'Silly finals competition with no integrity': How Super Rugby rewards mediocrity

By Fox / Roar Guru

And so we are here – finals!

Not long after it all began, I posted the folly of having 66 per cent of the competition making the finals.

Eight from 12. Silly? Yes. Lacking true competition integrity? Absolutely.

It is maybe close to unique in a professional 12-team competition at this level.

Justifiable? Not really.

Understandable? For this first season of the new format, maybe, but only just at that.

In a post I made pre-season, I stated that five Kiwi sides and three Australian sides would make the finals: the Reds, Brumbies and Tahs.

The top four would feature at least three Kiwi sides, two of whom would be the Blues and Crusaders, and there might be a scrap for the seventh and eighth positions.

Many others could have predicted this as well, and no doubt did, but that is what happens when two thirds of the sides in a 12-team competition play finals.

(Photo by Mark Nolan/Getty Images)

And especially in a comp that features two Pacific sides still finding their way, and two Australian sides including one that was in the wilderness in the west for some time, and the other (the Rebels) that are a hit-and-miss side as they again showed this season.

They are pumpkins against the Blues away one week, and underdog fighters the next.

To their credit, the Force gave themselves a chance but when you are relying on the Rebels to keep the Highlanders away from just a bonus-point loss – albeit a pretty ordinary Highlanders team – it really was a case of far too little way too late.

In truth, I did not think it would be the Highlanders in that scrap for the eight.

But equally, I most certainly do not think the Highlanders deserve to be a finalist side.

This is a side who has won four games from 14 matches. That is less than 28.7 per cent of their games.

Sorry, Highlanders fans, but that is just farcical. We are now rewarding the ordinary and the average with finals berths.

As NZ rugby scribe Liam Napier penned in the NZ Herald on Monday morning, “There is a sense of irony that the bloated finals format, a compromise struck during negotiations between the New Zealand and Australian rugby unions for the new competition to guarantee an Aussie presence, has ultimately benefited the worst-performing Kiwi side.”

Only in a silly finals competition with no integrity can this happen.

Equally, though better, the Hurricanes, Reds and Waratahs have all won eight and lost six.

At least they are all on the same playing field in terms of win-loss ratios, but hardly screaming championship finals sides in a 12-team competition that has four sides that do not have the credentials of the other eight by a long shot. Although they provide upsets. 

A rather fallacious argument has been made that teams suddenly came good at the end, proving they deserve to make the finals, and they are rewarded by this generous final allocation system.

The Highlanders are a long way from making that argument stand up.

Excluding the results against the bottom four sides, the Waratahs, Hurricanes, and the Reds hardly support that argument either.

(Photo by Chris Hyde/Getty Images)

The most wins (though, yes, not all) came from playing the bottom sides, heavily depleted top-four sides, or each other when someone had to win.

As an example, though I am not picking on the Tahs, the Tahs’ loss to a Blues side minus 14 front-line players and with a 14-3 lead is hardly showing form coming home at the business end to support that argument either.

And sorry, but no, losing well is not showing form leading into the finals unless you’re a comedian.

So why is it so silly and completely lacking competitive integrity when that was a big part of the problem with the previous conception of the competition?

It seems some just will not learn.

At the time, giving a 12-team comp the genuine integrity of having to fight for the top four positions with no quarter-finals was not going to work for investors who demanded the certainty of Australian sides featuring in the finals.

As it turns out, Australian sides have lifted their game, including the Brumbies and Waratahs.

That is to their great credit after the COVID drama and other uncertainties.

But some things remain the same, and some on both sides of the ditch have failed to seriously impress. And yet they still they make the finals.

But the competition is also lopsided to give advantage to the Australian sides making it through to the top four as they do not play the Kiwi sides twice.

This is no doubt another piece of the bargaining process.

And I would not be happy if I was the Force and Rebels, just quietly. Was it just coincidence they got two home games in the five-game cross-Tasman Pacific section of the competition while the Tahs, Reds, and Brumbies – the sides most likely to challenge the Kiwi sides’ four top-four placings – got three home games?

