'We respect the haka': Slipper reacts to Rieko Ioane's sledge after Bledisloe I

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Determined to challenge the All Blacks before and after the first whistle, the Wallabies insist their response to the haka is designed to respect, not antagonise, their opponents.

The Wallabies have arrived at their house of horrors, Eden Park, for Saturday night’s Test with New Zealand with the Rugby Championship on the line.

Usually, all eyes in the sold-out crowd would be trained on the All Blacks as they perform their fabled haka before kick-off.

But on Saturday, just as much attention will be on the Wallabies’ boomerang-styled response, an initiative of Australia’s Kiwi coach Dave Rennie.

Rennie brought the boomerang into the spotlight this week, when he revealed All Blacks star Rieko Ioane labelled it disrespectful.

“Rieko Ioane had a lot to say to our boys after the final try, mouthing off at Folau Fainga’a around disrespecting the haka,” Rennie said.

“We don’t have the luxury of having a haka so our response is (to get) in the boomerang shape and to move forward. They’ve thrown down a challenge and we’re accepting it.”

The All Blacks have become synonymous with the haka, a Maori custom which signifies a challenge, traditionally performed when two tribes met.

Many teams have tried different responses, including linking arms in arms or walking towards the haka.

Pacific nations with similar traditions, including Fiji with their cibi, perform alongside the haka.

(Photo by Matt Roberts/Getty Images)

Captain James Slipper was eager to point out the boomerang, created with Australia’s First Nations tradition in mind, also wasn’t new.

“We’ve been doing the boomerang for about three years, well ever since Renners came in,” he said.

“All of us boys really want to involve the indigenous culture within our nation.

“We played in the indigenous jersey a few times now each year and that’s something we’re really proud of.

“(The boomerang) is just a little bit of a taste of our nation and our way of accepting the challenge.”

Slipper was off the field for the second half and missed Ioane’s feedback, thrown in the aftermath of the 39-37 win.

“Apparently, we disrespected the haka or something like that. By no means was that the case … we respect the haka, we respect the the All Black team.”

Rennie explained the boomerang in a 2020 interview with the Sydney Morning Herald.

“I wanted the boys to understand what the haka is about and for us to come up with a way where we’re going to embrace it,” he said.

“A lot of the players say they love it and the energy it brings. Maybe historically though there have been players who feel intimidated by it.

“The idea with the boomerang is that we throw the boomerang out, it hovers above them, mincing up their words, then comes back and brings back an energy to us. It’ll have more meaning with the Indigenous jersey.”

Rugby Australia say they consulted with indigenous groups in designing their response, including the Lloyd McDermott Rugby Development Team.

Even aside from this recent spat, the All Blacks’ use of the haka can be controversial even in New Zealand.

The team were criticised by some Maori last month for performing the ‘Ka Mate’ variation in Christchurch, given it was written by North Island chief Te Rauparaha, who waged war with the South Island.

Will the boomerang appear again at Eden Park?

On Friday, Slipper said the team hadn’t discussed it, but Rennie appears decided.

“We won’t be stopping that,” he said.

“Is the expectation that we just stand there, they throw a challenge at us and we do nothing? Just take it?”

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

Lol not at all



Roar Rookie

Well this is awkward


Pete Samu's Tucked Shirt

Roar Rookie

Reiko Ioane: another underperformed, Inconsistent yet automatically selected player who is lucky to be in the team due to injuries. What a flog. I encourage more flair from teams who are forced to endure the Haka by World Rugby yet are told to do almost nothing in response...and if they do, clowns like Reiko get offended...wake up already!



Roar Rookie

If you can’t face the Haka with dignity stay in the sheds . We do get square with Welcome to Country , American Indian smoke and dreadful singing of our Anthem . As someone suggested , give ‘em Johnny Williamson !


Double Agent.


Hey! You leave our marketing pigeon alone! :angry:



Roar Rookie

The Haka is designed to intimidate the opposition. Respect it at your peril. I'd tell them to get their hands off it. That seems logical to me. You don't take intimidation seriously if you want to win. On the other hand, you don't want to wind the buggers up either.




nothing to see here most kiwis would be fine with it, many nations have done simaler all good good for viewing. As long as they don't turn around and drop their daks eh



Roar Rookie

It’s certainly fired you up Jacko. It is working beautifully. :laughing:



Roar Rookie

I think you need to remove that ‘arrow head’ from where it is wedged, Jacko.



Roar Rookie

The Wallabies learnt that tactic from the masters.



Roar Rookie




Roar Rookie

‘Makes stuff up’. Says Jacko :laughing:



Roar Rookie

Keep posting it and it’ll come true eh Jacko? Everyone knows it’s true and the complete lack of denial confirms it.



Roar Rookie

Mind readers, now lip readers. Plenty of Wallabies have confirmed it. They might not have told you though Jacko.



Roar Rookie

Don’t you have a television?



Roar Rookie

I didn't realise that till 1986 it was only performed at overseas tests, never within NZ. And back then of course far less tests too. NZ-only I'd agree with, as a form of local challenge, not really fussed either way. I don't watch the anthems either, my choice. But overall, even if 15 times in a year, that's just 15 minutes, time to make a cup of tea or get a beer from the fridge, unimportant in the greater scheme of the world. Dear Dave seems the only one upset about it today.



Roar Rookie

Made stuff up hehe. Talking thru a hole in his donkey!!!!!



Roar Rookie

Whatever did Rennies donkey do to you!?! :shocked:


Double Agent


" I’m placing my bet, Australia by less than 7 " Oh Crap.... :crying:


Double Agent


Hey!! You leave Rennie's donkey out of this! :angry:

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