Churchill's Latrell apology too little, too late with Rabbitohs' season imploding amid ongoing off-field dramas

By Paul Suttor / Expert

Just when you think rugby league has tossed up every storyline you couldn’t imagine, the son of an Immortal opens their big mouth. 

When it comes to newsworthiness, Rod Churchill’s unnecessary vitriol aimed at Latrell Mitchell has sold plenty of papers, generated a mountain of clicks and dominated the never-ending NRL cycle over the past few days. 

But should anyone care what he thinks anyway? Like everyone he’s entitled to his opinion but if your dad was good at a sport more than six decades ago, it does not make you an authority on the subject.

Just because his father Clive became one of rugby league’s first Immortals by playing fullback for South Sydney does not give any greater weight to his thoughts on Mitchell currently occupying the Rabbitohs’ No.1 jersey. 

To describe him as a “myth”, a “cancer” and “an embarrassment to the jersey” is about as below the belt as you can get.

Latrell Mitchell. (Photo by Scott Gardiner/Getty Images)

He sent a grovelling apology to South Sydney on Monday but it’s hard to accept contrition as genuine after someone sends such a spiteful message to the club chairman and then pours more fuel on the fire by speaking to media outlets about it.

Churchill finally got his words right when he said he was embarrassed that he had tarnished his famous father’s reputation. 

The fact that he mentioned both in the weekend media interviews and his apology letter to Souths that he’s had a long association with Indigenous players is tone deaf at best. 

It smacks of the old excuse you hear when people say they can’t be accused of being homophobic because they have a gay cousin, not that there was anything to implicitly suggest his attack on Mitchell had anything to do with race even if he was reinforcing a stereotype by saying the fullback was “too lazy” for the position.

You wouldn’t blame Mitchell or any of his mates in the NRL ranks for snubbing Churchill on stage at the Grand Final if he is again allowed to present the medal bearing his father’s name.

Players after winning a premiership are high on emotion – NRL CEO David Gallop felt the wrath of Glenn and Brett Stewart on Grand Final night in 2011 over the way the league had sanctioned the Manly fullback when he faced serious off-field accusations, for which he was cleared of any wrongdoing.

(Photo by Matt King/Getty Images)[/caption]

Whether he can adapt and become a successful coach remains to be seen and he’s returning home to the Super League with Warrington on a three-year deal in a bid to show he can handle the step up from assistant duties. 

None of this drama is helpful to the Rabbitohs as Demetriou tries to prepare them for Friday night’s do-or-die showdown for a finals berth with their bitter rivals, the Roosters.

The fact that Souths are on the borderline of making the eight is staggering considering they were on top of the table in Round 11 but have plummeted due to a range of reasons, most notably Mitchell’s calf injury which sidelined him for nearly three months.

Mitchell won’t be suiting up at Accor Stadium against his old club due to the suspension he copped before last week’s bye for a grubby elbow on Knights veteran Tyson Frizell and although Souths dropped a big dose of good news with Cameron Murray’s contract extension on Monday, the Churchill drama will continue to be a distraction in the lead-up to kick-off. 

Latrell Mitchell with Rabbitohs coach Jason Demetriou. (Photo by Mark Metcalfe/Getty Images)

South Sydney are going to be cannon fodder even if they make the finals after all the soap opera storylines that have engulfed the club recently.

After five straight playoff campaigns that reached the preliminary final or better, Demetriou shouldn’t be looking over his shoulder if the Rabbitohs don’t qualify for the playoffs. 

But it would mean next season would be pivotal in whether he becomes South Sydney’s long-term mentor. 

If they don’t click again next year as Wayne Bennett prepares to vacate the Dolphins’ top job for Kristian Woolf to take over in 2025, Demetriou will be facing questions left, right and centre.

And if speculation does flare up, you would hope the last person who sticks their head up to comment publicly would be Rod Churchill after the lesson he’s learned the past few days.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:



Roar Guru

Ben, Perfectly sensible to me. I have nothing more to add on the matter. Otherwise we're just raking over old ash coals. I need to go annoy someone else, if not the RBA or Albo's office, I think Chalmers needs a jolt! :laughing:


Train Without A Station

Roar Guru

The trials & tribulations of LM are small fry by comparison. Yet you felt the need to write a lengthy comment about it. You only "move on" when people point out how offensive or inaccurate what you say is.


