[Highlights] Bad to worse for Lions after Suns annihilation

By News / Wire

Seething Brisbane Lions coach Justin Leppitsch has accused his players of not “caring” after a 64-point thumping at the hands of rivals Gold Coast.

The Suns registered an easy 18.10 (118) to 7.12 (54) victory at Metricon Stadium on SAturday – their biggest ever in a QClash.

Leppitsch savaged his players for a lack of effort, even going as far to say he wanted them to follow the example set by Gold Coast’s Steven May, who will be in the crosshairs of the AFL’s match review panel for a first-quarter bump on Tom Rockliff (concussion).

Rockliff, who only made his return from a punctured lung and broken ribs last week, was stretchered off the field and sent for scans during the match to determine if there was any damage to his jaw.

Moments after suggesting May wasn’t even going for the ball, a forthright Leppitsch said: “I wouldn’t mind some of our players playing the way Steven May played, to be honest.”

“At least he actually cared and did something about their previous performances.

“Our blokes didn’t.”

Leppitsch singled out his small forwards for a complete absence of pressure inside 50, but said there was no point swinging the selection axe just to bring in even more experienced rookies.

“You just like to think you don’t have to continue to drop players to get them to play their role,” he said.

“But when you drill down to what we want to do… we’re not choosing to do it or can’t do it or whatever reason.”

Things were much brighter for the Suns, who were led by Marcus Ashcroft medallist Charlie Dixon and his equal career-best haul of six goals.

Under-fire midfielders Dion Prestia (28 possessions, seven tackles, 10 clearances) and Harley Bennell (31 possessions, two goals) were also excellent, as was Adam Saad (26 possessions).

Gold Coast were rarely troubled beyond quarter-time, kicking away across the middle two terms – during one stretched, they kicked 11 goals to Brisbane’s two.

But the Suns didn’t escape unscathed with Jarrod Garlett (ankle) set to miss up to four weeks after he was substituted out of the game in the first quarter, while Seb Tape (knee) has a suspected medial ligament strain.

The crowd of just 12,464 was also a concern, although somewhat understandable given how badly Gold Coast and Brisbane have started the season.

However, Suns coach Rodney Eade said his team was “coming through the fog” after a long week of soul-searching.

“The road we’re going to go down might be a bit rocky for a while but if you teach them the right way, with the calibre of blokes we’ve got, I think there’ll be some blue skies down the track,” he said.

“Across the board, I thought the leadership was terrific and their effort was fantastic.

“But I’ve just spoken to the players – that’s just one week. We have to have that as a baseline.”

The Crowd Says:


michael steel


Although I found some of Fussball's comments quaint I couldn't see the need for a humiliating character assassination, it's an opinion forum. All I know is I had a smile on my face as opposed to throwing my arms up in a disgusted rage.


Col from Brissie


Come on Iangou his mates at the pub told him, so it must be true.


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

"And hypocrites certainly don’t get to play the credibility card" Oh dear. You may want to get an adult to review your posts before pressing "send".




Fuss, I've told you (and your various other aliases) before...bullies don't get to play the victim card. And hypocrites certainly don't get to play the credibility card.



Roar Guru

I imagine the future of the AFL won't be based on the opinions of a couple of blokes at the pub. Bloke 1: what a terrible game Bloke 2: our old VAFA team could beat this mob * Everyone except Fussball laughs * Fussball with a straight face whispers to himself "hey Uncle Junior, make sure you remember that one for the Roar on Monday"


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

@AR Playing the man, not the ball, once again? I presume you won't ever again play classroom monitor & scold others for this behaviour?


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

@Col of Brissie Have you watched much VAFA over the years? In the early 90s for 2 seasons when mates were playing A-Grade VAFA I went to nearly every match. The quality is far superior to any VFA (now VFL) that I've seen over the years.


Col of Brissie


"The opinions about the quality in Suns v Lions was NOT my opinion, but the opinion of ex-VAFA players. It’s highly likely some of them would’ve been playing AFL if there were 18 teams in the competition 15 years ago". I can assure you Fuss that the standard in the VAFA is well short of the AFL standard. I would say the standards in the WAFL, SANFL, VFL, TSL and possibly the top leagues in NSW and Qld are better standard than the VAFA.




"The opinions about the quality in Suns v Lions was NOT my opinion, but the opinion of ex-VAFA players." Funny isn't it? In this instance, Fuss doesn't give his own opinion, but that of others. In other instances, Fuss does give his opinion, but under various different aliases. It's no wonder this guy has lost any trace of credibility.


Doc Disnick

Roar Guru

"The opinions about the quality in Suns v Lions was NOT my opinion, but the opinion of ex-VAFA players." I guess you came over to these boards - which you rarely visit - just to let us know what a bunch of guys were thinking that you hardly know. How nice of you Fuss - makes total sense. "The majority of the people who watch sport every week, watch because they have a bond with the team." I guess this means your entire point is moot then. After all, you just told us a majority of the people who watch sport each week watch it because they have a bond with their team? Why should the standard matter then? "I don’t care if the standard is semi-professional" Well there you have it. The Fuss comes over, tells us the game is in trouble because the standard of a game he doesn't even watch himself is below average, based upon the opinions of others he hardly knows, yet watches a bunch of second rate sport himself because...wait for it...he doesn't care about the standard. Nice job.


