Argentina defeat Ireland 43-20 in World Cup quarters

By Dan Wighton / Roar Guru

Argentina have beaten Ireland 43-20 at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff in the first upset result of the quarter finals.


Two tries in the last ten minutes to the Pumas stretched their lead but didn’t give a true reflection of just how close the game was, particularly throughout the second half.

The Irish, cheered on by a huge crowd, were unable to buck their terrible Rugby World Cup quarter final record, which now stands at six appearances for six losses.

But it was the Pumas who dominated, securing their second semi final spot in the past three World Cup tournaments.

The South Americans burst out of the blocks, scoring two quick tries to lead by 14 points with just ten minutes played. Matias Moroni scored after just four minutes with Juan Imhoff touching down moments later as the Pumas exploited Ireland’s bunched defence.

A Nicolas Sanchez penalty stretched the lead to 17 and from there the mountain was too big to climb for the men in green.

The Irish came back strongly, scoring the next two tries through Luke Fitzgerald and Jordi Murphy to narrow the gap to three points with 20 minutes on the clock.

The closest they came to reclaiming the lead was through a late penalty attempt by Ian Madigan, but the ball sailed to the right of the posts and from there Argentina won back the ascendancy through a try to fullback Joaquín Tuculet.

A late try to Juan Imhoff followed by a penalty to Sanchez stretched the lead to 23, making the win Argentina’s biggest ever over the Irish.

Sanchez was near perfect with the boot, scoring 23 points and taking out the man of the match award.

As the siren sounded, the smattering of Argentinian support across the ground erupted, matching the elation seen on the park.

The Irish tried gallantly and the score was certainly not a true reflection of the match. However the pre-match loss of captain Paul O’Connell and flyhalf Jonny Sexton was crucial as they frequently lacked direction in both attack and defence.

Argentina can also thank their coach and perhaps the luck of the draw as they were able to rest most of their first XV in last week’s win over Namibia.

Throughout the match, but particularly in the opening and closing stages, their freshness shone through. They have come along in leaps and bounds as a rugby nation, with their involvement in the Rugby Championship giving them plenty of time against world-class opposition.

The win will also raise further questions about the state of northern hemisphere rugby, with all three northern hemisphere teams being defeated so far in the quarters and tournament hosts England failing to even qualify for the knockouts.

But to the victors go the spoils and the Pumas will now put their feet up and wait to meet the winner of this evening’s Scotland versus Australia clash.

The Crowd Says:




Buggered? Pumas don't get buggered!! That's an English thing. Although it is documented that there were four homophobes at Stinkingham once.




@ Reds King What rubbish. We scored 5 tries to 3 - no, it was more like 7 tries to 1 as we pretty much scored 2 of their tries for them. They did not look threatening at all with ball in hand while we scored almost everytime near their red zone. Scots were very unlucky with the yellow card of Maitland, as I believe the 'deliberate knock on' rule is ridiculous rule. And there was some hard luck with the last penalty, but hey, Foley still had to kick it and who's to say we may not have scored a try if it was a scrum. That's sports mate. Australia has every right to be there and every right to be in the final if we beat the Argies. BTW, I love the Scottish jersey. Bring back the collars.




If Argentina continue to play rugby like that, they will mince the poser Wallabies. Wallabies do not deserve their Semi spot, just like in 2011.




Marrow-donna has been exceptional since he became an assistant coach for the Argies.




So, the 6N champions weren't as good as they'd been telling us. Funny that.


Mike Julz


Wow. Just wow. Master performance of running rugby from the Argies. Ireland sorely missed the boot of Sexton. But I doubt he would've make any difference if he had played. The Pumas were just mesmerising in attack and were solid in defense. Their loose trio of 6 7 and 8 were bloody outstanding. Play like this next week, they through to Final. Well done Pumas.



Roar Guru

Argentina played very very well. Very impressive all round except for the lineout. On what they showed they should be favourites against the wallabies. If they did make the final I could see them beating the boks again but not NZ.