Ben Pobjie


What an odd thing to say.



Roar Guru

Ben, Thanks for that. But I've moved on. There's more important things to worry about, like increasing anti-competitive business environment & increasing wealth gap (the first contributing to the second). The trials & tribulations of LM are small fry by comparison.


Ben Pobjie


Fair enough, yes his legacy was trashed. But I still think it’s inappropriate to put a man who has been criticised for what some perceive as footballing weaknesses in the same category as two men who committed multiple criminal acts. If there is an issue with Mitchell it is in a totally different class to the issues with Cousins and Carey.


Train Without A Station

Roar Guru

What off field actions of Mitchell’s are remotely similar to Carey and Cousins? This article is about disgusting comments made by a nobody trading off their father’s name. Nothing about Mitchell’s off field actions. Unless of course you thing advocating for indigenous causes tarnishes his legacy and that probably says more about you, than Mitchell. The only legacy tarnished here, is the Churchill one.


Train Without A Station

Roar Guru

Pretty sure you play the man plenty


Ed Flanders

Roar Rookie

He just wanted to name drop. It's like those people who knew a friend who worked in Buckingham palace on a gap year in 1976 clamoring to get an interview on the ABC.


Ed Flanders

Roar Rookie

I'm sure they are. But they are also successful businessmen and sound(ish) administrators, and place that higher than their fandom.


Ed Flanders

Roar Rookie

But his legacy was trashed is perhaps what I meant Perhaps what I meant? So perhaps you meant something else? I know what I was saying Do you? The paragraph before you said "perhaps". I suspect you don't know what you were saying, and just wanted to name drop that you met Rod Churchill and tied a shockingly poor connection to Carey or cousins to justify it.


Ed Flanders

Roar Rookie

Says the man who presents an opinion as fact and then is "done with it" when challenged..



Roar Guru

Ed Flanders, Not only do you presume to know me, you want to play the man. You've already lost when you do that.



Roar Guru

Ben, Thanks for that. Both you & Ed Flanders have misconstrued the point I was trying to make, or perhaps I expressed it poorly. That's possible too. Agree that Carey was already a great. But his legacy was trashed is perhaps what I meant. Ditto Cousins, with his jail time a different issue altogether. Anyway, I can't be bothered anymore having to explain every misunderstood thing I say. I know what I was saying. And if other folk can't figure that out, or don't know, I won't lose sleep over it. Finally, what kind of legacy does Mitchell want for himself? That's for him to work out.


Ben Pobjie


Most people put Wayne Carey in the top 5 footballers ever to play the game, so I’m not sure “wasted talent” is accurate. He messed up his personal life something shocking, but in sporting terms he definitely fulfilled his potential. And Latrell Mitchell, as far as I know, has never been accused of anything remotely like what Carey and Cousins did. Bag his on-field performance all you like, but he doesn’t deserve that kind of equation.


Red Rob

Roar Rookie

You’re right that those types of comments are not uncommon. As far as I can see, it’s a congregation of a few things. Firstly the racism element. Secondly that it’s Churchill’s son saying it, and he will present the Clive Churchill medal at the GF (probably not now). Thirdly that it’s part of a public pile-on on Mitchell that has gone on too long.



Roar Rookie

The playing group has spoken i don't see the exposing of rods txt as protecting Latrell Nah latrel looks and sounds as if he can handle his own bizz …. This is a club closing ranks dulling the outside noise wherever its coming from … Guys like rod have probably had heaps of txts with opinions and criticism sent through were just privy to one he looks the sort that has form ….. The fact that he hides behind in his words dads famous jersey firing shots at the boys nah that enough hopefully we see all the the txts hes sent over the years



Roar Rookie

Ned I can guarantee you that Politis, Pappas, Vlandys, Abdo, Bullfrog Moore, Ken Arthurson, John Quayle were/are all fans of the game.



Roar Rookie

To be fair though you having 'met him' seems to be a pretty long bow to decide he is a decent man.


Ed Flanders

Roar Rookie

Your motivation was to somehow name drop that you met Rod Churchill as if it was some kind of bizarre claim to fame. Big whoop. Basically, you many years ago met an absolutely nobody who shamelessly piggybacking off his far more talented and respected father. These are the kind of people I'd cross the street to avoid. Bravo!

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