NRL News: Seibold backs Flanagan for Dragons job but Bennett less sure, Papenhuyzen shoots down swift return chat

By The Roar / Editor

Manly coach Anthony Seibold hopes his right-hand man Shane Flanagan will land the vacant St George Illawarra job, but the club’s only premiership-winning mentor Wayne Bennett has warned against picking an old hand.

The Dragons initially aimed to have unveiled Anthony Griffin’s permanent successor by now but were forced to change tack when front-runner Jason Ryles knocked them back last week.

Premiership-winning ex-Dragons and current NRL assistants Dean Young and Ben Hornby remain on the shortlist, as does Flanagan, who met with the club on Wednesday.

Having guided Cronulla to their sole premiership victory in 2016, Flanagan is the only one with head-coaching experience which has benefited Seibold since the pair joined Manly this year.

“Any coaching staff that has an ex-head coach on staff, I think that’s a really positive thing because they’ve been through the furnace,” Seibold said.

“From my understanding, it was a really positive conversation that they had (on Wednesday).

“He feels as though there’ll be a resolution sooner rather than later. 

“I hope he gets the job. I think he’s qualified to get the job.”

But Bennett believed the Dragons needed to commit to rebuilding around a younger coach.

Bennett led the Dragons to the 2010 premiership and after leaving a year later, the club sacked three other coaches – Steve Price, Paul McGregor and Anthony Griffin – in the pursuit of an elusive second title. 

Young and the incumbent Ryan Carr have also held the job in an interim capacity but in the 11 seasons since Bennett’s departure, the club has played finals only twice.

“Changing your coach every week doesn’t help,” Bennett said.

“They’ve got to go long-term, you can’t keep changing coaches and think you’re going to have a successful club.

“I’d be going for a younger coach, someone they have to put their faith and trust in and make sure he gets the support he needs.”

Bennett holds both North Queensland assistant Young and South Sydney’s Hornby in high regard, having coached them on the Dragons’ run to premiership glory.

“They’re wonderful men,” he said.

“Ben had three or four years at South Sydney and has done a great job. Dean’s been up to North Queensland and done a great job.

“They’ve got the DNA in their blood, they’ve coached lower grades there.”

Time is of the essence for the Dragons, who are keen for their new coach to begin working on roster management as soon as possible.

The Saints have struggled in recent years to attract elite talent and have faced speculation captain Ben Hunt could agitate for a release now that close confidant Griffin has been axed.

A major advantage to appointing Ryles would have been the Sydney Roosters were keen to release him mid-season, allowing him to devote full attention to the Dragons.

Traditionally, assistant coaches are not given that luxury and Seibold is yet to determine whether Flanagan would be permitted to leave early if offered the Dragons job.

Sitting outside the top eight in the crucial State of Origin period, Manly cannot afford distractions as they plot a return to the finals.

“It’s something we’d need to put a little bit of thought into,” Seibold said.

“(But) there’s no point thinking about it until Flanno gets an offer and he wants to go.

“If he does then we’ll put some things in place to make sure there’s the least amount of disruption possible.”

(Photo by Robert Cianflone/Getty Images)

Papenhuyzen shoots down return chat

Injured Melbourne Storm fullback Ryan Papenhuyzen remains hopeful he will play again before the NRL finals but has quashed speculation of an imminent return.

The 24-year-old speedster hasn’t played since shattering his knee-cap against Canberra last August and is finally back running.

But Papenhuyzen said it would be a “miracle” if he was playing within a month as reported.

“I’m still doing testing … three to four weeks would be an absolute miracle,” he said in a post to Instagram.

“I need a good block of running, change of direction, and then back into footy skills and that sort of stuff so it’s (return) still a while away.

“A goal is to make it back before the finals, and yes, will probably have to come back through Queensland Cup.”

Papenhuyzen, who also endured ongoing debilitating concussion symptoms through the 2021 season, spent time in the USA with specialist Bill Knowles earlier this year looking to expedite his knee recovery.

The reconditioning specialist also worked with fellow NRL stars Latrell Mitchell and Tom Trbojevic on their injuries.

Nick Meaney has impressed in the Storm’s No.1 jersey this season, with the club currently sitting fifth.

They host fourth-placed Cronulla at AAMI Park on Sunday.

