Lack of care factor over NRL minor premiership is embarrassing but almost impossible to solve perennial problem

By Paul Suttor / Expert

As was pondered by two of the great philosophers of the 20th century and beyond, Bill S Preston, esquire and “Ted” Theodore Logan,  Wyld Stallyns will never be a super band until we have Eddie Van Halen on guitar. 

But they will never get Eddie Van Halen to join the band until they are most triumphant. 

And so it goes with the NRL in its bid to get teams to care about the minor premiership. 

Nobody will particularly care about receiving the JJ Giltinan Shield until there’s extra incentive attached to the trophy in the way of playoff benefits or huge cash incentives.

But the NRL will not cough up big dollars to reward first past the post or change their finals format anytime soon so the current lack of genuine prestige will remain surrounding the minor premiership. 

The prizemoney has been doubled this year to $200,000. It could be doubled again and most clubs probably still wouldn’t prioritise it over resting players when an all-important top-two berth is wrapped up. Immortal halfback Andrew Johns said during the week that it should be a cool $1 million.

The 1993 Brisbane Broncos with the legendary Tina Turner. (Photo via Getty Images)

The fact that Brisbane had the chance to ice top spot in the final round but chose to play a team stacked with their Queensland Cup back-up brigade while their big guns rested on Thursday night tells you all you need to know about the care factor in clubland. 

Penrith can steal the trophy from them by beating North Queensland at BlueBet Stadium on Saturday night but despite naming a near full-strength line-up, they could still sit a few of their key players to keep them fresh for the finals. 

NRL chief executive Andrew Abdo had flown to Brisbane on Thursday night to present the Broncos with the shield if they had beaten the Storm, but tucked it back into his travel luggage to possibly present it to the Panthers. 

In a way the NRL dodged a bullet by the Broncos losing to the Storm. 

It would have seemed more than a little odd for the customary final round photo of the grand old silverware surrounded by sweaty players who for the most part had played only a handful matches throughout the 2023 campaign. 

The likes of captain Adam Reynolds, Reece Walsh, Payne Haas, Ezra Mam, Herbie Farnworth, Selwyn Cobbo, Billy Walters, Kurt Capewell, Kobe Hetherington and the suspended Kotoni Staggs could have joined in the picture in their club polos but it still would have been a strange look.

Storm coach Craig Bellamy and Dale Finucane of the Storm pose with the JJ Giltinan Shield in 2021. (Photo by Chris Hyde/Getty Images)[/caption]

Teams would get the first week of the finals off and the chance to advance to the Grand Final with just one further victory where they would proudly parade the JJ Giltinan Shield if they took out the overall premiership. 

Finishing top two is all that matters now. Apart from the modest prizemoney, the difference between placing first or second pretty much amounts to getting first choice on playing strip on Grand Final night. 

As the NRL expands to 17 this year and 18 and potentially beyond in the near future, it is worth revisiting whether the playoff system should be expanded from eight to 10. 

Whether that’s a format where 10 teams qualify or the “wild card weekend” which was raised and shot down a few years ago. 

The chorus of critics for expanding the number of clubs that make the playoffs will point to rewarding mediocrity as the primary reason to keep the current eight-team format. 

That is true but it’s not like we have a situation where teams with losing records are routinely making the finals.

Parramatta, Souths and the Cowboys or Roosters will miss the playoffs this year despite finishing with  12-12 records. 

The 1984 Bulldogs with Prime Minister Bob Hawke at the SCG. (Photo via Getty Images)

Last season the Dragons (yes, them) missed the cut with the same record while winning 13 out of 24 was not enough for the Broncos to qualify in the eight. 

Although there was the situation the previous year where the Titans snared eighth with a 10-14 “success” rate. 

With 17 teams it’s too premature to have a wild card weekend where the sides ranked 7-10 play off for the final two spots while the top six put their feet up.

But when there is 18, and definitely if the competition expands to 20, it should be strongly considered.

It was interesting to see the traditionally staid AFL powers-that-be float the idea this season. 

They normally fear change more than another 20th century visionary, Garth Algar.  

Putting aside the debate about what percentage of teams should make the finals, expanding the number to 10 helps create more interest in the closing rounds because there are fewer dud games with no playoff implications.

Anyone who sat through last Sunday’s Sea Eagles vs Bulldogs will be sympathetic to that argument. Those spectators should have been charged NSW Cup rates because the genuine NRL talents like Daly Cherry-Evans were few and far between among the 34 on display. 

Whatever the NRL head honchos do with the playoff format in the future, the last thing they should consider is a bye round the week before the post-season. 

(Photo by Bradley Kanaris/Getty Images)

While it was a long way less than ideal that the Broncos, Storm, Knights, Warriors and possibly Panthers fielded weakened teams for their last regular season match, it’s not a major issue. 

These teams have earned the right to keep their stars in cotton wool and giving young fringe first-graders a run under the bright lights can only benefit them down the track. 

Fans don’t necessarily remember whether their team won in the final round before the finals but they have instant recall when asked about how their side went in the years they made the playoffs. 

