NRL News: Souths confirm they 'will certainly be speaking to Wayne', Ciraldo defends trainer over lawsuit

By The Roar / Editor

Souths CEO Blake Solly has confirmed that Wayne Bennett is on the shortlist to take over from Jason Demetriou, telling media that the club would be in contact sooner rather than later.

“Wayne’s one of the coaches that we will talk to,” Solly told an early morning media conference.

“Wayne had great success here, left the club on very good terms, and we’ll speak to Wayne. If he’s available and interested, certainly we’ll progress that.”

“I don’t know, because I haven’t spoken to Wayne, how in-depth he would think about our club at the moment. But I do know Wayne likes success. I know he wants to win premierships, and I know he loves the values the club stands for.

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“I think he’s made that pretty clear in his time here, and since then, about his affection for the club, the ownership, board, the management team, so we will certainly be speaking to Wayne because he left the place in very good shape when he left, and he was great while he was here.”

He defended the treatment of Demetriou, who was left in the lurch between taking morning training on Tuesday and finally getting the sack late in the evening after a second board meeting of the day.

“I don’t agree,” Solly said when asked about comments from Demetriou’s agent about poor conduct from the club.

“Jason’s spent three years here as an assistant coach, was appointed to succeed Wayne very early on in his tenure as an assistant the club gave Jason every single opportunity to have success and for half of that period he did.

“But results over the last 12 months haven’t been good enough for a club of our stature and whilst it’s no criticism of Jason and how hard he works, the last 20 games speak for themselves.

“For his agent to say he’s been treated shabbily in the context of a year’s worth of patience and support, I think is unfair. And I’m not sure Jason would share that view.”

Ciraldo defends trainer over Topine lawsuit

Cameron Ciraldo has launched an impassioned defence of Canterbury’s culture and the character of trainer Travis Touma, amid Jackson Topine’s civil suit against the club.

Topine kicked off legal action against the Bulldogs in the NSW Supreme Court last week, citing psychiatric injury after a wrestling session last year.

In the statement of claim, Topine says he was ordered to wrestle up to 35 teammates in quick succession by Touma last July, as punishment for being late to a session.

Canterbury will deny at least some aspects of Topine’s claims, with the back-rower believed to be pursuing close to $4 million in damages.

Ciraldo would not speak specifically about the case on Tuesday for legal reasons, but was adamant the Bulldogs were a club that looked after their players.

“We do as much, if not more, than any other club,” Ciraldo said.

“The number of people that care about the welfare of our players. We do a lot of stuff around cultural activities and understanding each person’s culture.

“I’m very happy with where we’re heading.”

Ciraldo has spoken at length about changing the standards at Canterbury, who have not played in the finals since 2016.

The coach has made no secret of the fact that required players to be pushed, and believed NRL clubs should be viewed different to other workplaces.

“It’s it’s not for everyone, it’s a tough environment,” Ciraldo said.

“It’s a tough game and it’s just different. It’s hard to do and if it wasn’t hard, everyone would be be doing it.

“I’m very comfortable with what we’ve been able to do over 18 months and the people we have been able to bring in.”

Jackson Topine. (Photo by Albert Perez/Getty Images)

Ciraldo also said he stood by Touma, who had landed at the centre of the affair.

“What we can’t control is reputations, but we can control the character. And Trav is of the highest character,” Ciraldo said. “He cares about the people he works with. He’s a family man, he lives a very clean life.

“He’s helped develop better players and better people, and that’s why we wanted to bring him to the Bulldogs.

“He fits what we’re trying to do here. It’s not an easy job bringing change to a club and Trav has been a guy that has really helped me in that regard.”

Touma arrived at Canterbury last year from South Sydney, after helping the Sydney Roosters to three premierships last decade. “It’s no hiding, he demands absolute excellence from all from his players,” Bulldogs half and former Rooster Drew Hutchison said on Tuesday.

“That’s the environment they want to be in. That’s the environment that breeds success. Knowing Travis personally, he has nothing but care and respect for everyone in the organisation.”