With AAP

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

Given that Flanagan is obviously the guy that Manly will appoint to replace Seibold if things get too wobbly, it’s understandable that Seibold would want another club to lock him up as a head coach.



Roar Rookie

Nor should anyone consider an endorsement from Anthony Siebold as a strong pointer to success. And endorsement from a coach who's side hasn't done much this year, didn't do much with any success in his interim jobs between NRL gigs, and turned Brisbane into a basket case and was run out of town. Yep. Put him down for a reference.



Roar Rookie

Your assuming that all the coach has to do at the Dragons is coach the side. I don't think that is the case. The Dragons coach has to battle against the forces of evil, that includes a split board and a football department that are both full of old boys and vested interests. A coach of Bennett's standing was able to tell them to butt out and let him get on with it. A Hornby, a Young, or any other young coach won't be able to do that. Unless and until the Board and Football Department change, a young coach isn't going to cut it. Of the coaches mentioned, only Flanagan appears to have the requisite ability.



Roar Rookie

Interesting comments from Bennet?



Roar Guru

Yes, but I think it's time for opposite george.



Roar Guru

While I could be wrong, it seemed at the time that one of the reasons Elmer Fudd (Griffin) was appointed was because he was repeatedly spruiked by the Fox goons. I've got a bad feeling about this one too, for obvious reasons.



Roar Rookie

fully agree David. Ryles would have been a rookie coach, first year at top level. yes, he's had various positions as assistant, but Dragons board were prepared to take him on as a 1st yr coach. why has that position changed? Young & Hornby, albeit with less overall experience, are with Ryles in the rookie coach column. Flanagan was available pre-Ryles, is it just a case of next in line? the last thing Saints need is a controversial appointment; that will simply get a big chunk of the fans, and the board, agitated before he even cracks open a clipboard. some-one without the reputational baggage would/should be preferred.



Roar Rookie

Wayne Bennett seems to still have some magic as an old coach, but Craig Fitzgibbon seems to be doing well first time out. Trent Robinson & Craig Bellamy were both fresh faced when they started their roles at the Roosters and Storm. The experienced Hasler did poorly in his last stint at Manly, Sheens isn't achieving too much at the Tigers. And probably most pertinently, the Dragons just tried an experienced coach, fired him after 2 seasons and were mocked for not doing it earlier. I'm really not too fussed on the age of the coach - I just want them to be good at the job - but younger does seem to be a better bet than older.



Roar Guru

From what I understand, the board, much to their credit (haven't said that lately), have already knocked back Flanagan as a candidate once. I see no reason to revise that position, and really hope they don't. Young, Hornby or Carr. 'Tis also worth remembering that it's still only June - no need to rush into anything just because they were spurned by Ryles.



Roar Rookie

I really hope the Dragons don't go that way. At least Manly aren't making petty demands for compensation like the Roosters were (I suppose still are to the Storm?)



Roar Rookie

Quote from newspaper article regarding Flannigan; Asked to describe Flannigan’s behaviour during his suspension period, NRL chief executive Todd Greenberg replied; Disrespectful Fundamental to the rules and integrity of the game that we work in is people being honest and truthful. It cuts to the very core of the fabric of what the game’s rules stand for.” This saga must in turn put a question mark on any results he had as a head coach. He was prepared to allow the young men in his care to be given a banned substance to get success, putting them at risk on many levels. Flannigan has worked at the Dragons previously in two positions. I don’t think he shone in either. His work at Manly hasn’t exactly been noticeably outstanding either. Although his media buddies have been working hard on his campaign, I am hoping that the board looks at all the evidence before it decides,



Roar Rookie

Dragons have previously tried younger coaches in Steve Price and Mary McGregor. It hasn't worked. What they need is a smart, experienced operator, someone with the requisite authority to deal with a dysfunctional Board and football department. That excludes Young and Hornby. Flanagan may be the best hope.



Roar Rookie

Would be totally on brand though.



Roar Guru

Gee not sure that the Saints need to add appointing twice banned coach to the list of non football head scratchers


Tom G

Roar Rookie

To 'finish' a season, presumably one has to start a season.. Where is the evidence of Flanagan's efforts with the Manly attack this year? It has never looked more shambolic... let him go NOW, good luck Saints

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