Aufragstaktik: The management style of winning teams

By Conor Wilson / Roar Pro

The day was the 16th of October 1806, Napoleon Bonaparte was the Emperor of France, the keenest military mind on the European continent, and conqueror of near all that he saw before him.

He battled the British, Russians, Austro-Hungarians, and Prussians, against the latter winning twin emphatic victories at Jena-Auerstedt.

His armies were a well-oiled machine, with commands and communications being given clearly and precisely, all working in unison, and clearly acting out the machinations of their emperor’s brilliant mind.

The armies that faced him as well as his, were held by the strict orders of battle of their time. The armies were deeply entrenched in tradition and discipline. The thoughts of flogging and capital punishment were always on the soldier’s mind, keeping him in line, and making him nothing more than a piece on a chessboard.

His life and the lives of his comrades decided by the two men on either side of the table.
The Prussians realised that fighting like this, was no longer an option.

Pitting a General against a General, would not work. Napoleon was too keen a mind to be defeated in this way. The Battles at Jena and Auerstedt, finally brought the hammer home. They had to do something.

The change
The Young Prussian officers present at these battles, were hamstrung by the rigidity and static nature of their command structure. Battle is a fluid motion, and the plans made at the General Staff level handed down all the way to the rank and file were strict, and unquestionable.

As Napoleon’s officers either moved position, were pressed in certain areas or advanced too far, there were weaknesses that appeared to the Prussians.

They were weaknesses that their command structure left them unable to take. By the time requests had been made to the higher command to attack these weaknesses, Napoleon had rectified them, and the opportunity was lost. Losing these moments of initiative, cost them the battle.
What arose from these defeats, was the beginning of a concept known as Aufragstaktik.

Aufragstaktik, proved so successful, that to this day it is the principle philosophy of Command in the German army. The philosophy has since been adopted by numerous military forces, yet not fully realised in many of them.

The British Combat estimate and seven questions, is directly based on this philosophy. In the combat estimate; soldiers are briefed for a platoon level assault in an orders process where they learn everything about Enemy Forces.

Their weapons, numbers, morale, positions, areas of dead ground, any reinforcements there might be in the area, communications and whether they will have support or IDF (Mortar fire and artillery). The list goes on.

You then focus on you and the terrain, what your numbers, support, roles, limitations, political and cultural repercussions and capabilities are. You assign objectives to each section, timelines, and signals for supporting one another and many more. Once done, every soldier also is reminded of the 1 up and 2 up’s (Boss and Bosses’ Boss) intent, and the intended effect your actions must have to complete your mission.

What it all comes together under, is initiative. The above is a simple breakdown of the orders process, but what it does is allow the front line officers the freedom and autonomy to develop a plan based on real time information and empower them to act as the battle is developing.

On top of that, all NCO’s and Soldiers are aware of the mission, and if the boss goes man down, what effects and objectives they will need to achieve to complete it. The NCOs have the trust to plan down to the section level, making their own plans to achieve the objectives given by the platoon commander.

Whilst they follow the framework of the mission, the NCO can adapt his orders to best succeed against real-time factors that pan out as the battle occurs.

A general planning a mission of this complexity miles from the ground would never work, orders mapped out well in advance and so far detached in time and detail will seldom net you victory. As what will happen and what you’ve planned, are often worlds apart.

This is how the Prussians beat Napoleon in the end. Their junior officers were trained to a much higher standard, and drilled in decision making, self-confidence and tactical training.

They were then able to recognise and granted autonomy to exploit weaknesses of their own accord in real time, without having to request orders. Knowing only a simple objective, they were able to use all the imagination and tools at their disposal to operate independently to achieve that.

This approach netted the Germans their sensational military campaign against France in 1940. The Generals had given their officers on a brigade level to reach the coast and to surround the BEF. The Brigade level orders on a Regimental level, and so on and so forth. The precision only increases as you go down the chain.

