Spring Tour in jeopardy as SARU says bio-bubbles are 'out of the question'

By Oliver Matthews / Expert

South African Rugby are suggesting that if their players are forced to spend more time in a strict bio-bubble on their northern hemisphere series, then they will have to consider cancelling the entire tour.

The discussion has reared its head with the Springboks heading home for a well-deserved short break after a gruelling Rugby Championship campaign that was capped off with Saturday night’s last-gasp win over the All Blacks.

Like Argentina, the Boks have been on the road and living in a variety of lockdowns, bubbles and restrictions for a long time. Many have been unable to see their families in the flesh for almost four months since the series against the British and Irish Lions kicked off in June.

Unfortunately, the time at home will be short-lived as they are due to head to France in late October before then playing Wales, Scotland and England in November.

That means another eight weeks of being away from home and living in isolation – and those at the South Africa Rugby Union are worried it will prove detrimental to the squad’s mental health.

SARU president Mark Alexander made his views clear when interviewed this week by the NZ Herald. “Another strict bio-bubble is out of the question, it will break the players,” he said and he’s not the only one who is concerned about the impact on the team.

Senior team member, Duane Vermeulen, shared his thoughts when interviewed by rugby365. “If you are not here, you don’t really understand the whole thing that we are going through. It’s not as easy as people think. You are away from home, you are away from your family and you don’t see your kids,” he said.

(Photo by Chris Hyde/Getty Images)


Unfortunately for the group, under current British rules, South Africa is on their “red list” and, as such, the team will have to isolate for ten days on arrival. After a brutal few months, questions are being raised about whether this is all worth it for three more Tests.

This theme is being echoed across other sports as well, with negotiations still taking place as England and Australian authorities try to find suitable quarantine and isolation arrangements for the Ashes tour.

With the Boks putting in their best performance of the Rugby Championship in the final round, they will be disappointed not to be able to use the upcoming tour to build on this momentum.

Coach Jacques Nienaber has highlighted the tough balance that needs to be struck when considering the impact on the team’s performance by not playing, and the impact on their well being by having to play under COVID restrictions.

“I don’t think we are at the level that we were in 2019 yet, due to the fact that we haven’t played a lot in 2020. We are not where we want to be but this momentum will help, building forward hopefully,” shared Nienaber after the win on Saturday.

With the Springboks due to head home for a couple of weeks, there is time to figure out how to make the travel North as safe for all as possible, but if they do travel, then they will likely have to endure some periods of isolation and lockdown and that could be a step too far.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

I agree fully Pinetree. I am surprised and shocked to see to what extent some Governments have done, including the erosion of basic rights such as in NZ where people have lost their jobs. The intrusion into medical information without consent such as with medical staff. Where will all this lead to? It seems like a slippery slide into an Orwellian State to me. Not to mention the hospitalisation of fully vaccinated people in countries such as Israel, and Singapore.


James in NZ

Roar Rookie

You're the one bailed up in your home, marinating in your media induced fear of the tens of thousands of deaths, we're thankfully avoided thanks (phew) to the States heavy handed authoritarian response to this latest invisible enemy. Well done, you'll get to continue to buy food, because of your unquestioning compliance. We obvious have two different views of reality, that we'll no doubt ever convince each other of. Back to our Shrine of Remembrance eg. you saw (well believed when told actually), the Govt's preferred version of bad, disrespectful protesters, desecrating the sacred shrine (granted maybe they lost bladder control after getting shot). I saw this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muViUGGVo_Y So the State beating these people up to protect them(?), and you is fine? You don't see that the version you've been fed is heavily curated, to reinforce an agenda the Govt needs to maintain to keep semblance of legitimacy? You're only righteous now, because you're standing behind the force. What happens when they move the goal posts? All the people who would've defended your rights, would've already been locked up to your prior applause. You think they should put 'fascists' like us on cattle cars maybe? I'm going to leave it there. Good luck.



Roar Rookie

Right, so basically you have no answer to my criticisms. Just a paranoid rant. Your grandfathers may have fought in the Second World War. So did mine. It's irrelevant to this though and you don't get to claim their service to bolster your rubbish. Whatever you'd like to think they fought for isn't necessarily the same as what they actually fought for and regardless it doesn't make anything you say more valid. Jones is a nob, Sky News is not journalism, it's trash designed to make you scared and angry (and it's clearly working). Also, this is a sports website and this is a rugby article. Not everything needs to be a forum for you to spread paranoid nonsense.


Carlos the Argie

Roar Guru

Look, you have to be careful in what you write. The Roar is a privately owned enterprise and the owners decide everything. There is no “democracy” in how the Roar functions. Having opinions has nothing to do with how it functions.


James in NZ

Roar Rookie

Look continue to trust your TV without question, lock yourself up in your house, hide behind a mask, give up your bodily autonomy and jurisdiction over your bloodstream if you want . That's your choice. Both of my grand fathers fought in WW2, I'd like to think for us to have some rights and freedoms. History shows the guys in black uniforms who're stopping you being with your family members, getting access to food or work are normally not the good guys. Melbourne has been locked up a record 246 days, sorry but I can't go along with that. I see the guys standing up for our freedoms as the patriots, not the ones standing on our necks with jackboots on. In Oz media Alan Jones and Sky News are doing some journalistic questioning. Please consider the other side of this issue, there's more to this than trying to protect us from a bat soup flu.