Logistics, I hear someone scream. Playing favourites?

Was it just sheer luck that the Brumbies and the Tahs got to play not one but both of NZ’s two top sides before the start of season (the Blues and the Crusaders) at home?

(Photo by Matt King/Getty Images)

Maybe? Maybe not.

The final results are not what is important here, but it would seem every attempt has been made to ensure the three best Australian franchises get every advantage possible against NZ’s current two best sides to aid them in making a top-four berth or at least get a bonus point, if not the win.

And especially when it is argued that a home ground is worth five to seven points. This is debatable, but there it is.

This also makes a mockery of competition integrity. And before someone says the June internationals and time, then let’s make it fair.

The home competitions play each other once. Then the cross-Tasman is home-and-away for each side who play each other twice.

Or let’s just scrap the two localised comps and make it an all-in competition from the start with everyone playing each other twice and only the top four sides making the finals.

Now that is true integrity of competition.

But alas, the Australian TV brokers and their investors will not have a bar of that – at least for now anyway.

But the one thing they can and must do is scrap eight teams making the finals in a 12-team competition.

I will leave the last word to Ian Napier from the same article linked above. 

“Aspects of Super Rugby Pacific are worth celebrating. They offer hope that the long-term future will feature the Drua and Moana evolving into consistently competitive foes, and that a true sense of jeopardy will develop over time.

“The eight-team playoffs has the opposite effect. Promoting mediocrity only serves to act as a deadweight dragging the competition down as it attempts to get off the ground.”

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

windows are what associations make up how does european nations play for double that amount? Gallagher has 13 teams - France got 14 and URC i think 16 !!! and they even have time off for 6 nations and tests !!! super rugger is no longer SUPER - no matter what iteration they come up with. mean while two saffa teams are in the URC semi finals :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Joe King

Roar Rookie

I agree with a single round and all teams play each other once (there’s only an 18 week window or so in which to fit). This leaves 3-4 weeks for involvement with Japan either after or during the season. While I originally disliked the 8 team finals, I’ve changed my mind. 4 teams is too few, the comp is over for the bottom teams and fans half way through. Top 6 is good, but would mean top two team have week off and miss out on extra home final game. Some argue having a week off can be a disadvantage because teams go cold. Top 8 keeps the comp alive and exciting for more teams and their fans right up till the end of regular season. Top teams are still motivated because they get a home final. 1st and 2nd get a game against 8th and 7th respectively to keep warm instead of taking a week off. And there is still a chance for big upset. Exciting. So I’d keep top 8, but just have round robin.


Joe King

Roar Rookie

There’s only an 18 week or so window in which to play.


Joe King

Roar Rookie

And that’s fine for NZR to keep their set up that serves the ABs so well, but we can’t expect an ideal SR competition as well.



Roar Rookie

This one is easy to answer. It is about money generation throught TV deals and sponsorships. Both NZ and AU rugby need money and more games = more money...



Roar Rookie

Yeah, who cares about things like ‘money’?



Roar Rookie

That's great It's not at all relevant to what rugby should do



Roar Rookie

I do. And so do a lot of others. If you are into league, it’s relevant. Many are into both, like me.