“The higher the authority, the shorter and more general will the orders be. The next lower command adds what further precision appears necessary. The detail of execution is left to the verbal order, to the command. Each thereby retains freedom of action and decision within his authority”. – Karl Bernhard von Moltke

It was not unusual for German Lieutenants of 22 years old to be able to successfully lead Battalions with more efficiency and success than far more senior British and American counterparts, due to this command philosophy. One of the key battles of the Battle of France, the capture of Fortress Eban Emael, was commanded by a Lieutenant of the Paratroopers.

The German advance through France, happened so quickly that they only stopped due to resupply runs. All of this was because their officers had a simple objective; to capture France. The when and hows’ were handled by the Junior Officers. They operated independently of the higher commands restrictions and bureaucracy, working on the Prussian combat dynamics of Mobility and speed, the result being a decisive victory.

Applications to rugby
As can be seen, Aufragstaktik, is the pre-eminent form of combat leadership. Yet, its applications to Rugby, have been realised by very few teams.

Rod MacQueen and Graham Henry were the first proponents of empowering players. The model espoused by both of them was based on the fact that Rugby is a fluid game, and therefore like the Germans, the General can only do so much.

Rod Macqueen (Photo by Robert Cianflone/Getty Images)

The coach can provide the training, the resources and the knowledge with which to target the opposition, but once the kick-off is gone. They are little more than an interested spectator.

Therefore, both coaches ensured that roles were assigned within the team. Leadership groups of senior players were created, that looked after the off-field standards of the team and ensured the upkeep of the team culture.

This ensured the players knew their roles, the standards they were expected to maintain, as well as the infrastructure and team ethos that was key to providing the elite environment in which their players could thrive.

On-field roles in leadership were also assigned to specialists, whose roles within the team were well known to all players within the team. This meant there was no confusion in the hierarchy. If a random player screamed a call in defence but the defence captain had observed and countermanded him.

They knew whose order to follow. This way they were able to make the best tactical decisions at that moment in time. Simultaneously, the specialists within the teams were consistently being updated by a stream of information from all players, provided to them clearly and concisely. This way they were able to recognise positioning and the lay out of the field, allowing them the best judgement.

There were also secondary players in leadership roles in attack and defence, meaning it wasn’t all down to one person in decision making, but someone else could step in if in a better position, and countermand the others order.

This was coupled with a buy in by the players into their styles of play as well. Both coaches insisted that their teams take ownership of their game plans and the development of them. This ensured the players understood the effect their style of play would have and why they played that way, as well as knowing the details and dynamics of it inside out.

This developed a pride for each team in their style of play, as well as performing a style that no one else would ever be able to play as good as them.

Changes in culture
Aufragstaktik is now starting to show pre-eminence in rugby circles, whereas previously this was not the case.

The firm structures of Warrenball, held by the Welsh rugby team for so long, were put firmly in place, but did not allow for spur of the moment decision making. Much like the Hamstrung Prussians, they may have seen the opportunity, but the structure, pre-determined roles and rigidness of their system prevented them from taking it.

Eddie Jones’, the man who famously screamed at a centre for scoring a try when the ball was planned to go to the Winger.

“Was” the embodiment of “Normaltaktiker”, the Generals who wanted to order the individual movements of their soldiers to the last detail. This has softened following the developments of his coaching career, to where now he has intentionally not turned up to training sessions, wanting to see the reactions of his players and whether they have the leadership structures and initiative to work independently without him and the coaching staff.

The idea being that this independence will graduate to the Rugby Field.

Brian Ashton, one of England’s greatest rugby brains and head coach during the 2007 World Cup lamented the attitude of his England players.

He was of the opinion of putting player input and responsibility to the fore, whereas the England team of the time wanted a game-plan from the coach and to be told what to do. Maybe Ashton went too far in his approach, didn’t offer enough guidance intentionally in the hopes of kick starting the Aufragstaktik approach, but what he didn’t count on was the Leadership in his team.

The England team of 2003 had eight world class players and leaders in their team. Therefore under Woodward, they were happy with this approach, they were happy to step up to the fore, and take the burden. In 2007, many of these players had retired, and this dynamic did not exist in the team anymore.

