De-Bunked: Ricky Stuart shows unusual restraint after golden point loss

By Steve Mascord / Expert

The Bunker is largely butting out of foul play from now on and whinging still gets things done in the NRL. These were the two most glaring things we got out of St George Illawarra’s golden point win over Canberra last night.

The Jubilee Oval contest was a dour one with a gripping finish – and an intriguing aftermath.

On May 4, the NRL issued a media release after a coaches meeting that read, in part: “The meeting debated the merits of using technology to pick up on-field incidents of foul play.

“There was support among the coaches for referees to make more decisions rather than relying on video evidence in real time.

“Their views will now go to the next meeting of the Competition Committee for consideration.”

Last night when Canberra’s Blake Austin was clocked around the nose by Dragon Joel Thompson, the referees took no action. Thompson implored Austin to get up, at which stage the Canberra five-eighth pointed to his bleeding and clearly broken nose.

Raiders coach Ricky Stuart was widely expected to blow a head gasket at the lack of action. But he didn’t.

Here’s what he said: “We spoke about it at the coaches meeting. The Bunker shouldn’t come down to foul play like that. If the referees miss it … he (Thompson) will go for that, he broke his nose.

“But I think it will stop diving so I agree with it, that the bunker shouldn’t come down and adjudicate on foul play.

“I don’t know if it’s now or it’s not. Obviously it us. I haven’t got a memo on it.”

What we understand is that the coaches favoured a system under which The Bunker can still intervene in extreme circumstances but the test of “is it reportable?” before Eveleigh intervenes has been made ever harsher. Not ‘did someone lose a limb?’ – but something in that general direction.

On the surface, it’s a tweak that seems fair enough. We’re not going easy on foul play, we’re just asking referees to bear the weight of vigilance.

But the intrigue lies in how these decisions and subsequent changes of interpretation were arrived at. Firstly, has the competitions committee approved the coaches’ recommendations, and if so, why weren’t we told?

Then there are the personalities.

After he complained about diving following the Anzac Day game against the Dragons, Sydney Roosters coach Trent Robinson was fined $40,000.

At the time, St George Illawarra coach Paul McGregor suggested there was value in complaining as penalty counts seem to favour the clubs who do so.

So, how’s this for a kicker? Literally, a kicker.

Stuart claimed after the Raiders’ last game that Penrith’s winning field goal should never have been awarded as the Panthers had erected a human ‘wall’ to stop defenders getting to the kicker.

Referees’ boss Tony Archer agreed. Stuart was vindicated.

So when Gareth Widdop lined up a field goal in extra time last night, what happens? The Dragons are penalised for forming a wall.

Imagine what McGregor would have said had the joint venture lost.

The NRL bans criticism of referees after games, but such criticism still seems to utterly set the agenda for changes to how the sport is played.

And those changes don’t happen after an end-of-season review. They can happen in a fortnight.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

Bill Harrigan claimed in his book that this actually happened in the SL season - send things upstairs to get more eye balls on the sponsors.



Roar Rookie

It was a fair enough game, an even struggle in the forwards and the backs bombed a few but they should replace golden point with golden try. Would be much more entertaining. Had to laugh when ref told austin he didn't see his nose getting smashed while the coverage is running the replay with him looking right at it. Hilarious, the main ref admitting he is not watching the ballrunner!? What is his job out there, a close game?


Dean - Surry Hills


He could of broken his nose by face planting into the turf - it's not the point of how it was done - but the responsibility of the NRL of player welfare. He needed a HIA, and was neglected.




Thanks for your reply Steve and for your Stuartesque restraint. I'll have to come back to you on that question. But I just thought that to say the two most glaring things from the match were refereeing issues was a bit of an overstatement.



Roar Rookie

How would you feel if your nose was broken like that and what would you say to the ref if he just let it go and didn't do anything? You're a bit tough




The Wighton knock on call when backwards did actually lead to points. The Dragons got a penalty in front and took the 2. Taking those points away would have made the Raiders win by 2 without golden point occurring. So yeah, fairly big impact still.


Dan Eastwood


There have been different models empoloyed over that last 15 years - both on 10m, both on ruck, one up one back. I like having one on the ruck and one on the 10m, Bill harrigan brought that back in 2011 to combat the forward passes out of dummy half. No it seems to be a combination of them.




ha ha, yer i know the type. My mates old man used to be the same. Old greyhound trainer who loved his footy but boy could he tell a crazy story. Used to sit there with him and he tell me how the Broncos used to cheat every way under the sun while drinking his own home brew. That put a few chairs on the old chest.



Roar Rookie

He's convinced KC and will tell anyone who'll listen. And yes, if it is after 3 most days he's into his Toohey's Old. To give a better idea of where his heads at; a few weeks after Alan Jones and Ray Hadley started being broadcast on local AM radio in Brisbane he commented "you know, those blokes really talk a lot of sense..." Good old fella though - sits out front like a sentry. Better than a guard dog.



Roar Guru

Stranger things have been true.. lol




Had your neighbour drank a slab before you guys had this chat?



Roar Rookie

Thats been a conspiracy theory around my place for the past few weeks Kaks. In the first couple of weeks of the season the Bunker was making really swift decisions and KFC was getting little exposure and no value for their sponsor dollars. My neighbour reckons they had to send more decisions upstairs and slow the Bunker decisions down in order to give KFC their ad value. Slowing down the bunker is more palatable to the NRL and broadcasters than to refund sponsor's dough... He's can be an odd one the fella next door.




The referee must have thought that Austin broke his own nose or maybe he thought that it was WWE and that he had a blood capsule. I cannot see any other logical explanation. He had blood all over his face and this was just ignored by the referees. By what logic does that work?


Sleiman Azizi

Roar Guru

Dan, is there a reason why one touch judge cannot/does not solely watch the defending team (keeping them back 10m etc) and the other touch judge focus on the attacking team?




Ah no. In review I have no problem with coming down hard on head contact but not during the game . We will be reviewing every set of six soon to make sure nothing bad happened before we get on with the next set. Come down hard in review but for Gods sake let the game flow.


Tim Gore


Apparently yes. Yes he can. Who knew?




100 percent spot on Kaks. It's not that hard to understand surely.


Tim Gore


Dean and Ricky have been tight since the 94 Kangaroos. Ricky doesn't jettison his mates easily.




"So when Gareth Widdop lined up a field goal in extra time last night, what happens? The Dragons are penalised for forming a wall. Imagine what McGregor would have said had the joint venture lost." I'd imagine he'd lament the stupid penalty. That was a blatant wall. If you don't think so you really don't know the rules.




NRL is media driven - decisions on how the game should be officiated are being forced by the Media. But the Media is not accountable so if their ideas turn out to be rubbish it is the Match Officials who get the blame. In other words the Media always win & the match officials always lose. And Referees are such soft targets & fans love to blame them for their team's misfortune. The NRL needs to make reasoned sensible decisions & not have knee jerk reactions to the Media & fans. And then have the strength not to be influenced by the irrational ravings so commonplace in mainstream & social Media.

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