Black Lives Matter driver divide overshadows thrilling return to Formula 1

By The Roar / Editor

Six F1 drivers chose to stand instead of kneeling in support of the Black Lives Matter movement before the first race of the Formula 1 season. Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc was one of those drivers and he explained his decision on social media.

“All 20 drivers stand united with their teams against racism and prejudice, at the same time embracing the principles of diversity, equality and inclusion, supporting Formula 1’s and FIA’s commitment,” he said.

“I believe that what matters are facts and behaviours in our daily life rather than formal gestures that could be seen as controversial in some countries.”

“I will not take the knee but this does not mean at all that I am less committed than others in the fight against racism.”

The race itself was won by Mercedes driver Valtteri Bottas. His teammate Lewis Hamilton finished second on track but was handed a five second penalty for causing a collision with Red Bull’s Alex Albon. The penalty pushed him down to fourth and gave McLaren a surprise podium for Lando Norris.

The Crowd Says:




Your position may be defensible but the headline is poor. Anyone working in media would know how the phrasing of that headline would come off. That’s fine, this is a business and you need clicks (the audience is just as culpable). But given the facts behind the event (for one, all drivers wearing BLM shirts kneeling or not) I’d be surprised if some at the Roar weren’t somewhat uneasy with the inference.


Train Without A Station

Roar Guru





People can and are against all forms of racism without necessarily supporting the Black Live Matter movement which is a far left, neo-marxist movement that uses black civil rights causes as a proxy to fulfill their actual agenda.


Matt Matt


Ironically this whole, if you're not doing what we ask you're against us is more divisive than anything. Not kneeling does not mean they do not support ending racism as Leclerc tweeted.


Dexter The Hamster

Roar Rookie

Agree with Damo above. The "divide" is overstated (clickbait perhaps) and it did not overshadow the race in anyway. I did find it odd that some choose to stand. When others are making a statement, and you are contrary to that, than it suggests you are not happy with the statement perhaps? Like I say, felt it a bit weird.


Benjamin Conkey


Damo. When everyone is talking about this rather than the race itself (albeit non motorsport fans) then it has overshadowed the race.




Ok Roar - I'm calling you out here. What an utter BS of a headline. I'm not sure where you're getting your videos now or who's writing your headlines but they've obviously come from the News Ltd school of journalism. There was no divide, it didn't overshadow the race and multiple drivers spoke about how they all met together to agree the course of action including discussions on who would kneel or not and why. I originally came to this site because of what at the time, was informed opinions on sport - stuff like this is pushing me away.

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