England’s Jonny Wilkinson (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe, File)

This change is a cultural change, not a quick one. Opening the players up to responsibility and leadership makes better people, and as Mr Henry once famously said “Better people make better All Blacks”.

Developing a culture based around this has been shown in Military circles to the pre-eminent way towards high performance in battle. The traits and mentality needed to succeed in both Combat and rugby, are not too dissimilar.

If coaches can rid themselves of their own ego, and allow and encourage players to input into the team style of play. The way they run their team and hold themselves, will go a long way to developing self-sufficiency and independence on the field. The dictatorial approach, run by some coaches, is no longer enough.

Regardless of your rugby brain, you will never be able to plan for the real-time changes and complexities of events on that field. Training your players to handle and thrive in taking that ownership and knowing how their style of play can help them win, is by far the wiser route to sustainable success.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Guru

It was mentioned here a while back that McCaw became that way after 07, (can’t remember the exact article, but it was comparing the leadership styles of McCaw and Reid) but possibly it’s more the way you said. That he evolved into a better leader



Roar Guru

‘Being a pawn is the worst’ …Not always the case…the best ones become Queens ! So rise up little one… ????



Roar Guru

Have never perceived McCaw to be anything remotely near autocratic. He was a shy, over achieving player to begin with who shunned the attention. He completely lacked this style of leadership in 07 when the ABs needed it most and for me that experience hardened him as a leader. He knew Barnes was inept but didnt have the leadrship skills to do anything about getting the team to own the problem. The reluctant captain no more. Did he then adopt a autocratic leadership style after that. I don't think he did with mssrs Henry, Smith, Hansen etc around. Too many smart men around to start bossing people around. McCaw stepped up his leadership by example, something he has done best, his communication skills with his team and particularly the refs. His ability to adapt in the role as the game shifted in focus, rules changes etc meant he could continue to lead from the front. Autocratic? Love to hear an argument for that. (genuinely)



Roar Guru

Good stuff, suffice to say we could have used some of that stuff for gallipoli instead of some clown phoning in orders to 'go over the hill' without even knowing what would meet them, again and again and again.



Conor Wilson

Roar Pro

100% on drills side of things. Best to make things instinctive.



Conor Wilson

Roar Pro

I cannot agree with this comment. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but after WW2, the UN was formed as to prevent this sort of rapid escalation into armed conflict from ever happening again. And not only was it successful, but it was instrumental in defusing the tensions of the Cuban missile crisis, preventing what would’ve led to the destruction of our planet. No matter what we think of the ethics of the German regime of the time, which of course were evil beyond compare, their military development in tactics and warfare, both in technological development and in processes was absolutely revolutionary. Their leadership philosophy has extended in some facet to most militaries around the world. That doesn’t mean these militaries were in any form of support for their ethics. But for their combat philosophies and professionalism in battle, 100%. On top of that, the reason i used this metaphor was because not only did the Germans pioneer this form of command structure, this was a great example of Auftragstaktik vs NormalTaktik. At the outbreak of WW2, The French and British were both still in the WW1 frame of fighting, and their entire philosophy was geared towards Trench Warfare, the fact that the French built the Maginot line leads credence to this statement! The Germans on the other hand, using Auftragstaktik, combined with technological advancement of their tank warfare and airpower, knew that an entirely new form of fighting was possible. They took these advancements in Technology, evolved their leadership philosophy to allow for freedom of thought and initiative at all levels of command working towards common generic objectives, and mapped it to the Prussian philosophies of Mobility and Speed. This led to the form of war known as Blitzkrieg. It wasn’t a fair fight as this German model was lightyears ahead of the French and what they were expecting. It was like the Germans seeing the Tank for the first time in WW1, it had never even been thought of before. It says a lot that it was Winston Churchill and not the British Generals, who advocated the formation of the Commando companies. The brass were steeped in tradition, and even when confronted with this devastating new form of warfare, were unwilling or resistant to change. Churchill on the other hand was aware that it was a Small corps of elite troops of the German Forces (The Fallschirmjager, Panzer divisions and Stuka Squadrons), that had actually done the brunt of the fighting in France, and wanted to develop free thinking, independent and unconventional troops of a similar calibre. It all boils down to Top Down Power, which is the scripted, lack of free thinking approach followed to a minutae level the way French and British Generals wanted it. Or the German method where all Officers had freedom and training to adapt to the circumstances that appeared before them, with a knowledge of the assets and manpower available, and an education and freedom in knowing how and for what they could use them for the overall success of the mission. This metaphor is far more relevant to the battle of two rugby teams. One Coach led and reliant on a script, the other independent thinking and trained to operate without senior high ranking leadership Its obvious how that has worked for the All Blacks, and Crusaders against the Jaguares last week.




