VOTE: Wallabies player ratings from Bledisloe 1

By The Roar / Editor

There was a mix of encouraging and frustrating moments from the Wallabies in their hard-fought 33-25 loss to the All Blacks on Saturday night.

So, we’re very interested to see what you – our loyal audience – made of the match.

Now, it’s up to you to rate each Wallabies player from one to ten in the form below. You don’t have to rate every player – if you didn’t catch enough of someone’s performance or don’t think they were on the field long enough for you make a judgment, just leave them blank and it won’t affect their score.

If you’ve done this before, simply head down to the form below and get cracking.

If you’re after a rough guide as to what each score means, here’s what we go off.

1. Had he not played, the team would have been better off. Negatively affected the performance of the side. May God John Eales have mercy on his soul.
2. Anonymous. Was he even there?
3. Did some things that you expect a player to be able to do, but did a whole bunch of other things that sucked.
4. Was passable in patches, but not up to standard in a match of such importance.
5. Performed his role without anything really noticeable happening.
6. Good.
7. Pretty good, actually.
8. Very good.
9. Excellent.
10. Extraordinary. Calling them man of the match would be an insult.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

Nobody's going to say it wasn't a bad pass, but I agree with Genia's comment on the intercept. It is as much about RM putting himself into the position to take the intercept as it is about HP passing a rubbish pass. You can pick it apart but I'll just defer to Genia's experience and expertise on these matters.


Oblonsky’s Other Pun


Um, yes we can. Did you see the Boks beat the Lions? Toomua and Paisami both had a try assist on the weekend. However, one of them also threw an intercept that pretty much meant we were out of the game.


Diamond Jackie

Roar Rookie

Thats a lot of changes to a side just beaten. A few conversions and penalties go over and it is all very different.



Roar Rookie

I don’t. I want us to win and he’s a liability we can’t afford to have out there. Not with a Bledisloe on the line.



Roar Rookie

He had a bad second half, but when you are one of our best players for 45 mins, I think it’s worth persevering, rather than bring in a veteran who has never been able to worry a defence in 60 tests.




Folau was frequently caught out of position in defence. Great in attack but suspect in positional play in defence. Oh and for a player who played AFL, only a pop gun for a kick.


Rhys Bosley

Roar Pro

I suspect Petaia gets rated as a centre because of the schoolboy rugby attitude that players that good are "wasted on the wing", when in professional rugby it is where you want your most talented backs.


The Ferret

Roar Rookie

Cookie- I hate banks but I will admit he does know how to run a good line and does have wheels. Problem is if there is no one to feed him the ball he does noting in attack. He can also find a gap in counter attack but he runs so week a 12 year old would bring him to a halt if there is contact. He is often compared to Latham but the only thing they have in common is neither can pull his socks up. If backs can be half the hard man Latho was he will be one heck of a talent. Problem is I do t see him developing that anytime soon



Roar Rookie

Thanks mate - thought it was a nice touch of class at a time that rugby needed it



Roar Guru

Totally agree Ferret.



Roar Rookie

Not really a stretch when that is exactly what he is. Also I never suggested he would replace MK at wing, always JP.


Derek Murray

Roar Rookie

It probably wasn’t covered elsewhere as you’re the only one who seriously thinks that


The Ferret

Roar Rookie

Hahahana… no one makes Thor look any better as you can’t get much better. Bell I agree with as his scrummaging is average at best.


The Ferret

Roar Rookie

Calling Kellaway the incumbent is a stretch. Did he have a good game? Sure. Did he do enough to displace MK? I don’t think so. If anyone is to be replaced in will be Jordan P as he was lonely out there but we all know there is only one one in that back line who needs to go.


The Ferret

Roar Rookie

It is not QLD centric… everyone just hates NSW.



Roar Rookie

Probably good to have him not running into too heavy traffic right now with all the injuries he's picked up so far. He'd also benefit from some coaching about looking for more work on the wing maybe


The Ferret

Roar Rookie

Jordan will score low as he did bigger all. Not his fault but that is how it rolls. BPA was not that bad. Took him a bit to throw a line out but otherwise was solid across the park.



Roar Rookie

See it's already working.



Roar Rookie

Paisami has been terrible at 13.



Roar Rookie

He is our best line kicker. But Sat night with the swirling breeze was really hard. Suggest you have a good look at Brumbies games and highlights to see how good his line kicking is.

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