UPDATE: Pucovski subbed out of Shield match after another concussion

By The Roar / Editor

Victorian rising star Will Pucovski has been substituted out of their Sheffield Shield clash with South Australia after suffering his latest concussion scare.

The 24-year old, who was making his return to first-class cricket after another concussion setback in pre-season, came off the field during the first over of play on day four at the Adelaide Oval.

The Vics later confirmed he had suffered a head knock in the warm-up, with the concussion the latest in a long string of concerning incidents for the opener. It is believed to be the 11th of his career.

“Pucovski reported concussion symptoms to medical staff while fielding in the first session of play this morning,” Cricket Victoria confirmed in a statement during the lunch break.

“He will continue to be monitored by Cricket Victoria medical staff.”

Journalist Bharat Sundaresan confirmed on Saturday evening that the head knock had been sustained during the Vics’ warm-up, but not in the nets.

Pucovski has been replaced in the XI by Travis Dean. Teammate Nic Maddinson opened the batting in his stead in the second innings, with the Vics needing 316 runs for victory.

Will Pucovski (Photo by Daniel Kalisz/Getty Images)

Pucovski’s Sheffield Shield return had been going swimmingly up until the setback, with the young gun scoring 54 in the first innings as part of a 110-run opening partnership with Marcus Harris.

Having made his Test debut against India in Sydney last summer, the Victorian is touted as a long-term option at the top of the order for Australia, but persistent head knocks throughout his career have jeopardised his playing future.

A concussion during pre-season scuppered his chances of featuring in the Ashes series, while concerns for his wellbeing also saw him overlooked for the team’s Test tour of Pakistan.

Minus Pucovski opening the batting, Victoria slumped to 2-7 in the opening overs of their run chase, with Harris (5) and Maddinson (2) both falling cheaply.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

Yes Simoc. Langer's now slow talking and slow thinking. OK. Did you think that was wit of the highest standard and would be an attention-grabbing hit on social media which saw you lionised in the pantheon of on-line commentators? Well, ....



Roar Guru

So an accidental hit? Or a header? Yeah, it’s a big worry.



Roar Guru

I know from experience I copped at least as many injuries in the nets as I did playing, often because I wasn't as focused. I think back to that painful injury Joe Root suffered while batting in practice. Not properly focused so wasn't wearing the right protective gear. It'd be useful to know exactly how the head knock came about, though the end result should still be the same. He needs to seriously re-think his priorities which is a tough decision for any young person to have to make.



Roar Rookie

Soccer ball warmup the Age is reporting. You have to wonder



Roar Rookie

Not sure James. It could have even been waiting for a bat having a bowl etc.



Roar Guru

It was batting in the nets? Not fielding?



Roar Rookie

Nets again Paul. Not sure that's better.



Roar Rookie

I think Langer used to get hit on the head every time he batted but probably never diagnosed with concussion. But he is now slow talking, thinking and grumpy so maybe a year or two away from the game might help for Pucovski. Guess his medics would know best.



Roar Rookie

He’s a unique talent bar the head knocks he was earmarked as a 10 year player & a future captain that’s why they persist but now the realisation is his career is most likely finished.



Roar Rookie

Not sure he is unlucky as some think. Shudder to think if he did get promoted to Test and some like Archer of other Test bowlers quicker than our Shield clocked him. Not sure why CA or Victoria are playing him anymore.



Roar Guru

Concussed during the warm up this time. I assume at some point this kid walked underneath a ladder on an ancient burial ground while holding a black cat and reciting the title of the Scottish play.



Roar Rookie

Time to give it away young fella, you’ve got the rest of your life in front of you.


G Len N

Roar Rookie

24 years old. 11th recorded concussion. Take up coaching Will.


David Shilovsky


Sad news. I wonder at what point he pulls the plug? Unfortunately it doesn't seem he has a long-term future.



Roar Guru

And you know this latest issue is because he tried to play a pull shot? Care to share where you got that information?


Clear as mud


Puck off




Must be absolutely hopeless at playing the pull shot.



Roar Guru

Poor kid can't take a trick.

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