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

@Rick The opinions about the quality in Suns v Lions was NOT my opinion, but the opinion of ex-VAFA players. It's highly likely some of them would've been playing AFL if there were 18 teams in the competition 15 years ago. ALeague is not the worlds' best league. But it's MY league, so I'll watch it before I watch any of the other sporting competitions. Once ALeague finishes in a fortnight, I'll spend my money attending MVFC matches in the NPL for the rest of winter. I don't care if the standard is semi-professional. The lads are playing for my team. In the same way, the ex-VAFA players I spoke to yesterday don't attend any AFL. Rather, they're on the sidelines every weekend watching their local team of Old Boys. Why? Because the VAFA team represents them. The majority of the people who watch sport every week, watch because they have a bond with the team. Not because they want to watch the best in the world. Only pretentious event-watchers watch sport for the big names.


Dalgety Carrington

Roar Guru

Hopefully they'll get a chance to gel at some point. I think bringing a major name, such as Beams, into a major role in a team like that can send the team backwards for a while, sometimes for a whole season. Beams needs time to find his place, while the team can sometimes look to him to lead them out of any holes when things get tough. Often not a good recipe.


Doc Disnick

Roar Guru

Wow those last 6 matches since the derby make for awesome reading for crowd attendances. They actually do look like GWS crowds, amazing what happens when a team starts to lose and has a bad season. The very fact WSW almost won the league in it's first two season says more about the A-league itself than anything. So if you are trying to gloat about one of your strongest clubs in the A-league...well I'm just not that impressed considering how rubbish they are this year, along with all their turncoat supporters. Go follow a real league like the EPL, La Liga or the Bundesliga.




I know a few of the players at the lions pretty well and got the good oil on what went on. Apparently Voss had the older players' respect but didn't bond with the young ones, he didn't understand the social side of things and was apparently very awkward in handling them off field. They didn't gel together and it all fell apart. Leppa has the respect of them all, and is from all reports 'on of the boys', I now wonder if he is too casual?


john ryan


Interesting take considering the Lions are technically broke and in the real world would be wound up,the Suns are a wholly owned Subsidiary of the AFL who would also die if the financial drip was withdrawn,the AFL brought 3 flags for the Lions & Swans and is trying to pull same stunt for GWS & Suns. Gws is a bad joke as soon as they hit a side that's not part of the AFL orchestrated rigged draw to see that when they play at home again a real crowd that's actual people so they don't have to count their legs as well,the Suns look like a one man team god know what they will do if he gets the flu as well. I think your joke about the A League who seem to be drawing better crowds in their respective home towns than GWS ever will and the Sun ATM if they don't improve they will be back to making up crowds as well,there's is a strong suspicion I think they all ready do so




Leppa in 2014 had a good run with injury and his Lions did better than expected. This year he has lost his three best defenders (Patfull to GWS, Pearce Hanley and Daniel Merritt to injury) as well as his captain. Looking at last year, those 4 were arguably Brisbane's best 4 players too. Not surprising they've gotten off to a shaky start. So that's my defence of Leppa. But given the total lack of leadership being shown, even by former captain Adcock and guys in their prime like Dane Zorko and Dayne Beams, you have to wonder if there's player dissatisfaction behind the scenes. Were people happy with Adcock being replaced or Dayne Beams being brought in to increase the competition for midfielders?


Doc Disnick

Roar Guru

"Some of hte players are considered the best youth on the planet." and then: "Which is not surprising since many of the players would be in the suburban leagues if the AFL didn’t artificially expand the competition" Wow Fussy, and I thought your knowledge on betting was bad. So basically what your saying is the Suns have some of the best talent on the planet, but at the same time there is limited players to go around for this club. Interesting indeed. Perhaps you should watch a few more games before making such a contradictory statement in the future. You may then realise that the talent pool is not the issue with either of these two clubs, it's the game plan for GC and the off-field management of the BL. I can understand you frustration considering how bad the A-League is doing this year In ratings and attendances. Must be all that talent playing in it :)


Fussball ist unser leben

Roar Guru

Saw a bit of this match at a pub with a few blokes, whilst we were waiting for the wedding reception yesterday. I didn't know any of the other guys, but they seemed to be keen on their Aussie Rules. The general consensus was the quality was rubbish. Remember, these are 2 of the best 18 Aussie Rules teams on the planet. Some of hte players are considered the best youth on the planet. Some of the guys were ex-VAFA players and they felt the standard in the VAFA was better than what we saw last night from 2 AFGL teams. Which is not surprising since many of the players would be in the suburban leagues if the AFL didn't artificially expand the competition. You can't blame the coaches when they don't have the players who can execute basic techniques at professional level. There simply aren't enough Aussie Rules players to have 18 quality AFL teams and, unless the AFL can improve flagging participation rates, things look bleak for the future.


Doc Disnick

Roar Guru

I think you are being a little harsh on Leppa there, but I said last year I thought it was a bad move getting rid of Vossy. It was a mistake by the board and a lot of the key figures of the club are no longer there - including the CEO. They clearly made a play for Roos when he was available and it backfired, not too dissimilar to what has happened at the Suns when they didn't get Bomber - for what ever strange reason this may be. Both went to plan C and both are paying the consequences of these actions in my opinion. Yes, both have also endured large amounts of injuries, but that is no reason to be sitting at the bottom of the ladder with the players they do have. Had Vossy and Bluey still been in charge of their respective clubs, I truly believe we wouldn't be seeing dire straights in the great state of QLD when it comes to AFL. Tragic at present, absolutely tragic for footy.




I am a lions supporter but I loved the attack by May. It is a part of the game that is dissappearing but I thought it legal. The lions are really playing a horrible brand of footy at the moment And boy are we left wanting for big players at either end of the ground.

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