Having a star player injured in the week before the finals can be the difference between lifting a trophy or not. The one that teams actually are hellbent on winning, not the poor old JJ Giltinan Shield.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

My preference, Top 5, Minor straight through to the big dance, 2 vs 5, 3 vs 4, winners of those 2 face off to face the MP for the GF.



Roar Rookie

The May thing didn’t make any difference to any team . As he was injured then & couldn’t play. Then St.Helens did a hip drop tackle on him , so he’s not played any of this season.



Roar Rookie

My first thought was a similar option but then doesn’t that fly in the face of equalisation with the strong getting stronger & the also rans dropping further behind? Might sound good to you from a Penrith perspective right now or last season to shore up retentions but you and most of the rest of us would have screamed blue (purple?) murder a few years back if the Roosters/Storm kept getting a leg up to keep their superstars. I think the incentive has to be somehow related to the club earning some advantage rest-wise for their players as the consistent performing clubs usually have the greater number of representative players who have greater physical demands across the season. Not sure how to design it but maybe the minor premiers get more cash plus the option to pick which finals day and time-slot they play in week one of the finals. I’d accept the minor premiers getting a bye & the next 8 playing off but that may become a problem with continuity, not an expert on the impact of weeks off. Anyway, I’m sure PVL will throw a thought bubble up soon, hard to forget the deferred suspension for May last season ‘for the fans’, and it never impacted my club so not talking through the pocket.



Roar Rookie

Agree with that, would be good for there to be more prestige around the minor premiership. Just can't get behind it being a competitive advantage for future seasons.


Brett Allen

Roar Rookie

There is a huge advantage in finishing first, you get to play team 8. And if you good enough to be at the top after 24 rounds, why should you need a second chance ? The higher you finish, the easier first round game you have ?



Roar Rookie




Roar Rookie

Poor idea - you would simply entrench inequality



Roar Rookie

Agree that the blind draw is not a good idea, but if you go a straight knockout, there is no difference between finishing 1st and 8th. The double chance is a reward for effort and helps ensure that the premiership is won by one of the best teams in the competition - a top 4 team might drop 1 game, but rarely 2 in a row. Conversely, while teams from 5-8 technically have a chance, they have to be really peaking at the right time to make the most of that chance.



Roar Rookie

why change just for the sake of change? Nothing wrong with the current finals series, and I am with the clubs - bugger the JJ shield



Roar Rookie

I honestly don't see it as a problem. If the top teams want to rest players, that's on them. They earned their spot in the finals and if they want to get some games into their 2nd tier squad then good on them. Would be terrible if someone like Adam Reynolds, Reece Walsh, Harry Grant or Cam Munster got a serious injury right before the finals in a game that is the next best thing to a dead rubber. Broncos Melbourne was still highly entertaining! If this is the biggest issue in League right now, then we are doing alright



Roar Rookie

Why? Because the NRL need money and the more games they play (real games, not the rubbish internationals that no-one cares about), the more money they can make from broadcast deals



Roar Rookie

Maybe so. Yet I’d still argue that the minor premiers deserve something more , than they currently get. If you can get the teams really competing to become minor premiers, that has to be a good thing. Brisbane & Penrith this season, was again about who cared a tiny bit more. That’s coming from a supporter of one of those teams.



Roar Rookie

I agree with most of what you just said but it changes nothing in this argument. The salary cap does not create a perfectly level playing field however it is the main tool the NRL are using to try to keep it mostly level. They have zero reason to directly undermine it by supplying more cap space to the team that is already winning.


Brett Allen

Roar Rookie

Why ? I’ve never heard an anti argument that made any sense.


Brett Allen

Roar Rookie

I agree with the straight knockout, I can’t agree with the blind draw. It would have the opposite effect, the minor premiership would be completely irrelevant then, even more so than now.



Roar Rookie

Warriors got to the Grand Final from 8th in 2011.



Roar Rookie

You’re implying that the players are of equal talent are equally spread amongst all clubs? ( Not that certain clubs can buy the best of the players available, while not losing any big names themselves. ) That’s not so. Then, if clubs actually produce junior talent that they bring through to a first grade level at their own clubs. Why shouldn’t they be able to keep the most of the best of them? Rather than other clubs just buying them & getting the benefit of another clubs hard work. Is the money from sponsors , corporate or independent equally divided? No. Have all all clubs got the same facilities available to them. No. Can clubs ask for different things be available to their club in particular ( that gives their club an advantage over others in keeping or buying players ). Then that request be granted to the club by the NRL. Yes. So much for any evening out of anything, due to a salary cap.


Brett Allen

Roar Rookie

I’ve never understood why you should be able to lose a finals game and get another chance. It’s finals, every game should be knockout. Lose you go home.


Brett Allen

Roar Rookie

I was thinking more time for international footy, but yes.


Tim Buck 3

Roar Rookie

I remember the teams doing the lap of honour on grand final day while holding the J.J.Giltinan Shield.

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