Roar Guru

Oh Shekh that's plain funny for someone like me - get off your high horse mate. I have an MA in English and Teach English Media and History and have taught at Univerity so I seriously, I don't need a condesending lecture on the epistemology of words and language. The origins of words only tell us the original understanding of words and how they came to be, but many, if not just about all, are both liguistcall and/or culturally morphed into new words in new languages or the same words in the same language with a much broader definition as they travel through histories and cultures. But all language and individual words are tarnsient, transend, reculturalised, modernised and in the case of words like gay, almost entirely redifined. There are many dozens of defintions for the word rant in various English dictionaries that have moved on hundreds of years from it origins and through various contexts. Each or most, will also have the definition or a defintions that links the word to its original meaning or definition as you have done above. Like I said Shiekh, I do this for living and have done for years so I knock yourself out giving someone like me an epistological lecture on the English language. But if it makes you feel superior all fine by me sunshine...oh hang on...am I using sunshine in its original organic meaning......oh wait its been hit by a culture bomb!....and onward we go in the neverending cycle of language...I love they way you are fixated on that one aspect of the article...but it clearly got under your skin, so god bless your cotton socks...now that was originally an expression of endearment, or even appreciation and still is ... hmmm....or can it be used in different way with a different meaning perhaps in this post modern world ....????????? Cya mate enjoy the games. But will there be a big upset eh Sheikh...??....Oh and as for one eyed - maybe its the other way round sinve you have become so defensive ... I gave the Highlanders a serve as well for being a farcical inclusion to the finals.. and put the Hurricanes in with the Tahs and Reds. Like I say, get off your high horse and lighten up Sheikh. Its just and article not some religious scripture for pities sake.



Roar Rookie

The word "rant" is derived from the Dutch word "ranten" which means to talk nonsense. So facts have everything to do with whether something is a rant. I enjoy my games of rugby nicely thank you; I enjoy them even more when I don't apply bizarre conspiracy theories to the selection of the opposition; I'm enough of a one-eyed supporter that I don't need to add to the nonsense!



Roar Rookie

Crusaders used to make a habit of it, but nobody ever suggested the system was broken if they won!


Khun Phil

Roar Rookie

Also,piru,who's to say that a team with quite a few less wins than the top sides may actually be the best team?I've seen it in other comps where a team has a slow start to the season,possibly due to injuries to key players,then come home with the proverbial "wet sail".Not saying that is the case here but it's certainly possible.If my memory serves me well(highly doubtful!),didn't the Blues start rather slowly last season?



Roar Rookie

@Piru I thought you were more than intelligent enough to work it out Piru. Read again ... I said the small town of Invergargall alone has at least x2 more HL fans than the Force has worldwide. Have you not worked out Rugby in NZ is the no 1 sport - daylight 2nd. Similar to WA except it's AFL no 1 there - daylight 2nd. Rugby in WA would be probably 5th most popular behind cricket, NRL and football. And I've assumed what everyone accepts. Neither Force, or HL, have much chance of winning at Eden Park. Have the Force ever won a game in NZ. So either team would have only got 1 semi game - then out. Forget about your mates in Perth Piru. The worldwide audience who'll watch (and enjoy) a Blues v HL semi at Eden Pk will be at least x100 more than a Blues v Force game. You call me biased but I'm just a realist concerned about Rugby in australia overall. For the good of the game all teams need to entertain punters. I'm biased against all teams who choose not too. Don't care where they come from. The Rebels are just as bad as Force in this regard and I'm just as "biased" against them for same reason - they are boring to watch and turn fans off worldwide. I'm a Brumbies fan. But if they start playing like the Force and produce non entertaining borefests I'll turn on them too and want them out of Semi's asap. If Brumbies played whole seasons of dour borefests I'd be screaming for them to either change, or get kicked out of comp. The Aust game cannot afford these dour, boring teams who feel no responsibility to entertain.



Roar Rookie

funny thing is La Rochelle won heinecken cup coached by a guy who was assisting at crusaders a couple of years ago :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:




Roar Guru

Facts have nothing to do with whether something is a rant or not...like I say Sheikh enoy the games its only rugby....


Android-angler Cartman-brah

Roar Rookie

I will wait and see after June internationals and Championship who of Aus NZ and SA benefitted most after cancelling the old Superugby comp and who progressed the most



Roar Rookie

So you think stating facts is a rant? ;)



Roar Rookie

So in a toss up between Highlanders and Force for last semi spot against Blues at Eden Pk, let’s accept that Blues would win against either team. Accepting that without playing the game is the difference between us I think. Not sure what Invercargill has to do with it, Otago in total has 240k odd – about 8% of the population of WA. So… what?



Roar Rookie





Roar Guru

Gee Sheikh look who's ranting now eh ..enjoy the games mate it only rugby after all

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