Israel Folau speaks for the first time since signing with Catalans Dragons

By The Roar / Editor

The Dragons had originally planned to unveil Folau at a media conference, but opted for a one-on-one interview behind closed doors instead.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

If it was just about reputation... well, that is shot... but if he gave all that money back to RA and said, ‘I don’t want to hurt the game I love, I want to provide RA funding so they can pay my Christian and PI brothers fair and equitable wages,’ well now, that would do his reputation no end of good don’t you think. To say it wasn’t about money ignored that how conversation and claims he made. Claiming he would have Captained the Wallabies at the WC? Come on, that hurts his reputation and credibility and only serves to increase a claim and subsequent settlement figure. I appreciate you want to look for positives in his actions, but his actions don’t support your presumptions.



Roar Rookie

Saying sorry for mere purpose of saving your backside =/= “repentence” And yet some posters on here want to shout loud and clear that RA were made to apologise and that this vindicates IF. Irony abounds.



Roar Rookie

He settled... so did RA... does that RA won too?



Roar Rookie

Statistically, maybe 10% were? So maybe straight marriage is the real cause? Seems just as logical...



Roar Rookie

Damn, beat me to it haha



Roar Rookie

It was $250k Jacko, prove me wrong.



Roar Rookie

I heard he only got $250k Some dude told me on the street corner, seemed as credible and reliable as $8m so I chose to believe it blindly... seems to be the done thing.



Roar Rookie

Is ‘the road’ an alternative site we can go to?



Roar Rookie

So if RA had just said that he would have settled without the payout? Damn. Also, I’m not sure most people, and especially RA, really accused of him of deliberately trying to hurt anyone. Although he did admit knowing beforehand that his post would cause a stir before he posted it, so he did of do it intentionally to a degree.



Roar Rookie

I think Bill have a second option of he looks like he is about to fall asleep... I’m going for option 2...



Roar Rookie

If settling was winning, doesn’t that mean he was after money? I thought he was fighting the good fight for all of us against ‘the man’, championing religious freedom and the right to do and say what ever you want if you have a book in one hand? Wouldn’t it have been winning to take them to court and have it ruled on and set the precedent for the rest of us who can’t afford to take employers to court? That’s why people funded him when he turned to begging I thought? And they even made him apologise too??? How the TF is that winning?




5. Left his team mates and Oz rugby supporters high and dry in a WC year 6. Helped demoralize the Wannabe's before and during the WC. They were lucky to get out of the pool stages. 7. Pillaged the RA coffers making it harder to climb out of the hole they are in...during a broadcast renegotiation year as well. 8. Took money off less financially well off people to fund his court case 9. Claims it wasn't about the money...then went to Europe' money 9. Has a hide thicker than a rhinocerous...he certainly wont be entering heaven through the eye of a needle any day soon. 10. Quite possibly set rugby back 5 years or so in Oz...all on his lonesome. I could go on...but I won't. Good riddance.


Ken Catchpole's Other Leg

Roar Guru

I’ve got to give you credit for effort, Train. Explaining simple realities to people with their thumbs rammed in their ears is tedious to watch. You deserve credit for patience.


Ken Catchpole's Other Leg

Roar Guru

He knows he didn’t win, Clipper, because now he is on much less money, in another country, and wears a muzzle in his ‘personal’ time.


Papi Smurf

Roar Rookie

"He can barely string coherent sentences together." That hasn't stopped you posting SM. But then again, Folau isn't paid for his ability to articulate his point of view and neither are you. :laughing:



Roar Rookie

RA didn’t lose Jacko - the matter settled without a judgment. And RA’s contribution to that settlement amount was less than it would have cost to run it to trial. Otherwise, given the subsequent behaviour of Folau and and the information that has come to light over the course of the last ten months, I feel completely vindicated. I stand by everything I’ve said from a moral ethical and legal point of view. I would have liked to see it go to trial though.


Dr Wrad


Please stop giving this guy free oxygen. Just ignore him and Maggie Court. Like all Christians they are dishonest, without sensitivity, and are far from being role models with fluid morality. Religion is just a tax free rort based on books about magic. There is no historical evidence that JC ever lived and he certainly did not say any of the BS attributed to him.


Train Without A Station

Roar Guru

The case wasn’t decided on. Nobody won. Except the lawyers...




Still went to Court a number of times and he won the payout.....It clearly makes you very angry that he won...Izzy WON




Catalans should host a "No criminals in sport" day when they host Wigan......A few Wigan players would not be allowed to attend...Just google their FBs record alone...

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