Johnathan Thurston backs hardline stance on Andrew Fifita

By News / Wire

Superstar Johnathan Thurston has backed the ARL Commission’s hardline stance to ban Andrew Fifita and Semi Radradra from the Australian team.

The trouble-plagued pair had their hopes of representing the Kangaroos on the Four Nations tour scuppered when the powers that be ruled they would not come under consideration because of concerns it would be a bad look for the game.

Fifita is under investigation by the NRL integrity unit after writing a message of support for convicted killer Kieran Loveridge on his wrist strapping while Radradra is awaiting trial on domestic violence charges.

The Rugby League Players Association said it had concerns Fifita and Radradra had been pre-judged however coach Mal Meninga’s decision received the backing of Thurston.

“It’s a stance the game is taking, we want to see more people and fans come through the gates and more people watching our game,” Thurston said at the launch of the Auckland Nines on Wednesday.

“If the game feels as though that’s the best decision to make, then as a senior player I fully appreciate what the game is doing and stand up for that.”

Fifita was a controversial omission from the Australian side after starring in Cronulla’s historic grand final win over Melbourne on Sunday.

He was also overlooked for Luke Lewis for man of the match in the grand final, however NRL chief executive Todd Greenberg dismissed suggestions he was ruled out of the running for the Clive Churchill Medal.

Greenberg said Fifita wasn’t considered for a green and gold jumper because of his history of poor behaviour, including abusing a referee at a junior match last year for which he was suspended for six weeks.

Radradra has flagged his intention to plead not guilty to charges of domestic violence against his former partner.

After the Fijian-born winger made his controversial debut in the mid-year Test against New Zealand, he was replaced by Penrith’s Josh Mansour for the Four Nations.

Greenberg said while he wasn’t pre-judging Radradra’s case, he was concerned it would prove a distraction.

The Crowd Says:


The Barry

Roar Guru

It's interesting that the few people suggesting Fifita's punishment is over the top are now being branded the mob, while the vast majority have had the torches burning and pitchforks out for Fifita for months...



Roar Guru

Julian O'Neil was pretty bad in his day, PJ Marsh, pretty anybody that went to ST Brendan's in Yeppoon.




You're spot on Hoy, but as another poster pointed out, good luck trying to make the angry hordes understand - I'd imagine they'd still be complaining no matter what the ruling.




So can someone ask JT (the tosser) if the ruling means he should now be dropped for his past? what about Boyd? Inglis? Maninga? You would get rid of half the team if you judged every player by what JT has now backed. As for Semi being kicked off the team does Greenberg not remember the SKD charges this year? Typicle Nrl and typical Greenberg. Does Greenberg forget that he hid the offfield behavior of one of his players when he was at the Bulldogs?


Dean - Surry Hills


Hoy - If Thurston agrees with the NRL, then the only stance he can honestly make is to retire immediately.


Brian George


You're wasting your time trying to reason with the lynch mob Hoy but i do admire your attempt :)



Roar Guru

You are all missing what he said: “It’s a stance the game is taking, we want to see more people and fans come through the gates and more people watching our game,” Thurston said at the launch of the Auckland Nines on Wednesday. “If the game feels as though that’s the best decision to make, then as a senior player I fully appreciate what the game is doing and stand up for that.” Thurston is saying the NRL have changed and taken a hard line stance, and if that is what they want to do, then he supports it, if they want people to follow the NRL... He is saying he supports the NRL in their decision to make that stance... if they didn't make that stance, I am sure he would support them as well. The thing is, the NRL have finally made a stance against bad behavior. It has taken a while.


Train Without A Station

Roar Guru

Because it serves as an indication of his character. Perhaps selectors feel it will impact the team?




Not sure if I agree there was enough choice, with hodges retired and slater injured the back line was always in contention and a number of the suspended blokes were a good chance of making a debut. And I think Napa would have been almost a certainty to have debuted this year as well, probably in place of Lillyman. What they did was minor, but it was stupid and going against a direct request from the origin coach - punishment was totally fair for mine. Compared to fifita and birdy it is harsh, but their punishments have been light as a feather and they re-offend often - lets see how many of those QLD kids re-offend, those that do may never play for QLD.



Roar Rookie

Agree. Maybe another job for ' the Bunker '. Can you imagine it, couple of integrity officers replaying the news over and over from every angle.


Magnus M. Østergaard

Roar Guru



aussie abroad


Didn't Thurston have his run ins with the law, abuse NRL refs and still get picked to play for Australia. Pot meet Kettle.



Roar Rookie

He's off to Rugby.


Dean - Surry Hills


Ha ha! Thursty must have thought there was safety in numbers. I'm currently guarding Coffs from people of their persuasion. Had a 5ft shark on the line at Charlesworth Bay yesterday. It shredded it when it beached, and then gracefully re-entered the surf. I reckon Fifita and The Sharks have caught the same wave whilst the NRL display nothing but froth n' bubble.




What was JT's thing? It's more this guy is constantly doing something, and that's a prime example. Not, "he did something 2 years ago so we'll hold it against him forever". James Roberts, Carney and co are good examples. Someone else goes out on the piss when they shouldn't? Not so bad. These guys though? Serial offenders.




I think it's fair to say the only reason they got suspended was because there was enough choice already. It was quite minor though - they went out drinking one night instead of staying in the hotel? Definitely worth some sort of punishment, a year of no rep duty is pretty harsh though compared with Fifita and other players constantly doing idiotic things. How much rep did Greg Bird miss for example?




The home of the flick pass.




Cough cough.... Harbour is a good place to have fun with your mates. Hypocrite -- Comment from The Roar's iPhone app.


The Barry

Roar Guru

I haven't mentioned what JT said. The referee incident happened 15 months ago, Fifita did his time - which didn't include a ban on rep footy. Yet now the referee incident keeps getting brought up as a reason why Fifita hasn't been selected. If we're bringing up Fifitas history why aren't we doing it for every player once they're selected. There are plenty in this team with plenty of skeletons in their closet and JT is one of them.




Acute pickup maybe but it was a reflex I'm sure

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