at any code but its been proven AFL has issues with systematic racism. Nothing like that in the NRL although NRL probably has more issue with treatment of women perhaps due to many of its players not being well educated... Union is a classist game and thinks if you don't come from an elite school then you are a peasant and its happy to die on that hill which is quite funny.



Roar Rookie

But I've had an Asian escort



Roar Rookie

Next it'll be AntiFa and the FBI



Roar Rookie

Or even in their home countries. Countries are losing their sovereignty



Roar Rookie

I agree it's the very small minority but it needs to be called out. Ignoring it does not work.



Roar Rookie

That’s pretty lazy thinking. I’ve had the misfortune to hear it at RL, :football: & RU games as well. To think the game itself, any game, is the inherent reason for ray cism is the trope of the disingenuous or ignorant. Or in your case both



Roar Rookie

AI, are you for real?

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