My takeaways from State of Origin 2020

By Arnab Bhattacharya / Roar Guru

Rugby league in Australia has officially come to an end this year. Following a tumultuous year that has been 2020, a State of Origin series was the best way to end a challenging season for everyone involved in the NRL.

As Queensland goes nuts today for regaining the State of Origin trophy, here are my takeaways from the 2020 series.

Cameron Munster is irreplaceable
Whether it be for the Melbourne Storm or the Maroons, no-one can replace Cameron Munster. He stepped up when Queensland needed him in the second half of Game 1 and was missed after failing his head impact assessment in Game 2. Come the decider at a packed Suncorp Stadium, Munster cranked his game into fifth and sixth gear. Every single time he had the ball you could feel Queensland were on the attack. This is arguably Munster’s best game of his rugby league career to date.

(Photo by Chris Hyde/Getty Images)

Where was Papenhuyzen?
Ryan Papenhuyzen should’ve been on the bench at Suncorp. You cannot leave out an NRL championship-winning fullback for the whole series and expect to get away with it. The minute James Tedesco went off and Isaiah Yeo came on as right centre it was evident that New South Wales would be exposed on their right edge. To go into an Origin decider with four forwards on the bench is a massive gamble. Clint Gutherson has won only one NRL finals game, while Papenhuyzen has turned up in the big games for the Storm over the past two seasons. NSW only missed Tedesco in the decider because Papenhuyzen’s attacking threat wasn’t even on the bench.

The media need to stop beating up the Maroons
I’ve seen media outlets write off the Maroons before many Origin series, but it’s never been as bad as it was this year. Perhaps the lack of success by Queensland-based clubs in the NRL was a factor. Either way, this Queensland side thrived on the fact that they were entirely written off, let alone the underdogs. And now that they’ve won the series, boy are they lapping it up on social media. And why wouldn’t they, considering the flak they received from outside the bubble.

In some ways the media beat-up of the Maroons reminds me of a particular Test series in 2014. Former England skipper Michael Vaughan called the Sri Lankan bowlers a glorified county attack as the Lankans prepared for a two-Test series against England in the British Isles. Sri Lanka would end up winning 1-0, and Vaughan ate his words. In conclusion, stop writing offsides before the game has started, or else you’ll live to regret it.

Playing players out of position doesn’t help your cause, Freddy
New South Wales selected two specialist centres in their squad. Neither Zac Lomax nor Stephen Crichton played a minute of Origin 2020, left out for five-eighth Jack Wighton and fullback Clint Gutherson to play as left and right centre. This would be one of the selection blunders by Brad Fittler that would cost the Blues the series.

With James Maloney stuck in Europe, there was only one man who could lead NSW to victory at five-eighth, yet instead he was playing left-centre for the majority of the series. On what basis is Dally M winner Jack Wighton ignored in his specialist position? Wighton was instrumental towards the Raiders knocking out the Sharks and Roosters in the 2020 NRL finals series but played only a handful of minutes at five-eighth following Cody Walker’s injury in State of Origin 2020.

Harry Grant will become a superstar
As a Melbourne Storm fan I’m frothing over the choices the Storm have at dummy-half. Grant’s season at the Wests Tigers proved that loan deals should happen more often in the NRL to allow players to develop. In the decider Grant was the impact player Queensland needed. Alongside Munster, the Storm dummy-half didn’t hesitate to take on the Blues defence, running rings around the Blues with his running and kicking game before scoring a try on debut.

Grant’s temperament in the Origin decider proves that he’s ready for the big games. After seeing that performance from the commentary box at Suncorp Stadium, Cameron Smith may as well hang up the boots and start getting involved in coaching, because now it’s Harry Grant’s time to shine.

The Crowd Says:


Forty Twenty

Roar Rookie

Turbo looked to have stepped up a gear this season and beat the Chooks by himself early on. Apparently Fittler would have rocks in his head to select him in the centres for NSW because he would be playing out of position according to the back seat drivers on social media? Many of the games top players have played in several positions in rep teams over the years. Johns at hooker. Fittler in the forwards and centes I believe. Kenny in the centres ...... the list goes on.



Roar Rookie

I totally agree with that last part. When you look at the back half of the Roosters season it went downhill from the moment SBW was signed. They started dropping players who had been doing well for a guy who, well frankly fell well below expecation with his stamina and impact on the game. Whilst most teams were shoring up their combinations for finals the Chooks seemed to be experimenting, trying to fit SBW into the team. In the end I think it virtually ended their season.



