Hashtag provides good advice

By Steve Mascord / Expert

You won’t have read too many positive things in this column about the current NRL leadership, but #talkthegameup hashtag isn’t a bad thing.

This opinion would seem to put me at odds with many of my colleagues, who regard it as a declaration of war on the mainstream media.

In fact, it was probably prompted by a tweet by a person in the mainstream media, but I completely accept it’s not aimed at them.

It’s aimed at players, officials and fans.

In Australia, rugby league is so omnipresent that people almost forget there are other things, that it is a sport that sits alongside and competes with others.

So we tend to escalate our internal squabbles very quickly – because it’s easy to forget there’s an outside world.

In that outside world, this looks poor. It hurts the game because rugby league’s culture seems to be nothing but poisonous and self-destructive.

A circuit breaker that reminds everyone there are people out there who watch four games a year and can’t fathom why we blame referees for everything is actually not a bad idea. If it makes people think about the need to promote the thing that we actually take for granted, then that is a positive.

I note the link being made between the sentiment and the poor access to players for the mainstream media. But if we accept Todd Greenberg’s claim that the hashtag was not aimed at the media, there’s no link at all.

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Yes, the NRL now has a massive in-house media structure. Although claiming editorial independence, NRL.com “works with” some clubs on content. Other clubs, no doubt, don’t like that independence and don’t give NRL.com much favouritism at all.

Yes, this will in many cases leave the mainstream media to cover negative stories with their resources, which are now smaller than NRL.com.

The one thing I’ve learnt in the last five years running websites is that it’s hard to make content pay for content. The sums just don’t add up if all you’ve got to sell is stories and pictures.

Why do NRL.com and Fox Sports seem to have more stories and more reporters than the Telegraph, Courier Mail and Sydney Morning Herald?

Because their main businesses are something other than stories on a webpage or newsprint. They have a football competition and a TV station.

They can then reinvest in content to promote that business rather than relying on it for their bread and butter. I would like the new merch company I’ve set up with a fellow called Phill Browne to eventually carry content about international rugby league, which is our niche.

But would we carry stories about other rugby league merchandisers? Almost certainly not.

When you fund content with another form of commerce, you have built-in blindspots. You don’t cover, or report criticism of, your core business. Goose, golden egg, all that.

That is the problem facing old media brands right now. As I said in a previous column, journalism is much harder to get out of than get into from an ideological perspective. It’s like being a policeman – you pretty much can’t do anything else at the same time lest you be compromised.

Perhaps, like the Toronto Wolfpack parkas we were selling the other day, this predicament will have a silver lining.

In order to balance out all the negative stories they must write because they are the only truly objective platforms in the space, the mainstream media will learn to rein in the extreme peaks and troughs of their tone in covering rugby league.

If you want people to believe that you’re the only trustworthy, independent outlet covering the sport, then #crisismerchants aren’t really a good idea.

Survival for, particularly, the News Limited papers does not lie in getting attention in any manner possible and in general malevolence, but in simply telling people things they don’t know.

There’s no point being the only sheriff left in town if no-one respects your badge.

It might be hard to talk the game up when you can’t speak to anyone – but it’s equally hard to be the paragon of independent news-gathering when you proclaim armageddon every second day.

The Crowd Says:




Most fans know where to go to read RL news that doesn't have a negative stance, but - let's face it - most people are casual sports fans at best and will continue to read mainstream media, even if that means far less print or FTA. Unfortunately, as Steve notes, it is getting tougher to make money from journalism and the general public will just have to accept this is the way it is - no one wants to pay, but they expect top quality journalism - as we all know it's pretty hard to have your cake and eat it.


Justin Kearney


Getting my league news off league unlimited Facebook twitter nrl anywhere but crappy news limited crisis merchants. There is great stuff out there. You just have to find it.


Jed Clampit


One thing I do know, is the people working towards that goal , won't be inviting you or I .



