James Tedesco takes on the Melbourne forwards sparking an all-in scuffle

By The Roar / Editor

The Roosters skipper was standing up for his halfback Sam Walker who he believes was taken out too aggressively.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

All good mate. I guess you probably have to deal with a fair bit of Storm haters on here from time to time. It's the same following the Roosters. I personally love the haters, it usually means your team is doing well! And I agree it's good to disagree on things and argue objectively and respectfully. I'm happy to be proven wrong or at least get another point of view to go away and think about it.



Roar Rookie

Guess the roosters haters are out of their cage as well. In their chat about the lads were chatting about whether Welch v Walker deserved a penalty - not sure why you want to bring historic events back into play. If you want to do that then let's go back to so many other tackles this session where what Welch did would have earned him 10 in the bin. One example for the rooster haters was when they were blowing up at Taukeiaho when Cleary slipped and fell into the tackle ... 'he led with the arm' ... 'used unnecessary force to the head' ... and other comments - the judiciary said Taukeiaho was not guilty - and so if Welch's was an accident then surely Taukeiaho's was as well ... but then the refs must also be rooster haters as Taukeiaho was sent for 10. Good on Walker for stepping up to give it his all (and not first choice for Robbo who has been trying to keep him from 1st grade but with the injury toll decided to play him) - and yep he'll be a target for the big fellas like he was with Brisbane and now Storm - but he's still giving it a crack. Fifita needed to be sent off v 10 mins ... so perhaps there was some love coming back to haunt the chooks. Great discussion and thanks for sharing the rule interpretations - have copied those to keep as a reference. Brendon calling Kerry 'Karen' ... that's poor form mate ... if I'm assuming it was meant the way it read ... it doesn't show respect to women nor to people sharing their perspective.



Roar Guru

Leading with the head. Usually their forehead into the face of the opponent



Roar Rookie

Deliberate head clash? As in smack their heads against another players, risking their own concussion?



Roar Guru

It's done deliberately every game



Roar Rookie

See above, I went through the rules earlier, doesn't say you can't leave the ground when making a tackle, it's all about tbr careless, reckless and deliberate nature of a tackle. No one in their right mind would have a deliberate head clash.



Roar Rookie

That's for lifting tackles though. There are provisions under the rules for dangerous contact on a kicker. I think it should have been penalised. I guess we have to agree to disagree.



Roar Rookie

Actually the shot from Brenko that sidelined him was the second half. The initial injury occurred in the first half, when watching the game is was obvious that he was severely injured. He was needled at half time, still in pain but allowed to continue. Cordner suffered 4 concussions in 2020 season and played 13 of 20 games. I mean, in fairness we were all begging for him to sit down, but they kept him playing. If you look objectively, this year they've done the right thing, previously it was pretty sad. Mate just want to say awesome discussion by the way, I don't agree with much of what your saying but enjoying the back and forth, respectfully! And apologies for calling you a Storm hater earlier, got a bit fired up when I shouldn't have e.



Roar Guru

Go and look for it then



Roar Rookie

Would love to see the rule there!



Roar Guru

Once he leaves the ground and makes contact it's a penalty as a minimum



Roar Rookie

Was it deliberate, reckless or careless? No.



Roar Rookie

Head to head contact is only illegal in a headbutt. In this case it was purely incidental, there was no intent to hit him with his head. There is nothing illegal about it. But I’ll play the rules game. Looking at the rule book, which the 2020 interpretation is taken from, dangerous throw is defined as: If, in any tackle of, or contact with, an opponent that player is so lifted that he is placed in a position where it is likely that the first part of his body to make contact with the ground will be his head or neck (“the dangerous position”), then that tackle or contact will be deemed to be a dangerous throw unless, with the exercise of reasonable care, the dangerous position could not have been avoided. (Page 38). A high tackle is defined as: When effecting or attempting a tackle, makes contact with the head or neck of an opponent intentionally, recklessly or intentionally. There is nothing about ragdolling or anything like that. Dangerous throw was closest I could find and the tackle in question is nothing like that. To argue that Welch foresaw an accidental head clash is ridiculous, as the risk is the same for him as it is for walker. The only way to avoid such incidents is to not make a tackle at all.



Roar Rookie

His injury was sustained from a textbook sleeper tackle courtesy of Brenko Lee. Symptoms were not indicative of a punctured lung at half time. Refer press Trent Robinson conference for said game. I think if you look objectively at the way the Roosters have handled Boyd Cordner, Jake Friend and Luke Keary with concussions in recent history you'd see that they do try to look after their players, but no team gets it 100% right all of the time.



Roar Rookie

How would they do that exactly?



Roar Guru

Did he make contact with the head? Yes.



Roar Pro

Clint spitting facts.



Roar Pro

yeah, agree "every bit as" is excessive on my part. Agree that DSF was worse and should have been sent off. But I also think Welch's hit was cheap and dangerous and should have been a sin binning.



Roar Rookie

Shoulder have been clearer, sorry. Shoulder level to shoulder level. But thanks for the refence to the video. I freeze it at the 13 second mark and Welch's head is in direct contact with Sam Walker's head. What rule was broken? Ref's guidelines 2020 state that: When affecting a tackle on a kicker, the defender must make a genuine attempt to tackle which is not: 1. Late 2. High or 3. Dangerous It was dangerous. Welch could reasonably foresee high or dangerous contact with the head or neck could have happened and the higher standard of care for marginal tackles (i.e. a tackle at shoulder level per the judiciary code) applies. Further, the direction of the judiciary (when things actually go on report and get charged) for Contact With A Kicker Charged as Dangerous Contact (either Head/Neck or Other) is that "The Panel should bear in mind, where deciding on such charges, the need to protect kickers against being targeted." And for the record I don't hate the Storm. Think they are a well-oiled machine and a lot of clubs should try to emulate their success rather than tall-poppy them down. I just think Welch should have been penalised for that one. I also think Daniel Suluka Fifita should have been sent off rather than binned.



Roar Rookie

His feet left the ground as he pulls him to the ground. No rules in the book that say your feet can't leave the ground mate. Regardless, leaving the ground has no impact on the head clash, as Welsh it taller than Walker. It didn't drive Welsh's shoulder into Walkers head, face or throat either. You're clutching at straws here mate, typical Storm haters though hey? Got to find something to complete about!

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