NRL Round 8 Talking Points: The kick-off is on borrowed time, so what replaces it?

By AJ Mithen / Expert

Round 8’s NRL was a weekend of domination, with an average win margin of 21 points and some teams seeing their finals hopes really starting to flicker. Here are your talking points from the weekend.

Maybe the kick-off does need to go

Kick-offs appear to be on borrowed time after St George Illawarra centre Moses Suli was knocked out in Anzac Day’s first tackle facing up to a charging Roosters prop Jared Waerea-Hargreaves.

For all the hand-wringing about kick-offs and returns, making a change is a reasonable call, to be honest. This isn’t the NRL’s usual knee-jerk reaction to a singular event, it’s something that’s been on the table for a while.

But how do we make the change? Move the tee back 20 metres, but kick chasers still go from halfway? Move the chasers forward to start from the opposition 20? Limit kickoffs to a 30-metre space? Don’t have kickoffs at all and start from the 20 with a tap after the coin toss?

There’s going to be a lot of discussion around this. So let’s come at it from a productive angle. Let’s not pretend the kick-off is some sacred part of the game that should never be touched – it’s actually something that has become more and more dialled down over the years. This would be a change for the better, whatever form it takes.

And just to tack on a personal gripe here – again, a club was left shorthanded by the NRL’s ridiculous 18th-man rule. Because Suli wasn’t knocked out by foul play and wasn’t the second Dragons player to be ruled out by an HIA, Shane Flanagan couldn’t bring on reserve player Michael Molo. The Dragons’ day against the Roosters was already hard enough without having to play a man down. This rule must change.

Speak well of the winners

I had initially planned to write an ‘all is lost’ point here and pot the Warriors, Raiders, Eels, Bunnies and Dragons but no, let’s turn it into a positive. Some great wins were had this weekend and it’s worth celebrating those who played well.

We must start with the Titans. Des Hasler’s men went to New Zealand and compounded the Warriors’ woes to the tune of 27-24, hanging on with all their might for 15 looong minutes as the Wahs bashed away at them to try and score the decisive try.

The Titans have been a decent opponent in the last few weeks. Hopefully it sticks and they can continue to cause some mischief.

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The Storm and Roosters had easy runs in their Anzac Day fixtures, winning by a combined score of 114-38. When the Chooks are up and about, they’re highly entertaining and when Melbourne have a sniff, they just don’t let the foot off the throat. Who knows what their chances are of knocking over Penrith when it matters, but if you’re playing either of these teams you need to be right on your game.

Manly and Brisbane took care of their business with Parramatta and Wests Tigers pretty comfortably, banking important competition points. The top four is going to be some contest this year.

Catch, hold or grip

Api Koroisau’s disallowed try against Brisbane was the refereeing point of contention this week, being hung onto by many as a ‘game-changing’ decision, an impressive call in a 34-10 loss.

The Tigers hooker lost control of the ball in the act of scoring with his side down 10-4 and a little over 14 minutes left in the first half. He got back to it to put pressure and ground it, but unfortunately for fans who prefer refereeing by vibes or what looks cool, this isn’t a try. Let’s learn together, from the ‘grounding’ section of the NRL rules:

“A player who has had possession or touches/touched the ball and knocks the ball forward must regain possession (catch, hold or grip) prior to the ball hitting the ground, another player, goal post or cross bar.”

This was another of those rules which people wanted clarified so there wouldn’t be doubt. Some people will never be happy though, they’d prefer the rules go out the window when it suits.

Good games this week

Not gonna lie folks, Round 9 looks just as brutal as this past weekend. We live in hope for some clubs to outperform expectations, starting on Thursday when Souths face up to Penrith. Will the Bunnies have some life with the Panthers coming off just five days of rest?

Friday’s early game is Canberra headed to Brookvale on a five-day break to take on Manly. The Sea Eagles are in attacking heaven right now and will be licking their lips as the baby Raiders head to town.

(Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)

We may have a decent contest primetime Friday, with the Roosters in Brisbane. Saturday’s triple header starts in Sydney with the rested Bulldogs hosting Wests Tigers. Cameron Ciraldo’s men did indeed rise to eighth spot without lifting a finger, now can they stay there?

Saturday twilight is on the Gold Coast when Melbourne visit the Titans fresh off a destruction of Souths. The Gold Coast pinched a great win in New Zealand, can they lift in class again?

Saturday night is the busted Dolphins against the Cowboys, who did have a crack at Penrith. The round ends with Sunday’s interesting matchup between the Knights and the wobbling Warriors, then Cronulla have another expected win against St George Illawarra.

Round 8’s random thoughts

– A less-than-optimal celebration of coach Ricky Stuart’s 500th game as Canberra’s streak of scoring points in consecutive games ends at 273. The baby Raiders were held to zero for the first time since Round 3, 2013.
– Huge crowds for Anzac Round with 179,337 through the gates. The increases in bums on seats in the last couple of years means a lot to the game. Hopefully next comes huge membership numbers.
– The exploits of one particular NRL journo this weekend brought to mind the words of American poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou; “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
– Can someone please, please teach Steve ‘Blocker’ Roach how to pronounce NRL players’ names? It’s getting beyond ridiculous. Do any NRL broadcasters do any research before being given a microphone?
– Rabbitohs stand-in fullback Jye Gray is turning some heads with his eagerness to get involved and play fast. Someone at South Sydney needs to tell him it’s ok to pass the ball every now and then, though.
– After giving the Dolphins a wrap last week they let me down badly in losing to Newcastle. The Knights begged the Dolphins to take that game off them in the second half, begged them. But as Bennett’s men flapped around, Newcastle held on for a hugely needed win.
– Cronulla are clear on top of the pops again… but who have they beaten to this point? They’ve played teams currently 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th, and dead last.

