Announcing new features for The Roar's comment section

By Ryman White / Editor

Our team is excited to announce the release of some new features designed to enhance your experience commenting and engaging with comments on The Roar.


As of yesterday, to help you keep up with conversations across the site, we’ve added in a notifications system for logged in users.

When enabled, you will see a small red dot on your profile image in the main nav bar whenever you have a new notification.

Clicking your profile image will open up a dropdown menu featuring your latest 100 notifications.

Currently, you will be notified when someone responds to or likes one of your comments.

You can enable or disable the notification icon appearing in your profile settings page.

Editing your comments

As of late 2018, all logged in users have been able to edit their comments for a short period after posting by selecting the pen icon in the top right-hand corner of the comment.

While editing a live comment, a countdown timer will display indicating how much time there is left to edit the comment before it will be closed from editing.

This feature will allow you to make any edits, fix typos, or even delete the content of a comment. Just keep in mind that any comment that has been edited after posting will display a notice to all users that the comment has been edited or its contents removed.

Comment liking

Ever read a comment on The Roar that summed it up perfectly and needed nothing else added? You can now acknowledge any comment you like with a single click on the ‘thumbs up’ icon in the bottom left-hand corner of every comment.

So please, get liking! The person whose comment you ‘like’ will be notified about it!

Filter comments by ‘Best’

In addition to liking comments, we have added a new way to filter comments, based on the number of likes the comments within a thread have received.

You can access this filter in the dropdown ‘Sort by’ menu at the top of the comments section.

Basic formatting

To help you get your message across, some basic formatting tools have been returned to the comment section.


As always, we would love to hear any and all feedback you have for the improvements we’re adding. Please share any thoughts in the comments below or send us an email.

The Crowd Says:


Brett McKay


Ryman, this is a comment left per the email I've sent you highlighting the formatting/rendering issues for multiple-par comments. This is the second par of the comment. And this is the third par. This par has also been bolded.


Brett McKay


Agree, love this. Great addition..



Roar Rookie

Would love to see a app in the App Store and Play Store. Thanks.




The next change will be to "Face Roar". The changes look somewhat familiar.



Roar Guru

I will have a look next time it happens and try to screencap and send it through. Like I said, its only "sometimes". So there is a chance I just caught it during when the team where doing testing? Will report if it happens again; otherwise looks the goods :)


Matt H

Roar Guru

The notification on your profile in the corner is a winner! Well done. Makes it much easier to keep up with replies to your comments.



Ryman White


Hi Wayne, Interesting. I'd like to see what is happening here. Is it every time you comment? Oh, is there any chance you've got the 'Comment Threads' toggle flicked off at the top of the comment section? This makes all comments sit in chronological order with no indenting or threading.



Ryman White


Hi JD St George, Some great ideas there! I've got those exact things high on my wishlist also. I can't give a timeline at this stage, but watch this space.


Tim Carter

Roar Pro

Cool, thanks. Never noticed that before.


JD St George

Roar Pro

Great additions.I would love if you could introduce a "like" button for articles. If I had to comment that I liked piece everytime I read an article then I would probably be booted for spamming! Also, I would love it if I could get a notification everytime one of my favourite authors posted an article.



Roar Guru

Comment section is good. Just found "sometimes" it doesn't render the reply comments correctly on phones (they all get grouped at bottom, rather than under the comment they are replying to).


Daniel Jeffrey


Hi Tim, You can report comments using the flag icon in the top-right corner of each comment.


Tim Carter

Roar Pro

Glad to see. Any chance of a "report comment" button for the stuff that escapes the bot filters?



Roar Guru

Hey Ed, Thanks for the heads up. It tickled my funny bone that this thread is under 'Other Sports'. Commenting is the newest blood sport I suppose. (Whatever happened to "play the ball, not the man"?)

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