NRL introduces fines for low-grade offences to reduce player suspensions

By The Roar / Editor

Less players will face suspension and miss games under the new NRL Judiciary system announced today.

Following an extensive review, the NRL have determined the offences including careless high tackles, tripping, contrary conduct and detrimental conduct will now incur fines for the players if it is deemed to be a Grade One. Rather than players incurring carryover points and demerit points which lead to suspensions, the penalty will instead be a $1500 hit to the pocket.

Players who accept the early guilty plea on Grade One charges will have the fine reduced by 25 per cent.

Representatives of NRL Clubs, the Rugby League Players Association and legal representatives of the Judiciary were appointed to a working group that has led to the implementation of a hybrid model. Grade Two offences and above for these charges will still incur demerit points and suspensions, while offences deemed to be more serious (including dangerous throws, shoulder charges, kicking and striking) will also result in points penalties, whether Grade One or above.

The player will be forced to pay the fine, and revenue will got towards player education and wellbeing initiatives. If a player is charged with three or more offences that would incur a $1500 fine, they will become ineligible for financial penalty and instead be hit with a base penalty of 100 demerit points (the equivalent of missing a game.

NRL head of football Brian Canavan explained the decision:

“Where a player is involved in dangerous actions they can still expect to spend time on the sideline.

“These changes are the result of an extensive review of the previous process and extensive consultation.

“The aim was to find a fairer and simpler system which ensured players would not miss matches for what would be deemed minor offences.”

The following changes have also been implemented by the NRL:

“These changes are designed to both simplify the system and improve consistency across the decision-making of both the Match Review Committee and the NRL Judiciary,” Canavan said.

The Working Group which recommended the changes included Bulldogs Coach Des Hasler, Club CEOs Jim Doyle and Graham Annesley, RLPA General Manager Player Relations Clint Newton, Judiciary Chairman Geoff Bellew, former NRL Counsel Peter Kite as well as key NRL officials including Head of Integrity Nick Weeks and Brian Canavan.

“This Working Group researched, documented, explored and then pressure-tested penalties for minor offences across major sporting competitions domestically and across the globe,” Mr Canavan said.

“Our benchmarking analysis researched best-practice models from American sports, including the NFL, NBA and MLB, as well as competitions closer to home.

“Importantly, all of these important changes follow extensive consultation with stakeholders – including the Clubs, the Coaches and the Players.

“The result will be a far more streamlined, fairer system which will be easier to understand and appreciate for everyone in the game.”

The system will be in place for the start of the 2017 NRL season.

Offence Grade One Grade Two Grade Three
Tripping $1,500 200 300
Kicking 200 300 400
Striking 200 300 400
Reckless High Tackle 300 400 500
Intentional High Tackle Refer to Panel Refer to Panel Refer to Panel
Careless High Tackle $1,500 150 200
Dropping Knees 200 300 400
Dangerous Throw 100 300 500
Contrary Conduct $1,500 200 300
Careless High Tackle $1,500 200 300
Dangerous Contact 100 200 300
Shoulder Charge 200 350 500

The Crowd Says:



Roar Guru

Give it time, then we are in a better position to judge. The previous penalties dished out ,was so far out of kilter ,it was laughable. No system will be perfect, and you'll get some expert in human movement, to offer a different perspective.


The Barry

Roar Guru

You'll get used to it mate...doesn't matter the subject, hats can / will / does turn any article into a poor Souths diatribe.


The Barry

Roar Guru

And the refs kept Souths back 13 metres and the judiciary targeted bunnies...


The Barry

Roar Guru

And in all that time Souths never signed a player from another club...


The Barry

Roar Guru





3 hats must be on drugs. The comment was about fines instead of suspensions. This is not about his perceived injustice over the last 50 years. History is history - you can't change it. He must have his head in a rabbit hole.



