Finlayson's wife blasts 'incredibly embarrassing' reporting on husband's response to homophobic slur ban

By News / Wire

Port Adelaide forward Jeremy Finlayson says he’s ‘pissed off’ at himself for making a homophobic slur, not the AFL for suspending him.

Finlayson, banned three games by the AFL, says his comments on his wife’s podcast have been misconstrued.

“I said “(It) pissed me off that I got a three-week suspension, that’s it, that’s tipped me over the edge. We’ll leave it there and (at) that’,” he said in a club statement on Wednesday.

“When re-thinking my comments today, it’s clear that I should have provided more context.

“On reflection, I should have explained that I was bitterly disappointed that I said what I did during the game.

“And I am bitterly disappointed that I put myself and the club in the position I did.

“That is what I am most upset with.

“What I said on the field that night was totally unacceptable. I knew that at the time and I know it now.

“I stress, I have no issue with the sanction at all.”

Finlayson is serving his ban over the in-game incident which happened during Port’s win over Essendon in round four.

The 28-year-old apologised multiple times over the incident before he was handed his penalty last week.

He addressed the sanction on his wife Kellie Finlayson’s podcast, Sh!t Talkers, released on Tuesday.

Finlayson was speaking during a regular segment on the podcast in which hosts and guests highlight their “good, bad and offensive” talking points for the week.

“My ‘offensive’ is it pissed me off that I got a three-week suspension,” Finlayson told the podcast.

“That’s it. That’s tipped me over the edge. That’s about it. We’ll leave it there and (at) that and move on.”

In response, the AFL said they were ‘disappointed’ in Finalyson’s comments and reinforced their position that there is no place for homophobic language in the game or anywhere.

“There’s no place for that in our game,” a league statement released to Fox Footy reads.

However, Mrs Finlayson took issue with South Australian media outlet The Advertiser‘s reporting on his comments, describing it as ‘incredibly embarrassing’ in a series of since-deleted posts on X.

“The fact that this is the grab that you’ve taken from such a powerful podcast episode highlighting the daily struggles that a man has gone through while still showing up to perform for the incredibly [sic] AFL community and playing the game he loves is incredibly embarrassing,” she wrote.

“You had the chance to highlight the incredible man that he is, the unbelievable devastating few years he’s lived and you chose to beat him up and tear him down after only weeks ago reporting on the affects the media has on these boys’ mental health.

“Reality check, you’re part of the problem.”

Earlier this week, AFL Commission chair Richard Goyder defended the league’s decision to suspend Finlayson.

Goyder’s position came amid ongoing debate surrounding the discrepancy between Finlayson’s penalty and that handed to North Melbourne coach Alastair Clarkson.

In March, Clarkson was fined $20,000 and given a suspended two-match ban for a similar slur at St Kilda pair Dougal Howard and Jimmy Webster during a trial game.

The discrepancy sparked strong criticism, in particular from the AFL Players Association (AFLPA) which last week accused the league of double standards.

Port Adelaide chairman David Koch said he looked forward to the league “applying consistency to such cases in the future”, while AFLPA boss Paul Marsh called for an “urgent review of the AFL’s sanctioning framework”.

“The AFL is consistently inconsistent and there are double standards in its approach to dealing with players compared to others on behavioural matters,” Marsh said last week.

“If this type of conduct is a three-week sanction for a player, it should be for everyone involved in the game.

“This should be clear to everyone in the industry up-front, rather than the open-ended approach that is currently in place.”

Goyder took a different view of the differences in the sanctions handed to Finlayson and Clarkson.

“I don’t think there’s a difference in the sense that the AFL has taken a very strong stance on that issue – and that stance is the most important thing,” Goyder said on Monday.

“Both penalties were a very strong signal from the AFL that there’s no place in our game for those sort of actions.”

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The Crowd Says:


Law Talking Guy

Roar Rookie

So no excuse to get frustrated then. You broke the rules, you cop the punishment. There is waaay too much chat around precedents being the absolute standard of which life is governed in Australia.


The Iron Dingo

Roar Rookie

Nah - not a mistake. Hats are one of the big symbolic elements of the film. Constantly being lost, knocked of heads, mucked around with generally. Along with Tom's dream about losing his hat. Agreed though - top shelf - one of my favourite movies by my favourite directors - I'll chew your ears off for hours if you let me. Make sure to check it out Rowdy!


Cinderella's Big Score

Roar Rookie

Hawthorn won four in that timeframe :happy: Of course Hawthorn had Kennett, so maybe not a great example :laughing: I suppose we have to take the good with the bad, but with both McGuire and Kennett they come in such extreme doses. They are both know-alls and I don't think that is a good attribute for a modern leader.


Luke - Hawk tragic

Roar Rookie

While i think Eddie has put his foot in his mouth many times, I have to argue against your comment that Collingwood was better and won after he left. In his time as President, Collingwood made 2002-03 grand finals, won in 2010, played in 2011 grand final and 2018 grand final. Thats not too bad. Yes only won 1, but they are hard to win.



Roar Rookie




Roar Rookie

I'm gonna call the whole episode Woomera


Cinderella's Big Score

Roar Rookie

Yeah, that's what I mean!! Johnny Caspar always on about the high hat! Does he mean to say high horse?? I just looked it up and says that high hat is genuine American slang for snobbishness, but I always thought he was just confused and meant high horse. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Anyway, great movie!


The Iron Dingo

Roar Rookie

Love that film Cindy but I think you'll find it's the "high hat". As in "He's giving me the high hat again!"


Mr Murray

Roar Rookie

Not unfairly treated, but still unlucky comparatively


Law Talking Guy

Roar Rookie

If it was no big deal, why remove the podcast episode? Or, indeed, why delete all the other X posts about it? No, Finlayson was caught airing his frustrations in the context of which he was frustrated: he thinks it's unfair. If there was no issue, then there would not need to be a need to remove to podcasts, the posts, or even make a clarifying statement.


Law Talking Guy

Roar Rookie

If two cars are driving at 120km/h on the freeway and you get pulled over but not the first one, have you been unfairly treated?



Roar Rookie

Can’t wait for the next headline in this story: ‘Kane Cornes blasts Finlayson’s wife for blasting Eddie McGuire for blasting Finlayson’s reaction to ban.’



Roar Rookie

A Coen Brothers film I've never seen. I should be sent to the Castle Anthrax.


Cinderella's Big Score

Roar Rookie

No, it was a Coen brothers film with Gabriel Byrne and Marcia Gay Harden. One of my favourites.



Roar Rookie

I actually started to like Collingwood after he left. Now can someone just mute his mic?



Roar Rookie

I've forgotten it but l think it had Jennifer Anniston in it?


Cinderella's Big Score

Roar Rookie

Yes. Have you ever seen the movie Millers Crossing? You will never be able to use the term 'high horse' with a straight face again. :happy:



Roar Rookie

Not really. McGuire left Collingwood three years ago and the club hasn't looked back. He's just another media loud mouth now. Whatever he says isn't relevant to Colingwood FC.


The Iron Dingo

Roar Rookie

Eddie's lack of self awareness is truly baffling - I think he genuinely believes he's never said anything wrong and is simply misunderstood. It's difficult to reconcile how such a thoughtless fool has risen to such prominence in the media but I guess that's a segment of the AFL community defined right there along with his great mate the risible Sam Newman.



Roar Rookie

Eddie, the perennial toddler who never knows when to shut-up. 'It's better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt' - a lesson he's never learned.

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