Why you should watch the Super W

By Hugh_96 / Roar Pro

Sure, the women’s Super W competition does not get much recognition or have a profile.

Sure, the A-League Women, AFLW and NRLW are all bigger, further developed and better supported.

Sure, the Super W women don’t get paid.

Sure, women’s rugby union does not have its own Twitter handle.

Sure, a lot of rugby fans have not got around women’s rugby.

Sure, the Super Rugby Pacific and Six Nations is on.

But apart from that, I would still say give it a crack and check it out.

Join experts Brett McKay and Harry Jones and special guest Jamie Wall as they look at Super Rugby week 2, that debut by Roger Tuivasa-Sheck and tip what four teams will miss the finals this year.

Super W is an opportunity to see rugby where the players just thoroughly and genuinely enjoy playing rugby.

Apart from watching it on Stan, there are a number of double headers with the men’s Super Rugby Pacific, so get there early and get two matches.

Or get there a bit later and watch the second half of the women’s game.

This Friday, there is the Force and Reds at Perth’s HBF Park and then on Saturday at GIO Stadium there is the Tahs versus Brumbies double header.

This competition will be a good watch as players will be desperately wanting to put forward their name for Wallaroos selection and the World Cup later in the year.

(Photo by Dave Rowland/Getty Images)

But if you’re looking for the slightest reason to watch it on Stan Sport, a reminder that Sera Naiqama – who is on the Stan Sport team – plays lock for the Waratahs.

While watching, keep an eye on her lock partner Kaitlan Leaney, who impressed last season as a newbie for the Tahs.

Now, will the teams all be pretty equal and competitive? Honestly, I have no idea.

The expectation looking at the rosters, is that the Waratahs will be favourites. The semi surprise packs will be the newly introduced Fijiana Drua. They played a trial the other week against the Reds and won.

What is most disappointing is that I probably know and recognise more of the names in the NRLW teams than in Super W.

There are so many former rugby sevens players throughout the teams. As a consequence I watched the St George Illawarra and Titans game on the weekend as it had Emma Tonegato, Vani Pelite and Page McGregor playing.

This is a reflection of the minimal coverage provided by Rugby AU and the states to women’s sevens and 15 rugby.

Which is odd when you consider the promotion and investment by the other sporting codes. But let’s leave that well alone at this time. Even the Fijiana Drua have their own Twitter and Instagram accounts.

So what is disappointing is that I really cannot provide much of a look-out for certain players.

I have heard a couple of the coaches being interviewed over the last year and they were very impressive. The Tahs’ coach Campbell Aitken (The Positive Rugby Podcast) and Rebels coach Alana Thomas (The Great Coaches: Leadership and Life) are both worth a listen.

(Photo by Kelly Defina/Getty Images)

On the player front, the Waratahs are chock full of names and experience. Some names to keep an eye on include captain Grace Hamilton and the rest of the back row: youngster Piper Duck and Emily Chancellor.

You also have former sevens platers Mahlia Murphy and Georgina Friedrichs. I have to admit to being a long-time Murphy fan.

The Brumbies have got some real stalwarts such as Louise Burrows and this season they have former Waratahs captain Ash Hewson coming back and having a run.

I would expect a few Sydney-based players in the Brumbies squad, just like the original men’s Brumbies squad back in the day.

With the Reds, word has it that youngsters Malaela Sua and Skyla Adams are pretty special so I will be interested to see how they go.

The Reds have former sevens captain Shannon Parry this season and a couple of experienced campaigners Sarah Riordan, Ivania Wong and Liz Patu. Also in the squad is Annabelle Codey, the daughter of former Wallaby David Codey.

With the Rebels, if you want to see passion and feisty-ness personified, keep an eye out for captain Mel Kawa. Last season she split her head open, there was plenty of claret, and she went off and got taped up, put head gear on and she was back in there.

As for the Force, I cannot tell you much about them except I recognise a couple of Wallaroos names Rebecca Clough and Trilleen Pomare.

So rugby fans, give the women a bit of support. I am pretty sure if Rugby AU had the funds and resources they would be supporting them with actual investment.

They appear unable to do that at the moment, so rugby fans need to get on board until the investment arrives.

The Crowd Says:


Working Class Rugger

Roar Guru

On the payment side of things. Both the Rebels and Force have committed to being paying their women's squad. Which is awesome. Hopefully this see's the other SR franchises get their act together. Then move from a single round robin to a double round robin and eventually a cross over with NZ.




Roar Pro

Having SA involved would increase interest. Travel costs is always an issue When SA involved. I imagine the next step will be for Super W to link with NZ Aupiki in some form - maybe top 2 of Super W play top 2 from NZ. Although I imagine current NZ only have 4 teams and they would be very good.