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What’s caught your eye this weekend, Roarers?

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

Haha, "get the touch judges..." mate, I like your optimism but I have no idea what touchies are supposed to do now, they seem to do so little. But, yeah, they could do that. the lone ref needs to clean up the ruck, it's disgraceful right now.


Good Grief

Roar Rookie

Rock paper scissors. With 8 camera angles for the bunker to ensure no interference from off side play or disruptors.


Good Grief

Roar Rookie

Divided by 8 rounds of footy (more if you include pre-season rounds) equals a ridiculous storm in a teacup. Just another hysterical beat up by journos looking to speculate for content.



Roar Rookie

I'm not sure you'd end up needing one ref to hold the spot. Once teams realized they were wasting energy forcing guys back, when simply stopping the attacker was enough, they quickly work out the mark was when the ref called held. Another alternative is to get the touch judges to monitor the defensive line and have the ref keeping a close eye on the ruck.



Roar Rookie

Well, you say that. The Sharks are only ranked 6th (out of the top 8) in terms of Strength of schedule so far. (ie; the combined Win/Loss of opponents so far in 2024). Cronulla's opponents only have a winning .pct of 40.6 whereas the Sea Eagles opponents are on 50%, Roosters 52% and Storm 53%. Early days and they can only play who the NRL gives them but their opposition, so far, has not been challenging.



Roar Rookie

Why are teams still kicking long on kickoffs when they are happy to chance a short kick from their own goal line?? Makes no sense to me, May as well kickoff short too. Surely that eliminates the big collisions.



Roar Rookie

I'm with you on 'forward progress', the whole forcing back thing is just ugly. the ref calls "held", they keep going, the tackled player then tries to regain the lost ground by moving forward to play the ball and on it goes. Now if we had two referees or on-field officials, one could holdthe spot for the forward progress so there is no argument.



Roar Rookie

Yes please!



Roar Rookie

Last round we had 16 kick offs from game and second half commencements. Add the 74 kickoffs from tries scored. Round 8 kickoffs 90, concussed 1, changing the game on a 1.1% occurrence ? Suli poor effort' had he hit JWH under the ball with his shoulder different result, but all accidental. I am more concerned with Milne, deliberate attack on legs and Sivo deliberate attack on head



Roar Rookie

Why not try that the kickoff has to land before the 10m line? It would limit the momentum of "coming from the back fence" the receiving team would still get close to the 20m line, it would limit the high speed collisions of the big boys. I do agree with a previous poster that the actually injury data for these scenarios needs to be collated to determine whether it is the "biggest" impact in regards to concussion or injury.


DP Schaefer

Roar Rookie

Kick-off. Instead of changing the rule, teams can adjust their kicks. Walkers had great success kicking short and as my nan has identified, kick 20 or 30 m only, then the ball carrier has no chance to build up steam and can get smashed as soon as they catch it. If there is a problem with the kick-off, there is your solution. It isn't a worry to the players if they keep kicking it deep.


DP Schaefer

Roar Rookie

it's not the vibe or what looks cool. It's what is consistent and practical. The bunker microanalysis to find a mm of separation one day, that can't be seen with the naked eye then allows a bulky 2nd row to leap into the in-goal, clearly (to the naked eye) lose the ball yet it's a try. People get all excited that 'hey, we got it right' because a sliver of separation occurs yet a pass is thrown clearly forward and who cares. The rule book is there, but to be adjudicated by the naked eye NOT micro analysis with cameras and slow mo.


aerial lizard

Roar Rookie

At that distance it is probable both players are still accelerating, which means we are dealing with force rather than momentum.


Brett Allen

Roar Rookie

The carnage is the source of excitement, nothing can replace it.



Roar Rookie

Sorry Fraser it won’t be.Guaranteed you’ll see a similar slow – mo try given later in the year – when the bunker says the scorer had control. These Slow – mo splitting hairs decisions just add to the Fans Frustration. Review Tries should be decided at normal speed – just like Forward Passes – by the on field Refs



AJ Mithen


I'm more in the 'accepting the inevitable' camp rather than raging for a ban of the kickoff Nat. Although I'm genuinely curious to see how the NRL changes it, cos you know they do love their unintended consequences...


Brett Allen

Roar Rookie

It’s a tough sport, even more so at the pointy end.



Roar Rookie

Simple solution is to teach and reward a legs tackle in the same manner as a surrender. This in theory is the simplest solution, but it's also one that is being plainly rejected by all coaches and 99% of the playing cohort. Maybe the idea of scrapping the kick off (which I'm not in favour of, but I just don't understand the rage if it went) is enough to trigger the players into changing their ways?



Roar Rookie

I guarantee Brett that if the changes were made, people would still turn up and people would still enjoy it. Every time a change is mooted, people like you always whinge and sing out. But you know what happens? More people end up watching the game. The crowd growth and TV ratings for the NRL exceeds population growth. The changes, more often that not, good. The ones who claim to say they'll stop watching, or "it's ruining the game" eventually come back. I cannot think of a single sport that evolved itself into extinction.



Roar Rookie

Disagree on the bit about the bomb. Placing a bomb half a yard inside the field of play so you can push the catcher back into touch is a rare treat I'd rather not lose. But the rest I agree with.

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