Roar Guru

That's right. If anyone knows about creating a perfect race, it's ol' Jed and his K.l.a.n


Steve Mascord




Jed Clampit


Not really up with technology, are you old boy.



Roar Guru

Print media has lost me, even the Herald has become just another left wing version of the Telegraph. Making mountains out of molehills seems to be the catchcry. Get all the rugby league news I want on NRL.com,RLEF,RLIF,Rugby league planet.Totals rl. Even League Unlimited has decent info . For international news BBC,even Al Jazeera.Local news FTA,Sky News. No wonder the likes of News Ltd journos are lashing out at the NRL admin ,uneasy lies their throne.


Da No

Roar Rookie

I think that the tv commentators should talk the game Up less when it comes to them proclaiming a great crowd in attendance when we know that it is not. 64 games played this year - 2 sell outs - one in Penrith and one in Melbourne. Sydney clubs playing at suburban grounds should sell out nearly every match but they have trouble selling out even one!


Buck Yi Win


We dont need mainstream anymore. I get my news and info from League unlimiited, Totally rugby league 81stMinute, independant podcasts and other places. They are the future.




Avoid News ltd articles and FTA coverage. Totally agree.


no one in particular

Roar Guru

Webster had a good article on this today, particularly on those who run the game vs those who think they run the game



Roar Guru

One of your best Steve. It puts a light around the media industry for those resigned (for want of a better word) to one element of it. Big media has the power to promote a view, a finding, a speculation because they have such large base to feed off each other. Personally, I don't have Fox TV, but a Fox sport subscription so I know what the discussion was from 360, League Life etc. Kent, Buzz publish an article in SMH, discussed (X promoted) on Fox league then pulled apart and published on the web pages by the various journos below them. Without another POV, Roar included, one could easily take that as gospel without understanding the underlying motive of the advertising dollar. So along with these recognised publications it is up to us to use social media, talk the game up/identify problems without influence/preference. Maybe then we can appreciate an opinion promoted as fact and give it the gravitas it deserves.


On the Ball


I think after 25 years of the same made up stories e.g "code in crisis" after some trivial event, people have had a gut full of the mainstream media. I know I have. I stopped reading news limited papers and watching FTA TV. Best thing I've ever done.



Roar Guru

Steve, I have no issue with anyone reporting Armageddon every send day if they have facts, names, places, etc so their stories can be verified. The recent banking royal commission must seem like this to financial institutions, because the person asking all the questions has obtained clear evidence and is clarifying this by asking the right questions. This is completely at odds with this idiots who float these "sky is falling" stories, without any semblance of fact to back them up. Greenburg's confused me however when he asks the rest of us to talk up the game. If he wants us to do that, my doesn't NRL.com have some mechanism or website to do exactly that? If I'm Greenburg, I'd be telling the NRL Clubs ti post at least one good news story per week, then encourage the public to match it. Stories which aren't "good news" can be filtered out. It wouldn't be hard to set up and would give his # a chance to gain some momentum.




"Think how much easier it would be to invade a country that had no men. “no different” I hear you say , that’s because men and women are equal." Well simple reason suggests an invasion isn't necessary. Procreation is a little difficult with a single gender, so simply embargo travel and you can waltz in when the popualtion is middle aged.


Jed Clampit


Nothing new there Randy , man bashing ( white men especially ) is the "new black" in mainstream media. We are all equally responsible for all the past and present problems in the world , in fact the place would be far better off if we all just ended it now. Think how much easier it would be to invade a country that had no men , "no different" I hear you say , that's because men and women are equal.




Mainstream media is reaping what they sow. People, particularly younger generations have far greater access to news and information sources and if they want League news they can just click on NRL.com from their iphone. I saw an advert for 60 minutes the other day trying to portray Jordan Peterson as some kind of woman hating, mansplaining controversial figure. Except I have already seen his videos on youtube and know he is a very reasoned, balanced and intelligent person. 60 minutes ended up looking stupid (gee they must be used to it by now) and most of the social media reaction to their interview has shown support for Peterson.

Read more at The Roar