Meanwhile Ciraldo also refused to rule out a play for Souths half Lachlan Ilias, stating he only just learned he had been given permission to speak to rivals.

“Lachlan’s a really good player and we do have space in our roster to do that in the next few years,” Ciraldo said. “But we’ve also got a big focus on developing the players we have got from within here.”

DCE wants greater dispensation for cleanskins

Daly Cherry-Evans says he will back any push for cleanskins to receive greater dispensation at the NRL judiciary after narrowly avoiding the first ban of his career.

Cherry-Evans successfully downgraded his grade-two dangerous throw charge at the judiciary on Tuesday night, turning a three-match ban into a $750 fine.

It means the Manly halfback will be free to face Canberra on Friday night, while he also remains in contention for a maiden Dally M Medal.

But Sea Eagles players were left miffed this week as to why Cherry-Evans’ record was not taken into account when it came to any potential ban. Cherry-Evans had been charged only once previously in 2018 during his 357 matches for Manly, Queensland and Australia, and never banned.

Under NRL rules players will receive a discount on fines for grade-one offences if they have not committed an offence in the previous three years. But that dispensation does not carry across into calculating suspensions for grade-two or grade-three offences, such as Cherry-Evans’ initial charge.

It meant in the eyes of the judicial code Cherry-Evans’ history was equal to that of Taane Milne, who last week copped his fifth charge in 20 months.

Judiciary chairman Geoff Bellew reminded panel members on Tuesday they were judging solely on Cherry-Evans’ dangerous throw charge, and his clean record should have no impact on the result.

But the Manly captain said he would support any change to the system to take into account a clean record over a long period of time. “I’m sure when the time is right the NRL will look at it, but I would definitely be an advocate for it,” Cherry-Evans said after his hearing.

“It didn’t really concern me about having a blemish on the record (now), it was more around fighting for what we thought was a fair grading.

“We genuinely felt like there was a fair case to come here and get it downgraded, and that proved to be the case.”

Cherry-Evans’ comments come after teammates Tom Trbojevic, Jake Trbojevic and Luke Brooks all made similar arguments on Monday.

The NRL has previously placed more emphasis on a player’s history when considering suspensions, but that was deemed as too confusing by critics.

Manly second-rower Haumole Olakau’atu will still miss two matches for his role in the same two-man tackle on Lane, during Manly’s win last Friday night.

In the 83-minute hearing, Cherry-Evans and his legal team successfully argued it was Olakau’atu who lifted Lane up and put the Eels forward in a dangerous position.

Cherry-Evans did concede he contributed to the situation, but only by trying to knock Lane off balance with the same tackle technique used throughout his career.

The No.7’s lawyer, Nick Ghabar, then claimed Cherry-Evans would have needed “superhuman strength” to stop the tackle from going pear-shaped.

“I genuinely don’t believe I could have helped mitigate the risk of what was happening in that tackle,” Cherry-Evans told the panel.

with AAP

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

I’m purely talking about forming an opinion here, but you can infer plenty from a persons background. Let’s say you are on the fence with the Topine civil case and it came to light that Travis Touma’s background was ex-MMA trainer, had spent most of his youth in juvenile detention, never graduated year 7 at school and had done 10yrs in the Big House for bashing a bloke to death during a training session. I would certainly lean towards Topine’s version of the story. But you can infer much about Touma from the few lines I have listed (heritage, education, past employment) to help answer the question “was Touma an out-of-control employer who subjected Topine to cruel and unusual punishment?”. Or was he a highly skilled, educated professional, operating within industry standards? After an investigation, the Dogs released Topine and backed their trainer, so we know where they stand.