Arnab Bhattacharya

Roar Guru

Maroons would've played a lot better had Munster not been injured in game two but I felt NSW were a different animal in game two. Would've reduced the deficit but NSW would've won regardess imo



Arnab Bhattacharya

Roar Guru

I get players playing out of position and it's fine but to not have a specialist centre on both edges seemed iffy. Gutherson didn't have that spark when he was at fullback. Papenhuyzen has that in him to shine under pressure. Was the perfect foil for Cook's running game but Freddy opted for four forwards on the bench instesd



Roar Guru

Yeah, I don't get this. Surely the Tigers benifit way more having a player stepping straight into the team from the Storms system then the Storm do having one of their players spend a year at the Tigers. Yeah, it's a short term deal, but I can't see it being any more risky then the multitude of 1 year contracts that get bandied about every season. I wonder if Roosters fans think signing SBW just stuffed up their combinations.



Roar Rookie

Maybe, maybe not. However, a lot of the conversation that was around last year involved a succession plan, too bad old man Smith and his giant ass ego refuses to be part of a team. If he had known Smith had no intentions of budging he may not have signed with the Storm at all in the first place.



Roar Rookie

Freddy may have thought they he would get the same impact from Gutho/Wighton as he got from Turbo. The difference is Turbo goes looking for work, not sure those two were as actively involved.



Roar Rookie

There were three Queensland players around the ball, that’s enough doubt right there. Even moments before the commentators were saying he’s been limping for awhile



Roar Guru

Well he signed a contract with the Storm, so without the loan system Grant would have just kept tearing up the second tier comps. And if he had to sign a three year contract, rather than have a one year tour of duty, do you think he would have actually signed with the Tigers? I doubt the Tigers would have got him on the open market.



Roar Guru

The only possible reason to have Wighton in the team was to get him early ball and leverage off his running game and quick play the ball. But no one would pass him the ball. He was catching frostbite in attack all series.




Great article couldn't agree more with what was said. But its also worth noting that "what if" Cameron Munster hadn't missed game 2 within the first touch of the ball?! the results may have been a white wash, and add Harry Grant for good measure. R. Papenhuyzen without doubt should have been on the bench for game 3 but maybe Freddy Fittler thought he was still holding an injury, that should be the only excuse!! You could see the blues had no spark in attack once Tedesco was off the field.



My take was that where was Cody Walker last night? He was literally MIA which is typical when his team is on the back foot. He is not cut out for Origin. Not having Keary, Klemmer, Wade Graham along with four forwards on the bench was just plain dumb.


Noosa Duck

Roar Rookie

My three takes, totally agree about the bench selections both Papenhuyzen and Keary should have been on the bench. Papenhuyzen is highly versatile as well. You need fast mobile players especially in the latter parts of the second half in origin. Freddy Playing players out of position is something he has to stop doing ……if he did not learn that from playing Isaah Yeo out of position last night, he never will. Totally agree about Harry Grant , same mould as Sam Verrills and if Sam was not injured I reckon he should have been at least on the Blues bench. My other take is something not mentioned Addo Carr is the fastest bloke in the NRL he would have gotten to that ball & grounded it, considering what I saw him do in game 2 I have no doubt.


Jumbo Jones


I'm sure Storm fans will disagree, but the loan system just keeps the big and strong clubs big and strong. I'd prefer to see the players go elsewhere for their chance rather than having the Storm hoard the best hookers. Grant looked like a great fit at the Tigers, and instead of building combinations themselves, they've just given handed out NRL experience to a player who is going to excel with the Storm.


The Barry

Roar Guru

It’s not playing players out of position that’s the problem...that’s been happening in rep teams since Adam was selected in the centres for the Paradise Serpents It’s not playing to the strengths of those players. If you play Wighton in the centres you’re going to lose a bit defensively by having him out of position but hopefully you make up for that by utilising his strong running game by getting him early ball in space When the game plan fails to do that, you’re not making up the deficit that comes with playing someone out of position


Dominic Brady


Regardless of your allegiance, what a superb game of Rugby League it was. Great stuff.




My take away is if it was the maroons, then a penalty try WOULD have been awarded. I thought the Grass hopper retired decades ago

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