Ross Lyon wants to axe the centre bounce

By News / Wire

Fremantle coach Ross Lyon says the game will be safer and more consistent if the centre bounce is axed, but admits the “romance” aspect of it will be hard to let go.

The AFL umpires department has asked the league to investigate the impact the centre bounce is having on field umpires.

There are fears the strenuous nature of the bouncing action could be putting umpires at a higher risk of injury, and in turn be breaching occupational health and safety guidelines.

The bounce won’t be axed this year, but it might be cast aside in time for the 2018 season.

If the time-honoured tradition is replaced by tossing the ball up, taller ruckmen like Fremantle’s Aaron Sandilands stand to benefit given their height advantage.

Lyon said it was important to protect players from wonky bounces that put them in vulnerable positions.

“Because when the ball bounces back over your head and you’re stuck, you’re a sitting duck for a 105kg man charging at you the other way,” Lyon said.

“Do you remember what it used to be like before the line (when players could start as far back as they like?)

“It would be like Dennis Lillee coming in off the long run-up and launching.

“Ruckmen used to clash, and they had the PCL (knee injuries). It was a really dangerous business. So they’ve reduced that.

“Anything that is going to provide a bit of safety and consistency is probably a good thing.”

Lyon also had sympathy for the umpires.

“I understand the tradition of the game,” Lyon said.

“But there’s some inherent problems with the bounce – clearly for the umpires it’s a dangerous act.

“It wears their back out. They’re putting their head down when big athletes are charging at the ball. And they take their eyes off the game.

“There’s a lack of consistency with it.

“But the romance of that – the unpredictability of Aussie Rules – the bounce just ties in beautifully with it.

“Clearly there’s a push for change. I think at the right time the right people will make a decision.”

Sandilands is set to return from a hamstring injury for Sunday’s clash with Collingwood at Domain Stadium.

The 211cm ruckman was sorely missed in last week’s 100-point loss to Adelaide, with his fill-in Jonathan Griffin expected to get the chop this week.

The Crowd Says:


Dalgety Carrington

Roar Guru

To be fair to SMH, being positive or constructive about anything isn't really his strong suit.



Roar Guru

Its patently obvious SMH is a misogynist.


Paul D

Roar Guru

Because no male umpire has had to recall a bounce all season, bloody women hey Why are you trying to make this a gender issue?


Liam Salter

Roar Guru

"Process is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything" - george bernard shaw ^ I feel that one is more relatable ;) (totally didn't just google 'quotes about change', btw)




I didn't say it was true nor accurate, but it could happen. They were discussing about the bounce and that's the point Cat.




You will admit though that the female had trouble bouncing the ball? I acknowledge that the surface was partly to blame.



Roar Guru

I heard on the radio a couple of weeks ago that the future of footy ruckmen will be distinct, especially if the bounce goes.
I think the word you meant is extinct, not distinct ... just because someone said it on the radio doesn't make it true, nor accurate.



Roar Guru

Life is always changing. He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. ~Harold Wilson


Paul D

Roar Guru

No. See this article from 2014 where Mark Evans discussed the issues some of the new umpires auditioning in the NAB Challenge were having with it at the time. Well before female umpires became a thing. Discussions about possibly removing it have been going on for years. More cheap dog whistling from you.


Liam Salter

Roar Guru

I wouldn't have thought so.




but we are always changing the game Cat. this is one we shouldn't change.




Like yourself Paul. I am very passionate about this game. I get very argumentative on this sort of issue, because I really don't think it needs changing. we have already taken the bounce from around the ground which I do agree with. but the bounce in the centre square should always be there. it is unique to our great game. Its just this topic which has been going on for quite awhile. I heard on the radio a couple of weeks ago that the future of footy ruckmen will be distinct, especially if the bounce goes. I don't want that to happen, because it takes another type of human size away from the game and that's what's wonderful about it. we have all different sizes playing. This one argument I will stand by. Leave the bounce.



Roar Guru

The entire sport is unique. Taking away one aspect that doesn't actually change the game in the slightest doesn't make it any less unique.


Liam Salter

Roar Guru

..... that means it's about tradition, doesn't it?


Liam Salter

Roar Guru

Nah, it was actually you who immediately began arguing with his original comment - quite aggressively I may add. It's also pretty amusing that you can combine ranting about how Paul "resorted to name-calling" and then the ever popular fantastic comeback "your argument is crap" in the space of two sentences.


Paul D

Roar Guru

Diddums. Did the nasty man online make fun of your tradition? What's wrong with long sleeves? Stephen Silvagni made them look good.


Paul D

Roar Guru

Getting a little bit 'Ceremony of the Keys' don't you think? Make a clean break. I must admit I'm biased, I have had some stand up rows with my old man who has a hoarding complex, so I'm inclined to take a dispassionate view on keeping something because "it's always been that way"




its not about tradition, its what's unique to the game. we are the only sport that does this.




Only my opinion, but has the AFL only just made this an issue because of female field umpires possibly not having the same physical strength as male field umpires?



Roar Guru

So to preserve 'tradition' we need to create a new set of rules to do it. Simpler to just ditch it because beyond the 'we've always done it' simplistic rationalising there is no reason to keep doing it.

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