I've never been a fan of the Bargies, but this game blew me away. They were superb. Hope they keep playing like this from here on in. I'm a big fan of their new style.




The Pumas have come a long way and are good enough to make the don't be surprised and this game was always for the taking.




Well done Argentina, see you in the semis. Remember a week is a long time for both the Wallabies and the Pumas. Anything can happen. I do wonder if the citing commissioner will have any further input into the off the ball shoulder charge by the tighthead?


Red Block


Despite the best efforts of the NH commentators to make us think otherwise, this really was rugby lesson from Argentina. The score line flattered Ireland who were kept in the game by a few 'hometown' decisions but in the end, the Irish could not match the pace, skill or the precision of the Pumas. Bravo!



Roar Guru

Muy bien amigos! Fantastic result for Los Pumas... especially as the Irish had so much to play for. I haven't watched the game as yet... I know sleep is for the weak but I'm... weak :) Will watch it later today with a much keen eye as my Wallaby (just... don't know how they didn't lose to the Scots) are now in the Semis with your pride of nation. All the best... the winner to get the chocolates!



Roar Guru

Mike it's not all bad. I actually believe we have some really talented backs coming through the system. Look at some of the backs Ulster are producing i.e. Stuart McCloskey, Craig Gilroy, Paddy Jackson, Stuart Olding coupled with the likes of Ringrose from Leinster and Jack Carty from Connacht.




Ha, true!



Roar Guru

That looks more a difference in attitude rather than skills. Isn't the technical detail the same as skills- I.e. A learned set of instructions? Where winning is more the attitude required, regardless of how.




I started high school in the UK and finished it in NZ/played club rugby in NZ. There was such a massive difference between what we were taught in the different systems. UK = technical details, put your foot here in this scrum or stand at this angle in the lineout etc. NZ = win the lineout, win the scrum. Less focus on technical points at early grades (that came later), more focus on skills. Maybe that's the big difference.



Roar Guru

Well done Argentina, clearly the better team. I don't think Ireland would have won even if Sexton, O'Brien, O'Mahony and O'Connell had been playing. There was just no defensive intensity from Ireland. Like against Italy we seemed to be retreating rapidly when they ran from scrums and lineouts and you just can't do that against a team of Argentina's quality. It wasn't our attack that let us down, it was our defence. Far too narrow in defence. Dave Kearney also had a bad game, he missed four out of his nine tackles and he was supposedly in this team for his defensive soundness. To think Simon Zebo, Andrew Trimble, Craig Gilroy, Matt Healy and Luke Fitzgerald were all behind him shows that Joe Schmidt has his favourites. Earls for me is a far better winger than centre. I also think in the age we are living that second rows i.e. Devin Toner and props i.e. Mike Ross should be able to do much more than just lineout and scrum. Because of how slow they are, Ireland have to defend very narrowly. I would use the next four six nations to build towards the World Cup, let's get a definitive way of playing that suits or best team. In my opinion our team for the six nations should be 1. Jack McGrath 2. Rory Best 3. Marin Moore 4. Ian Henderson 5. Donnacha Ryan 6. Peter O'Mahony 7. Sean O'Brien 8. CJ Stander. With the obvious exceptions of Ryan and Best we have a pack for the next world cup. Our backline should be 15. Simon Zebo 14. Craig Gilroy 13. Robbie Henshaw 12. Stuart McCloskey 11. Matt Healy 10.Jonathon Sexton 9. Conor Murray. Yet again, well done Argentina and I will definitely be cheering for you at the rest of the world cup. Vamos los Pumas!!


Harry Jones


Beautiful rugby. So happy for the Pumas! Really got busy, stayed strong. This matches my predicted SF bracket before the tournament...




i picked Los Pumas to make the finals, too Not an upset, then. The northern hemisphere is overcrowded, and people are under pressure to conform, more so than in the south. I think we'll see Los Pumas in the final. Scotland has made the Wallabies look a bit disorganised



Roar Guru

Congrats Argentina. Thoroughly deserved win.

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