Roar Rookie

He was released from the Dogs because he wasn't a very good player. From the outside looking in, the Dogs over the past decade the had a policy of filling their roster with overpaid underperforming players, which was perfect if a bottom four spot was the goal. But under Ciraldo and Gould they are undergoing a cleanout and a rebuild and Topine wasn't part of their plans moving forward. He hasn't been thrown on the NLR scrapheap, just released from his current club. The 21yr old Topine is free to pursue his career at any of the other 16 clubs in the NRL. I'm sure they are cued out the door to sign him.


Glory Bound

Roar Rookie

Depends on how you define 'marginalised'. There are those that like to claim that title today yet have the loudest voice and most influence in politics and social media platforms. The truly marginalised are the growing number of the homeless who truly deserve our compassion and support.



Roar Rookie

Maybe the Bunnies can move to Brissie and Wayne can be there Mentor in his Twilight Years.Or conversely he can coach via Zoom


Full Credit to the Boys

Roar Rookie

No mate. I went to a Catholic Jesuit School with a boater and suit. It wasn't my choice and it was in a time when Surry Hills was considered a slum, by wealthy north shore kids anyway. Anyway, I might have strayed from the burrow, but I've stayed true to the marginalised.


Glory Bound

Roar Rookie

Much as I love a good biography (and I really don't) I am struggling to understand the relevance of Travis Touma's heritage (half Lebanese half indigenous), having gone to Sydney Uni or having played for Lebanon as part of his defence. The fact that he was Man of the Match in the 2019 GF when he single-handedly stopped the Raiders from scoring a certain Try by intentionally handling the ball and then laughing about it seem to point to him being a bit of an unremorseful shady character regardless of his heritage, playing history or alma mater.


Glory Bound

Roar Rookie

Did you go to high school in the area? Clevo or Randwick? Please, not Sydney Boys High! . Come back to the land of cardinal and myrtle and all will be forgiven. You don’t want to follow a club that can’t make up it’s mind whether they are fairy floss or Licorice All Sorts.


Full Credit to the Boys

Roar Rookie

I grew up in Surry Hills opposite the Bourke Street Public School where my Dad had the corner store. It was an all Rabbitohs area. You could hear the roar when someone scored from the Sports Ground or SCG. I barracked for Souths for an age until I moved to the Blue Mountains. I'm not sure when I strayed from the path of milk into soy milk, but its clear I am on a slippery slope to hell.


Glory Bound

Roar Rookie

‘Pretty much the definition of a class traitor’ . I grew up in Redfern in housing commission flats, and now I am a conservative leaning, reactionary who is vehemently opposed to the wave of ‘Cultural Marxism’ sweeping the planet that will soon see people cancelled for not calling Dogs, Cats and Cats, Dogs.


Glory Bound

Roar Rookie

Kudos to you then for bringing some refinement and fashion to the Ugg boot capital of Australia. Frappuccinos instead of Flannelette shirts is a step in the right direction. :thumbup:


Full Credit to the Boys

Roar Rookie

It’s worse than that. I am a soy latte drinking Panthers supporter. Pretty much the definition of a class traitor.



Roar Rookie

That is a great post of what is going on at South's GB, you have detailed it perfectly :thumbup: good on you mate and I hope those clowns read it!


Glory Bound

Roar Rookie

Like I said...


Glory Bound

Roar Rookie

"I like soy latte. I try not to, but I really like it. Does that make me a bad person?" It makes you a Roosters supporter, which is pretty much synonymous. :silly:


Train Without A Station

Roar Guru

What was Topine about to be released for? Crazy before this he was apparently about to be on the NRL scrap heap at 21, an age many haven’t even debuted yet…


Full Credit to the Boys

Roar Rookie

Back in India for a year or so and onto the chai. Brilliant!



Roar Rookie

It doesn’t make you a bad person, but you are misguided as you are a coffee drinker killer and should NOT be drinking coffee :laughing: drink Caro with soya as a proper coffee bean coffee should never ever be mixed together with soya milk or milk for that matter :thumbup:


Full Credit to the Boys

Roar Rookie

I thought so. :thumbup:



Roar Rookie

Yes. :laughing:



Roar Guru

And probably Canterbury's legal costs as well

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