Roar Pro

I'm sure they will, tough gig for the Wallaroos I think they play NZ in their first game.


Just Nuisance

Roar Rookie

Oh yeah set your watch by that , love Rassie or hate him what is certain is when he says he is going to do something he does it.




Roar Pro

Not sure reunification will ever occur.


Now now be reasonable


I just saw some pigs fly by in Eastwood.



Roar Rookie

Like that idea JN, as they would go well under Rassie.



Roar Rookie

True Hugh, but, they ( England & France ) did have numerous games, before they played the Kiwi's, knowing the limited games we've had in the SH, in comparison. Actually, with players like Herini, returning to 15's, & currently playing for the Canes, plus a few others that were missing, from that tour, I do think they'll go alright.




Roar Pro

I guess we will have to keep an eye out during the Super W. Yep need a couple of locks that can bend the line. The Tahs 6 Piper Duck is very skilled, she may have got bigger, last season I think she was only 18. Could use Pelite in the centres. Tonegato would be handy but think we can find some back 3 players. Someone mentioned the Reds backrow looks good. Good reason to watch a few games see who may stand out.


Just Nuisance

Roar Rookie

I have an interesting idea . Although South Africas men have gone to Europe , the women haven’t . Rassie Erasmus has made a strong commitment to improving Womens Rugby in SA . Why not include them in Superugby. It will drastically add interest and revenue to it . Everyone wins .


Munro Mike

Roar Rookie

For RL - RLW - the biggest potential player pool is in the touch version. Still - I suspect. The AFL and womens footy was interesting. First we ALL saw in the 2000s that soccer was starting to pull ahead in participation. How? Simple - - they got the girls playing. Aust footy was still stopping girls after Under 13s........like Erin Phillips - had no where to go despite being better than most the boys - - so she became a basketball star. The AFL actually surprised themselves - in the 2010s as they dipped their toe in the water and that was enough for the market - the upsurge in participation demanded the AFL bring the AFLW forward and that's also seen "AFL" participation essentially match soccer (the FFA have some imaginative accountancy techniques around including participants in 'promotional experiences' and volunteers, coaches and referees in their grand total). So that leaves the two Rugby codes arguably fighting over the same pool of talent. Once again - - all logical pragmatic and economic rationalist argument asserts a reunification of Rugby.


Munro Mike

Roar Rookie

It's advisable to do a smidge of research. AFLW is charging $10 for adults and under 18s free. Where ticketing is possible - not all venues for all matches can be. So - no - you're actually quite wrong. The AFLW HAS indeed collected revenue from the gate.




Roar Pro

I though they had started charge for the AFLW but maybe not. Bottom line the AFL is after the women's footy market and have the $$.




Roar Pro

You are correct about 7s & the Olympics the problem is they mainly play overseas and usually at night so they have not got the profile they should. Even Charlotte Caslick said that recently. I probably have Sydney perspective bias based on the NRLW coverage which is very high. Probably like the AFLW in Melb. The AFLW also gets a lot of coverage on the ABC sports news bulletins so would think it is widely recognised on a national basis. There is no doubt the AFL are spending up big to corner as much of the women's footy market as it can - which they are good at. Rugby has to promote itself more, profile it's players, show the international side of the game. Later this year the Wallaroos have a Quad series with NZ , USA, Canada which will be an annual event. So there is a big upside, Rugby AU just has to leverage it otherwise the footy players will go to NRL/AFL, then the Wallaroos will find it difficult to compete internationally.




Roar Pro

The 9GO arrangement is really good to get some coverage and profile for the women, they must feel a bit left behind by all the coverage of AFLW, NRLW players. With the Wallaroos will be interested to see how the Quad series with Canada, USA, NZ goes and when it is on.


Short Arm

Roar Rookie

That's a shame, I had Boyle in mind as well. We need some big mobile forwards if we come up against the English Roses or Ferns. Pelite & Tonegato would be welcomed back as well. I know they're pretty much amateurs but wouldn't you think being a WC year that they would want to be a part of it?




Roar Pro

Without doubt the UK comp is the best in the world, I was quite surprised when I saw how many Canadian and USA players are over there. I noted Alev Kelter former long time USA 7s players has gone over I think to Saracens. I actually think I read a couple of Oz players were in discussions in possibly going north. Good to see the Rebels lead the way with some $$$ for the players, I saw today the Force are going to pay some $$$ now too. Small steps.




Roar Pro

The World Cup will be interesting both England and France looked very good during the NH games, so it will be interesting to see how NZ turn it around.




Roar Pro

It is great Force can finally play at home. Not surprised that Force will be paying the women players, you have an excellent CEO.


Closer now


AFLW have collected $0 in gates since it started. NRLW smashes A League Women out of the park.

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