Roar Guru

The issue with all this, is simply the refs have been neutered... If they were serious, the game would send people from the field at the time of indiscretion, if it was deemed worthy... Missing a few weeks certainly seems worthy of a card if you ask me... High tackle? Yellow Card. It's simple. Bad high tackle? Red. It gives benefit to the actual team that has been affected by the dirty play, not the next team. But heavens above... the hue and cry from all and sundry about a referee ruining the game... the referee affecting the outcome etc... The game, the media and the fans have made refs powerless, and so we get this crazy, stupid referral system to the judiciary, which is the most bizarrely random punisher since the Roman Emperors. Get back to punishment on the field, during the game. It isn't the Refs that ruin the game. It is just the game. Do something that warrants a yellow, wear the yellow. It isn't the refs fault, nor the refs problem if they have to send a player from the field.


Jason Hosken

Roar Guru

You're still pulling your Squirrel and your hats hold more rubbish than Bullwinkle's.


3_Hats SSTID 2014

Roar Rookie

This is a Sydney based argument so fans of "OUT of SYDNEY" clubs are in a far different boat. Sydney Tribalism at it's finest. You, youngsters of today, don't seem to be taught of the History of yesterday! Most of you on here can only remember back to the 90s and 00s The Semi-Professional era really started in the early 70s, Manly Raided Norths, Souths and Wests Easts Raided Souths mostly Canterbury Raided Wests and Newtown St George Raided mostly Cronulla Parramatta Raided Penrith and Balmain It is ironic, isn't it? As these are the same 5 clubs who control the NSWRL today and they ALL received most of the financial benefit during the War. These clubs also did very well at the Judiciary back in the day in "getting off" In 1999, Tricky Trindall received a 6-week suspension when his arm hit the ball then slipped up to grazed an opponent's head. This derailed Souths season as the Rabbitohs were in 6th place at the time.


3_Hats SSTID 2014

Roar Rookie

I am NOT concerned about this "another 41 years" CRAP! Is that the best you've got mate? With all the Millions of dollars that the Bullgrubs, Rorters and the Silvertails/brown tongues have had over the years, I would expect that ALL of you should have been more than OUR 21. Your CHEATING Ref Greg Hartley giving you a leg up every week! Facts by the way! We gave you all 43-years head start yet you still can't beat us! If the Rabbitohs had all of your Millions in the 70s, 80s, 90, and 00s, we would be on, 30 Premiership wins by now. All of our best youngsters were pinched by other clubs and become internationals. So Suck on that mate! You can knock us You can fight us BUT you just can't bloody beat us.



Roar Pro

Yep agree here has to be a % fine otherwise whats the point. Also how come Jonathon Thurston can trip someone and pay with pcoket change but dangerous contact at level 1 which is accidentally bumping someone accidentally above the shoulder leads to missing a origin or grand final



Roar Guru

Let the players set the rules, open slather, forget administrators.The Sponsors will come out of the woodwork to get behind an anything goes sporting organisation, .Rec drugs, full strength beer at half time, head high tackles, stiff arms off the ball..Murder ball would have nothing on this. The mums will,just loves this.Bring back neanderthalism. Or perhaps we bring in the 21st century called reality.


The Barry

Roar Guru

Yeah...the stink around grading will be worse than ever. Certainly every grade 2 charge will be argued at the judiciary.


The Barry

Roar Guru

Only 41 more years for you to wait...


The Barry

Roar Guru

I agree with the concept not necessarily how it's been applied. Agree about tripping and kicking should never be low grade charges.


Magnus M. Østergaard

Roar Guru

Nope, read again... reckless and careless are 2 different things. A reckless doesnt carry a fine, it carries points. have a look


Jason Hosken

Roar Guru

Yep and then your mob botched back to back by punting Api K...laughing my what ever you said.


Dean - Surry Hills


They'll have an NRL photocard for all the players soon. It will be just like a drivers license. Points, fines.................................sounds like Government all over. What politician is running the show?


3_Hats SSTID 2014

Roar Rookie

What a pity these fines weren't in 2014, otherwise Issac Luke would have been free to play and the Rabbitohs would have smashed your blokes by 60 points, instead of 30! LMFAO...




agree. chicken feed for some and a serious deterrent for others. not a level playing field anymore.

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