I am always amazed at how much effort is spent analysing how a particular war or battle was one or lost and how little is spent on how to avoid entering into the next one. From a very quick glance at the above, I would suggest Germany rolled through the bits of Europe it did in the early parts of WW2 because of the element of surprise blended with a willingness to go beyond conventions of war driven by an appalling ethics base. Biggest takeaway is that, in the end they "lost". I must say I find it difficult to see a discussion of the tactics used by such an appalling regime being used as a metaphor for the management of a sporting team. There are many better examples to draw from. Such as those employed by modern armed forces such as Australia's. I am absolutely impressed by and supportive of the logistics and management expertise employed by Australian armed forces presently, particularly when assisting with disaster relief and peace-keeping mission.



Roar Rookie

Great article, thanks for writing it. As a former infantry type I think the first major challenge for the wallabies is getting their drills right. When I served, soldiers instinctively reacted to contact, ambush, mines, obstacle crossings and a host of other situations with an initial 'drill'. They were highly trained in this. In a rugby context this would be the basics. Hitting a ruck, competing at a scrum, winning a line out, kicking for territory, passing well, tackling or driving a maul. When the Wallabies can do the basics right, I will buy them all a copy of Sun Tzu and the Rommel book of leadership. At the moment, tactics are not their problem....basic skills and drills are.



Roar Rookie

Ah, bad strategy that by George!



Roar Rookie

It reminds me a little bit of the cooperative management and ownership structure adopted by firms like Mondragon in Spain. It relies heavily on feedback from people on the floor of the workplace in all aspects of planning but it also requires improving knowledge and education standards across the organisation so that all parties have a sense of ownership, personal responsibility and participation in decision making.



Roar Rookie

"In the absence of orders Find Something and Kill it” haha, very similar to the gridiron standing order. When in doubt hit someone in a different colour


Jibba Jabba

Roar Guru

And Hartley is not a hot head ....


Jibba Jabba

Roar Guru

Custer would have won had he taken his gatlings, but he chose not to.


Jibba Jabba

Roar Guru

I like the "In the absence of orders Find Something and Kill it"


Derek Murray

Roar Rookie

Two years ago I’d have agreed but he’s become a tool, tapping heads and clapping sarcastically and his role now is the Dave Warner one of attack dog. You need calm to be a good captain and he lacks it


Derek Murray

Roar Rookie

Yeah, have a forward pack full of blokes in discussion for World XV honours, a brilliant wing and the world’s best flyhalf + backs who could tackle. When he lacked that core, he forgot the secret. With Johnson as captain and the other leaders in the squad, I’m not sure I, a Project Manager, couldn’t have coached that England team in 2003. Easiest knighthood ever earnt.



Roar Rookie

Kepu did according to my sources Old Soaks


The Late News

Roar Rookie

Rugby from a military perspective! Who would have thought! Awesome article Connor. I read it over TWICE...maybe because I couldn't find my glasses? Anyway...congratulations!




Great article and I think rugby can certainly take something from military strategy. Unlike the military though, leadership in sport tends to be given to the player least likely to be dropped, and in recent times this has been misplaced eg cricket, rugby.


Kia Kaha

Roar Guru

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