Roar Rookie

On the mention of Israel, in Singapore they have about 80% vaccinated, and have had strict lockdown rules, and are now facing the biggest spike in cases so far. The authoritarian measures are doing nothing to stop the spread, and as you say, the jury is still out on the effectiveness of the vaccines, not to mention potential side effects, but our freedom to decide what we put in our own bodies has been taken away. . Yes, those in vulnerable health should get vaccinated, but even then, it should be their choice, and never the governments. The profits from the vaccines and masks from the corporates is not something we should have to support either by forced mandates.


Android-angler Cartman-brah

Roar Rookie

You know I always enjoyed your posts from the past and had the utmost of respect for you. Now you getting personal because of my grammar and its rather disappointing. I really expected better from you. I'll just leave it there. Cheers mate



Roar Rookie

Oh ok. In response to my multiple questions and criticisms you link me a photo of a police horse pissing a significant distance away from the Shrine of Remembrance. Thorough and compelling response, thanks mate, you really opened my eyes on this one...


James in NZ

Roar Rookie

So what now the media always tells you the complete truth? https://alicespringstomind.files.wordpress.com/2021/09/melbourne-horses-on-shrine.jpg They tell you what they want you to think.


Carlos the Argie

Roar Guru

What does the term democratic mean in this instance? Have you looked at the definition of the word? Given your grammar is rather poor, I would not be surprised that your text comprehension is also not up to the level required for using that word correctly.




No, pretty sure the bloke who thinks two vaccine jabs and he should be allowed to do anything he wants will get that award in perpetuity... :laughing:


Android-angler Cartman-brah

Roar Rookie

Its my opinion and a valid comparison. Even Ledesma noted it. If you want to be over sensitive about it so be it. Last time I checked this is a democratic rugby blog.


Carlos the Argie

Roar Guru

Leave the Argies out of your argument.


Tim J

Roar Rookie

JN… thanks for that, it just shows that genuine people and Rugby fans unite for the passion of the of the game, which creates genuine friendships. I have a close friend from Cape Town, Rugby was what made us great friends. Both South African fans and Kiwi fans give good banter, but some over step the line. I pull them up like on the Roar, wether it is Kiwis or whoever. Rugby and mates should be the winner, plus a good debate with respect.



Roar Rookie

James NZ, last year it was reported (stuff.co.nz) that approx 40.000 people die in NZ yearly du to the Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and that due to the anti Corona virus measures there were in fact hardly any deaths at all. I find it interesting that almost nobody would normally even know or think about these deaths, and yet there is widespread panic over a virus that by all accounts only effects the very few. Ie overweight, high blood pressure, diabetes, heavy smokers/drinkers. By all means these at risk people could/possibly should consider a vaccine, but not widespread and worse using fear/coercion to implement a strategy that is as in Israel and other places has proven not to be effective. There is growing evidence to more than suggest that the vaccines are not without substantial risk. Check VAERS - USA, and or Yellow Card System - UK. The promised freedom for those who choose the vaccination is almost laughable when one considers the proposed new amendment that takes effect in NZ as of 01.11.21. ie all those entering NZ must have a negative test before boarding a flight, must be double vaccinated, and still required to do two weeks closed quarantine.


Just Nuisance

Roar Rookie

Always appreciate the support boet.. Its been kinda challenging recent past….let you in on something personal.. First rugby match I ever attended was All Blacks vs Eastern Transvaal at Pam Brink Stadium 1970 in a very tough mining town called Springs, East of Jozi…. My old man took me with a visiting business associate, A Kiwi.. He was rooting for his team and some locals took issue.. My father, a big man stood up turned around and threatened to f… anyone up who carried on.. They didnt.. That was my intro to this awesome game…



Roar Rookie

Despite the delta-induced spike in numbers here in Oz, we are still privileged as far as the global situation goes.



Roar Rookie

I really feel for SA and the bubbles I understand where they are coming from, personally if I was a sports manager for the National Team I would recommend NH Based players only and fully vaccinated if certain countries require it (France). In regards to the vaccine itself and more worrying viewing the SH situation is the amount of anti-vaxxers that have sprung up is worrying, Australia has dodge a bullet and by extension NZ because of the population size and geographical demographics, comparing to the UK as some people have done is like Apples and oranges. The original unfounded claims on AZ (Astra Zeneca) didn’t help the vaccine programmes and delayed it for many many months. but it seems that there is now a better progression of vaccinations overall based on WHO Reports which I follow. The Pandemic is not a joke and needs to be treated with respect is ripping through developing countries hopefully they will get enough vaccine supplies. Back to the Rugby, lets hope the T1 Nations count their blessings and tour for the benefit of the sports fans. If the players don’t want to isolate then don’t come and use NH Based players. Same as the Pacific Island Players they don’t want to vaccinate then though and use NH Based players, plenty in Europe.




Madkiwi, I didn't stipulate who, I said the obsession with rankings, ie those who bring it up consistently such as our friend Jacko


Greco Dominicus

Roar Rookie

Congratulations on winning the m0r0n1c comment of the year on the Roar. It has really taken some doing but you’ve got it right

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